Gorgoues photos man. Those all by phone or you got a fancy camera to match your gear?
To my fellow public school indoctrinated Americans tuned in: Andorra is a country. A European country. Europe is the one just above Africa on the other side of the Atlantic. A whole country, like US or Canada, just on another continent. Shares a border with Spain and France, between Barcelona and Toulouse.
They are all with my phone.
Haha did you google all that?
Negative. I've been that way so I'm good. My first 40 years, however, never heard of it.
I was at dinner one night in Costa Rica, Pura had taken off with some girls she met to Panama. Me, a Russian, a Hungarian chick, and a Swede I'd just met. We had just began touring so it's probably early 2018.
They're talking about Buda and Pest and how Hungary is divided by the two. I'd heard of Hungary, heard of Budapest, clueless what they were talking about. After some conversation, it was the Swede who made me painfully aware.
He said it's not just me, "all Americans are horrible at geography" he said. The Russian and Hungarian laughed, elaborated, and our conversation turned.
The American can balance a checkbook by age 3, fill out W4 tax liability by age 7 and, by the time the American is 15, 60 hour work week. Mortgage, 3 dependents, white fence and a dog before their 18th birthday.
Just don't expect'em to know the Indian Ocean is a body of water and not affiliated with Native Americans.
Damn this is a long response.
Lmao that's so funny. All of it.
I actually only recently learned about Buda and Pest - maybe a year ago as well. There are so many obscure facts about countries its impossible to know everything.