Tallinn, Estonia - An underrated medieval destination on the Baltic Sea (Part 2)

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Hey guys! I'm back for Part 2 of Tallinn, Estonia! If in case you haven't seen the part 1, you may find it here: Tallinn, Estonia (Part 1)

Let me take you to Tallinn again and discover more places!

1. Lennusadam Seaplane Harbor

Visiting the Seaplane Harbor is truly an experience of a lifetime. I've been to many museums in my life but most visitors are restricted to touch anything. But NOT in this museum!!!

We were able to get inside and explore "LEMBIT" - A mine-laying submarine built for the Republic of Estonia before World War II (Launched in 1936). This submarine is well preserved in this museum and is the oldest submarine still afloat in the world today!

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Fact: My husband told me that the submarine service is for volunteers only because the job very risky that they don't even allow women to be in submarines due to irresolvable health risks and operational complications.

Despite that it is a mine-laying submarine, Lembit was never used for minelaying role in the Estonian Navy. It carried out torpedo attacks!

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Torpedo launch cabin inside Lembit

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A snap of a once in a lifetime opportunity to be inside Lembit

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You have to go through this passage to go to the other sections of the submarine.

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This museum doesn't only preserve the submarine but also preserves old tanks and weapons used during the war.

Sadly, Estonia had its unfortunate share in World War II. They were occupied by the Soviet Union in 1940 despite declaring neutrality in the war between Germany and the Soviets. This means mass political arrests, deportations, and executions. And the reason why Lembit was taken over by the Soviets.

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The museum is also child-friendly. They offered many games for kids including controlling toy ships on the water, making paper planes, and taking a picture in the booth with navy uniforms.

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Here are some photos from the booth:

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2. Suur Tõll

Suur Tõll is a museum ship anchored just outside the Lennusadam Seaplane Museum in its harbor. Yes, you read it right! It is a museum and you can explore it.

Suur Tõll is an Estonian steam-powered icebreaker that was originally built for the Russian Empire in 1914. It carried so many flags over time such as the flags of Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, Finland, and Estonia. Needless to say, Suur Tõll had been through a lot but still stands today for us to explore.

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Onboard the icebreaker, we were able to visit the captain’s and other officers' cabins, the crew’s rooms, and dining areas.

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I don't know what's with corridors that looks like this but it gave me an eerie feeling!
Lucky for me, I can't see ghost (if there's any!)

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We also went to the engine and boiler rooms which is totally mind-blowing for me. It was hard work in the old times to be working on a ship. Not that it's not hard work anymore today but it was definitely a lot harder before to labor all day in the midst of war and poor health conditions.

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There are the other ships in the harbor:

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We also explored this ship.

3. The Great Guild Museum

The museum has a very interesting collection. From a severed hand of a king to the original music sheet of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

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A baby eskimo clothes made of reindeer skin.

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A raincoat made from an animal intestines.

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An armor made from animal bones

It also shows the story of Estonian history. The rooms tell a different story, They have a Gun Room that tells a story about wars, a room that tells a story about the Elites, and a room of different currencies to name a few.

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The museum is huge and has very interesting collections from all over the world. I saw an old Chinese shoes used for foot binding to make Lotus Feet, a robe worn by the first pope and many more.

The only downturn was, I was tired for walking the whole day (38,000 steps already under my belt) and I was starving that's why I only had a few pictures. I was on low energy mode.

4. The House of the Blackheads

The House of the Blackheads was a professional brotherhood of ship owners, merchants, and foreigners in the 14th century. They were active in Livonia (Now known as Estonia and Latvia) before they fled to Germany during the Soviet occupation in 1940.

It was almost empty when we visited. It was divided into halls and rooms which according to the staff are used for a variety of events in music, business parties, and other gatherings. It also serves as a rehearsal place for the Tallinn Philharmonic Society.

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How beautiful is this door!

5. Museum of Photography

I've always been fascinated by old photographs. I love looking at old snaps that capture memories and history. This is also the reason why I take tons of pictures when I'm traveling. I want my pictures to tell a story. Maybe tell my grandkids one day, how "adventurous" their grandma was. I could actually make myself seem cooler with proof!

In the age of Social Media - "Look my life is cooler than yours" era, we are seeing images all day every day but regardless of how common it becomes, it is still magical for me.

I look at old photos and wonder what their lives was like, how they died (weird I know) and also realize how short life is.

Visiting the Museum of Photography in Tallinn, Old Town did not disappoint. It is housed in a 15th-century building behind the Town Hall. It has antique cameras, old photos, and photo exhibits and as you can see below, it also has antique stairs!!!

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I love how they kept the old stairs as it is!

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Back when having a picture was a luxury and a hard work.

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Here are some old photographs from the museum that are heavily pixelated because of my outdated iPhone camera:

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Northern Europe is a fan of Saunas! It started around 2,000 BC and has remained an important part of their lives to this day in Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Sweden, and Russia.

I did not attempt to try the ice-cold swimming followed by Sauna when I was in Finland. The cold terrifies me but it is still on my bucket list - Maybe in Sweden or Latvia one day!

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A woman in a Sauna.

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Happiness = Cake & Booze

A Few moments later...

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Naaah, they're not the same person but they're probably friends.

They also have a photo exhibit about animal (cows) cruelty.

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It is sad and made me feel ashamed that I still eat beef despite watching "Cowspiracy".

But maybe (just maybe), it's not about eating beef that should be stopped entirely but the rich corporations that treat animals like this for business. But who am I to comment and point fingers? I eat beef and I'm not worthy! **Case Closed. **

6. KGB Prison Cells

This place in the heart of Old Town at Pagari street gave me chills. It reminded me of how I felt when I was visiting the Nazi Concentration Camp in Dachau Munich, Germany.

This building is a reminder of the Soviet oppression in Estonia. If you don't know what KGB Prison Cell means, it is a secret prison cell where suspected enemies of the state were taken, tortured, imprisoned, and interrogated before they get killed or sent to labor camps.

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There was a painting exhibit in the cells by Joan Saarniit depicting memories of war, torture, and suffering.

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This painting is on the wall of the prison cell in the basement.

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I can't believe that in this age, war and oppression is still happening! There is no winner in wars only losers!

You can see below photos in front of the Russian Embassy in Old Town, Tallinn:

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My heart sank, silently hoping this war ends soon. Why do innocent lives including children have to pay for others' greed of power and political disputes? Words elude me. I felt as gloomy as the sky and said a little prayer.

7. Music Museum

It's my first time visiting a Music Museum. Also, my first realization that our ancestors were a lot weirder than we think we are or they were just downright clever, creative, and innovative. What else to do without Facebook and Netflix right?

One day, Pedro slaughtered a Seal and thought "Eureka, I think the seal stomach can become a music instrument. I'll be the coolest guy in parties!"

That's what I imagined!

In this museum, I did not only discover the Estonian History of Music, cool old instruments, and instruments owned by renowned Estonian musicians and composers but I've seen instruments made of a Bladder Pipe and a Seal Stomach.

The most interesting is, that you can listen to every instrument! How cool is that? I did not know a bladder has more potential than you know...being a bladder.

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Music has really come a long way if you ask me and as a fan of rock music who is also fascinated by classical music, I cannot help but feel rather sad about the modern music we have today. I can testify that the bladder pipe and seal stomach make a better sound than Cardi B!

8. St. Catherine's Passage

This beautiful street is the home of St. Catherine's Guild and the most picturesque of Old Town's streets in my opinion. Look at those medieval cobbled streets!

The home of the St. Catherine's Guild has a collection of craft works such as glassware, ceramics, and jewelries.

Unfortunately, the workshop was closed when we were there so this is all the photos we have - on the street!

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9. Church of the Holy Spirit

We've visited medieval churches in Budapest and Prague but the Holy Spirit Church in Tallinn has an intricate carved wooden interior.

This church was built in the 1300s and the first Estonian sermon was held here instead of German. It is worth noting that not too many years ago, all the churches were controlled by the Soviet Union and all services were stopped.

We could easily say that this is the best church in Tallinn - a hidden gem, despite the fact that their tour guide brochures highlight the other churches in the Old Town more.

There is an interesting art from many hundreds of years ago that are well preserved in the church and the entrance fee (1.50 Euros) actually goes for its maintenance.

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10. Museum of Orders of Knighthood

This museum has a lot of treasures and with high security.

If you touch an item, alarms will go off and security will be alerted. I can a police car nearby too.

It has clothes worn by kings and queens and awards of honor to Royalties all over the world.

We even wondered how Estonia got all of them!

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Awards to Royalties around the world

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Apologies for the Nazi Symbol on the medal but this award was given to mothers who have 8 children or more!

We also tried some royal clothes and medieval gear on in the museum.

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FREEDOM!!!! Have you watch Braveheart or Excalibur?

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Your Fake Majesty!

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11. PROTO Inventory

Oh God, we spent 3 hours in PROTO like children high on sugar! I must admit, I made a research mistake. I was quite sure that I've read somewhere that PROTO Inventory is a Car Invention center. I was so wrong!

It was super fun though even for us adults who are just young at heart or maybe I just did not have a happy childhood. But I certainly had my second childhood right at this place!

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So interesting that a place offering Virtual Reality games is operated and facilitated by friendly old Estonian women. I've never played any virtual reality games before and it made me feel that the future is here (Hello Metaverse!).

They offer a variety of games from Virtual Realty rollercoasters, hot air balloon, and more.

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12. Tallinn TV Tower

This landmark was built for the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. It is the tallest tower in the country at 134 meters tall.

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We were able to have dinner and access the viewing platform at 170 meters up. After traveling around Finland, prices in Estonia are a relief. The restaurant in the tower is fairly priced, the staff is super friendly and they serve delicious food (except the Vietnamese Pho which is clearly not Vietnamese Pho but a close attempt by Europeans). But overall, the experience was superb and they serve amazing Estonian beers!

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Nice try at Vietnamese Pho for 10 Euros! Not the best Pho but we enjoyed it!

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I am not into sweets but I was curious about this Warm Chocolate paired with vanilla ice cream! It was delightful. No regrets!

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A real tank parked outside the Tallinn TV Tower
There are so many places you could still explore in Tallinn that we were not able to visit due to time constraints, such as:

  • Kadriorg Palace
  • Maarjamäe Palace and Stables
  • Epping Tower (it was closed when we were there)
  • Kumu Art Museum
  • NUKU Museum of Puppet Arts
  • Museum of Natural History
  • Tallinn City Museum
  • Estonian Film Museum
  • Health Museum
  • Kai Art Museum
  • Museum of Architecture

You may check the Visit Tallinn Website for more details.

We absolutely fell in love with Tallinn and truly wished we could spend more time to explore it but I know that we visited so many wonderful places that not many people know about.

I still believe that Estonia is underrated, you'll know it when you're there!

And when you're there, don't forget to buy your Tallinn Card.

See you in my next blog hivers!


About Me: "Living life in full bloom!"

Hello Hivers! I'm Sarah. A Real Estate Leasing Officer for 12 years and an Online Business Manager. I am excited to share with you my passion for writing, travel, reading, and self-development. If you find my blog helpful, informative, and fun, please click upvote, follow me or leave a message. I would love to connect with you. Cheers!


Interesting tour, thanks for sharing your experience.


Wow, you guys really made a Nice adventure. From the interesting Submarine tour to the old photos. It was all informative pictures of happening in the past.

Grabe jud Lan, super sakit sa tiil! Hahaha

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What an experience this would be! I can imagine it.

Definitely an amazing experience! We love it!

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Very insightful blog sizzums! @fitlipinasarah 🤗😍
I was amused and shocked that a bladder can be a musical instrument and that it sounded better than cardi b lol😂

You can actually do separate blogs for each tourist spots that u've been to! They're just tooo good too good. No bias. Hahaha🧡😅

There are so many to blog about!

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Greetings from Tallinn :) Hope you enjoyed your stay here.

We fell in love! It was wonderful!

Wow, very high-quality article. Love the part about the submarine 😀

Tallinn is on my list of places to visit. Looks lovely! Thanks for sharing such a detailed review and places to go and things to do.