That's quite an insane building. I really like that old architecture - and old libraries, ooh one of my favourite things. There's something magic about old books bound in leather and a little bit worn down.
Narrowest road in the world? I think that's such a novel idea even if it's nothing really special, the fact that it has a traffic light is fun.
What were those tasty looking powdered sugar coated things they were making?
These old libraries are a heaven for book lovers.
That is a chimney cake or Trdelnik as they call it there. You can find it everywhere in Prague. It's made with long, stretched dough that they wrap around this rolling thing, they put sugar or other delicacies on top and bake it. You can add toping of you your choice.
The taste is simple, nothing spectacular. :)
That sounds delicious. I would buy four of them just because they look yummy.
I have to admit that this library is now in my bucket list of places to see before I die. Old libraries 😍
Hope it happens, I'm sure you'll enjoy the visit :)