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RE: Visited One of the Southernmost Cities in the World~ Invercargill

in Worldmappin3 years ago

Cool to see this, through the eyes of someone who has actually been there.

I'm actually from Denmark, but living in the USA, yet one of the places I once thought I might settle was New Zealand, and Invercargill was on my "short list," being almost as far south as Denmark is north.


Thank you @denmarkguy. It was a perfect place to settle down and I was absolutely in love with the landscape and everything there. I also enjoyed the weather. Although I'm from a tropical state, I didn't find it too cold. The beautiful memories of my life in New Zealand remain vivid in my mind even after I left the country in early 2019. It was the best time of my life.

I've seen Denmark through the movies and love to visit it in the future. In a few of my favorite films, the Danish countryside is portrayed as a place of serene beauty and delightful simplicity. This has blown me away.