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RE: The Place Where Danube Rules

in Worldmappin3 years ago (edited)

Increíble la historia de ese pueblo, por todo lo que relatas es una comunidad católica cierto?, no pude evitar buscar la foto que mencionas 😁 y en la nro 12 hay un arbusto con forma de un animal, y relacionándolo a la historia que comentas de la cerveza, busqué en google y me apareció un reno, estoy en lo correcto?

Que bonito lugar aunque se ve muy solitario, o me equivoco?

PD: por cierto que susto lo de la tos que escuchaste 😶


The history of that town is incredible, for everything you tell it is a Catholic community, right? I couldn't help but look for the photo you mention 😁 and at number 12 there is a bush in the shape of an animal, and relating it to the story you are commenting on. beer, I googled and got a reindeer, am I correct?
What a beautiful place although it looks very lonely, or am I wrong?
PS: by the way I'm scared about the cough you heard 😶

I wanted to translate your comment to English, if you don't mind :))

It is mixed community, there are both Orthodox and Catholic people. Many nationalities and religions live there together, mixed :)

Sorry, your answer is just half right :/
It is about the bush on the photo number 12, yes. And you are very very close to the answer with the animal, but it is not a reindeer 😬 . However, very similar to it...

The life there is going a bit slower during the day. It was summer, the temperatures goes high too, so people or prefer be at the river or wait until the evening, when it chills down. But in the evenings it is very active life, at least there were some festivals going on when I was there.

Hahha, I was scared enough too to go away immediately from the cemetery and the chapel.

Really interesting, the photos are spectacular. Then at night there is more life, how great. I lked it 😃

I'm honest with you, as curious as I am, I would have probably looked to see if there was someone there hahahaha.

I already saw better and it is a deer (ciervo), in fact the beer is called Jelen which means deer. I learned something today 🍻, am i right?

Hooray, you got it right this time!!!! The correct answer is deer, indeed! You won a beer from me... no, wait, we are in different continents and all, so let's change the prize :)) A small tip will come your way @fernanblog and thanks for taking part in this tiny challenge ✨✨🤘

I receive it with much affection ❤️, thank you so much 🙏 and yes, we are far away, but who knows if someday we will share a beer? imagine a world meeting of open mic hivers, it would be epic 🤘😎🤘🍻🔥🙌❤️

Heheh, well, Hive Fest will be held in November, though virtual this year again

I will keep an eye on, thanks @mipiano 🙌😃🎙️🎸🎹🎶