Los Jacuzzis
The Jacuzzis
Hello, dear community. Nice to greet you again. Who doesn't like a hot tub? Well, a hot tub is relaxing, but natural is another level. Well today I come to present a beautiful and relaxing place that I had the opportunity to meet this year. It is located north of the Araure municipality, in the La Lucia sector of my beloved State of Portuguesa, Venezuela. This place is called "Los Jacuzzis" by the locals, and it lives up to its name, because the water, falling into the well, is similar to the water in a whirlpool jacuzzi for its foaming effect.
El recorrido se hace por dentro de la montaña y se retorna por el cause del río Auro. Dicho recorrido lo puedo clasificar de complejidad 5/10. Como tenía tiempo sin hacer ejercicio como también de hacer senderismo esos días, me fue compleja la subida, me latía el corazón a millón y no era por enamorada, pues realmente se sentía bastante fuerte subir y subir el cerro. Cuando llegamos a unos lugares de bajada, habían partes que estaban resbaladizas y hasta algo inclinadas, entonces una compañera, por no bajar de lado, sino de frente (cosa que no se debe hacer en una bajada), se ha podido caer y se dobló el pie. Su dolor fue tan fuerte que quienes andaban con ella tuvieron que quedarse allí para ayudarla a llegar, pues regresar era más inoportuno porque faltaba poco para llegar al río, pero realmente demoraron en llegar, hasta que finalmente lo lograron. Esos son los riesgos que sabemos los que vamos a estas aventuras.
The route goes inside the mountain and returns along the Auro River. I can classify this route as 5/10 complexity. As I had not exercised for a long time and I had not been hiking those days, the climb was complex, my heart was beating a million times and it was not because I was in love, because it really felt quite strong to climb and climb the hill. When we got to some places downhill, there were parts that were slippery and even somewhat inclined, then a companion, for not going down from the side, but from the front (which should not be done on a descent), could have fallen and bent her foot. Her pain was so severe that those who were with her had to stay there to help her get there, since going back was more inopportune because it was not far to the river, but it really took them a long time to get there, until they finally made it. Those are the risks that those of us who go on these adventures know.
Una vista de mi hermoso llano que dejábamos atrás. / A view of my beautiful plain we were leaving behind.
Las colinas que veíamos mientras avanzábamos en el recorrido. / The hills we saw as we advanced along the route.
Llegando a nuestro destino
Cuando llegamos a los pozos comenzamos a bañarnos en ellos, gracias a Dios una amiga de viaje, muy amablemente se ofreció a tomarme fotos, pues la cámara de mi tlf no andaba bien.
When we arrived at the wells we began to bathe in them, thank God a friend of mine, very kindly offered to take pictures of me, because the camera of my tlf was not working well.
Este fue, sin duda, mi momento favorito. De verdad me relajé con el sonido del agua, el sol mirándome con clemencia y los pájaros en derredor cantado a su Creador. Sencillamente algo que anhelaba vivir desde hace mucho.
This was, without a doubt, my favorite moment. I really relaxed with the sound of the water, the sun looking at me with mercy and the birds around me singing to their Creator. Simply something I had been longing to experience for a long time.
Luego mi amiga de viaje me invitó a un lugar que tiene una caída de agua mucho más fuerte. Bueno, desde que me dijo me dio miedo porque en ese lado había una gente haciendo sopa muy cerca y no me gustaría que de pronto eso se derrame, jajaja. Pero más que eso, es cuando me mostró el obstáculo a atravesar para poder llegar a ese lugar. Había una enorme piedra lisa, me dio pavor, me tuvieron que ayudar, gracias a Dios sin planear coincidí con un vecino, quien me explicó como debía apoyar mis manos, pero realmente me costó, hasta que lo logré. Pasamos y llegamos a ese punto que me indicaban y si, es bello, pero me dio más miedo acercarme a esa corriente de agua tan impetuosa, pues yo voy a esas aventuras y no se nadar jejeje, aparte que reconozco que tengo poca fuerza en mis piernas y fácilmente me puede llevar la corriente, que de hecho, al entrar en el agua, si me halaba.
Then my travel friend invited me to a place that has a much stronger waterfall. Well, since she told me about it I got scared because on that side there were people making soup very close and I would not like it to suddenly spill, hahaha. But more than that, it was when he showed me the obstacle that had to be crossed to get to that place. There was a huge smooth stone, I was terrified, they had to help me, thank God without planning it I coincided with a neighbor, who explained to me how I should support my hands, but it really cost me, until I made it. We passed and reached that point and yes, it is beautiful, but I was more afraid to approach that current of water so impetuous, because I go to these adventures and I can not swim hehehe, I also recognize that I have little strength in my legs and I can easily take the current, in fact, when entering the water, if I was pulled.
Aquí me había dicho, "entra en la cascada", y yo de miedosa no podía entrar más jajaja. / Here he had told me, "enter the waterfall", and I was so scared I could not enter any more hahaha.
Hasta que me convenció ir más adentro, pero no saben mi show, el agua me llevaba y le tuve que pedir a un señor que me ayudara y sacara de allí jajajaja, ella me decía que era muy nerviosa, pero es que en serio iba a terminar chocando contra una enorme piedra en frente.
Until she convinced me to go further in, but you don't know my show, the water was taking me and I had to ask a man to help me and get me out of there hahahaha, she told me that I was very nervous, but I was seriously going to end up crashing against a huge rock in front of me.
De regreso. Amo estas rocas y no podía pasar por alto una foto con ellas. / On the way back. I love these rocks and could not pass up a photo with them.
Bueno, este ha sido mi recorrido por este bello lugar. No se si pueda volver a este sitio, pues por su complejidad para mí, creo que prefiero conocer otros lugares. Tal vez más adelante.
Gracias por leer y espero te haya gustado estos paisajes y te animes a hacer senderismo.
Well, this has been my tour of this beautiful place. I don't know if I can return to this place, because of its complexity for me, I think I prefer to visit other places. Maybe later.
Thank you for reading and I hope you liked these landscapes and I encourage you to go hiking.
Traducción realizada con Deepl.com.
Banner realizado con Canva.
Fotos tomadas por Lidia.
Translation made with Deepl.com.
Banner made with Canva.
Photos taken by Lidia.
Congratulations on the post, my friend. It's very nice, and I was impressed by the beautiful hills you shared in your photos.e hai condiviso nelle tue foto
Muchas gracias, amigo. Me da gusto que hayas disfrutado mi post. Ten un bonito día.