Kayaking in Front of a Glacier

in Worldmappin2 years ago

I love taking people kayaking in Alaska. The Inside Passage almost always has flat calm water, thanks to the 1,000 islands protecting it from the open ocean. If you combine those calm waters with one of nature's true spectacles, glaciers, then you have the recipe for the trip of a lifetime.

This week I took people deep into the fjords of Glacier Bay National Park. Here, glaciers tumble out of the mountains and empty into the deep waters of the fjords. Some glaciers you can take a cruise ship right up to, while others you need to hike for hours to reach. The one featured in this post, Lamplugh Glacier, is still reachable by kayak at high tide.

The glacier has receeded back from its terminal moraine, creating a lake. With the tide high enough, a kayaker can enter the lake through one of the two outwash rivers. That is what we did this trip. Giant pieces of ice lie stranded on the bottom, or still drifting about in the lake. As we entered the lake we had to watch out for pieces of ice floating down at us.

Luckily it was a beautiful day, and there was no big calving inside the lake. That would have caused a wave that may have knocked us over into the frigid water. But we made it out and scored some nice photos as well. It was an adventure for the books, and one that these guests will be retelling for years. That is the beauty of traveling up here in Alaska with me as your expedition leader.

Entering the lake in front of Lamplugh Glacier in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska.

The grounded ice forms a beautiful ice garden that you could stroll through and photograph for hours.

Like paddling through a sculpture garden.

I had to get out and pose in front of the glacier.

These are the intrepid adventurers who followed me on this wild adventure.

All smiles as we head out from the lake, back to relative safety.

How close did you get? They might ask. Just show them this picture I say.

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We weren't the only ones out there playing on and around the ice.

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Cruising amongst the ice.

It is a wild world out there. Keep traveling and keep shooting.

-Dai Mar Tamarack


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Wow absolutely gorgeous! I’ve always wanted to check out Alaska and the national parks there. I never thought you could kayak and looks wonderful. I just have to survive the cold as a Californian 😅

Just make sure you do the polar plunge in front a glacier if you get the chance!

This is actually my first time to read you blog and gosh, love this glacier. It's uncommon to read about glaciers in Alaska. How could is there?

If I would have an opportunity, then I would go and enjoy the coldness and sceneries in Glacier Bay National Park. Amazing!

Have some !PIZZA

Kayaking is one of the activities that I really want to try. It must have been very cold kayaking near a glacier. Good morning.

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amazing post and nice photos

The scenery is spectacular! I cannot even begin to fathom what it would be like in person. The colours in the glacier are gorgeous. And the ice, oh wow, an ice-sculpture garden indeed!

Though I am not sure I would manage in the cold, I am far too acclimatized to the South African sun! I would probably freeze my butt off instantly.

Oh I've been in the water off Cape Town before, so cold! You would do just fine here ;) And I highly suggest it.

Hahaha! I have only up to my knees in that water, nope! SA's East Coast has nice warm water. Or better yet, Mauritius! How I would love to go back to Mauritius, that place stole my heart in all honesty.

The East coast is nice. I've been swimming with whale sharks and dolphins off Sodwana bay. But I still havn't made it to Mauritius.... my list keeps growing!

@dtam you will not be disappointed! The most amazing coral reefs and oceanic wildlife. Crystal clear waters! And the natural untouched forests are breathtaking. They also have a very interesting geological attraction that isn't seen anywhere else in the world, called the Seven Coloured Earths.

And don't even get me started on how awesome the locals are!

By just looking at the photos, I can feel the cold temperature there. You did well in capturing nice shots. Indeed, what an amazing Earth we have.

Thanks Sabukiblog. It really is an amazing planet. And now that the farthers reaches of the planet are accessible its time to take advantage and go see it!

Hope to see more of your trip to these amazing places. Have a good day.

Yay! 🤗
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It's very beautiful place!

Oh God!! So you are in Alaska!! One of my dreams is to travel through a glacier area. I want to visit the south of my country, Argentina. Anyway it seems that Alaska offers a beautiful landscape as well (my dog’s name is Alaska by the way, lol).

Hi Belug, I've been to your country several times and absolutely love it! The glaciers up in El Califate area are just beautiful.
Also, great name for a dog! I hope you make it to Alaska sometime.

I hope the same! Hehe. I’m glad that you like my country!!