
You must be everywhere, not just there
I'm hallucinating.

I'm all out stuck in this hallucination nation of I don't know what, so jes sayin whassup, while I consider deeper under cover a rover that never rolls over

I get around in my Subaru. Doing donuts and shit, spinning right round, baby.

Bandaide generic brand sterile adhesive bandage for her bloody (hell) cotton tights.@nineclaws is hallucinating. She needs a

canz hellpz itz



😂 I likums that descriptionums. @dandays came up with the bud can beer top description. You win this round.


I bet I already know what you're thinking.

Oh, is this Round 2? I see an upside-down owl trying to go to bed but some asshole keeps opening and closing the blackout curtains.

You couldn't possibly know what I'm thinking because I don't think.