Puff puff pass.
That's really cool you just shared your kids' first beach experience with us. I miss cool days on the beach in pants and hoodie. Soon.
Did I miss the part about sand castles? I must've missed it.
Very nice my man, that was cool.
That a factory? They're generating power there too, either that or it's a power plant. Those smaller stacks on the right with steam are the cooling towers.
puff puff pass back brother
Oh man I forgot that you were literally living on the beach (not literally haha).
Yeah we did few sand castles, but bro, it was cold, like really cold, so we didn't stay for long on the sand maybe an hour or two. Was it worth the drive you might ask? Yep!
OOOoh that was the second guess, so how does the cooling tower work?
Since you asked.
The pictured ones look steam generated, let's assume they are. Steam generation: boil a pot of water right? Huge pot, huge boilers yata yata same concept.
Boil water, steam rises and turns a turbine, it spins and generates energy. But the excess steam that didn't get used gets recirculated back to those cooling towers. Big fans and vents to keep the return lines cold or chilled. The steam passes through the now chilled lines and turns back into liquid form. Send the liquid back to the boiler.
Rinse... repeat.
Cooling tower.
OK ok thanks brother, highly interesting! So it's like a locomotive?
Funny. Never really thought about but yeah, iguess a locomotive is basically a cooling tower in motion. That's funny.