Ears!! F'ing BMR (abbreviation for 'bummer'.. I've never used it or anything but it seems I'm on a roll)
My wife has the exact.same.issue. Terrible. When we fly she nearly comes to tears every time, it's terrible. I always sit in the middle seat on the plane that way she has some privacy to tend to her ears. She can only snorkel also. I only know a few people with ear issues like that, you're one now.
We even got with a few doctors in recent years to address her ears under pressure. Word we're told is basically some people canals/drums/whatever are just too narrow and can't be surgically altered.
Funny, autocorrect had 'eras' instead of 'ears' and now I'm wondering if we should do some reflecting 🤔
I feel her pain! I'm kind of glad to learn it's not just me and my dad. I usually get disbelief and told to "just hold your nose and blow and that will equalise it", like I never tried it in all my 45 years on this earth!
I did once have a sinus blockage clear on a flight. Hurt like hell, but it was good once we landed.