What I nciht so liked is
I don't know if you wrote nicht on purpose, but it was funny hahaha.
The area, looks just unreal! I wonder if you tempered with the colors a bit, or if it's all natural, but still, I freaking love it!
I stay away from people, especially when that high 🙂
hahaha ups no i did not. you have to check what you enter in the translator haha
yeah it was a little bit unreal the fiirst time we go on the mountain:) in some pictures i have increased the saturation a bit but not much, the colors are really beautiful. moments when you have no one around you and only hear silence are also quite beautiful that's true.:) thanks for your comment!
Hahaha now I am curious, you mean translation English to German?
I always increase the saturation in my pics, so don't worry, it's a trick that all the haveyoubeenthere people are doing haha, ask @leaky20 about it!
It has to be done
exactly i mean the translation german-english. haha good to know you two :) looks really nicer too.