Machu Picchu Adventure: Few photos, but lots of emotion. [Eng/Esp]

in Worldmappinlast year (edited)

Aventura en Machu Picchu: Pocas fotos, pero mucha emoción.

English Version 🇬🇧

When you travel, you mentally prepare yourself to pack light.
However, when you emigrate, you have no choice but to carry very little in your suitcases, so detachment becomes inevitable.

Why do I mention this and how does it relate to this post?

Because after countless moves in different cities, in 4 countries and 2 continents, many things, belongings, places and, above all, memories are left back.

Luckily, among the things I thought were lost, I found some photographs of this wonderful and fascinating place. It was almost like finding a treasure, considering the amount of memories I have not been able to carry in my bag.

So, it is time to appreciate, to be grateful and to focus on what we do have and not on what is not there, or what we lack, following my mentor's wise advice.

Versión en Español 🇪🇸

Cuando viajas, mentalmente te preparas para ir ligero de equipaje.
Sin embargo, cuando emigras, no te queda más opción que llevar contigo muy pocas cosas en tus maletas, por lo que el desapego se vuelve inevitable.

Por qué menciono esto y cómo se relaciona con este post?
Porque después de incontables mudanzas en diversas ciudades, en 4 países y 2 continentes, son numerosas las cosas, pertenencias, lugares y, sobre todo, recuerdos que quedan atrás.

Por suerte, entre las cosas que creía perdidas, he encontrado algunas fotografías de este lugar maravilloso y fascinante. Fue casi como encontrar un tesoro, considerando la cantidad de recuerdos que no he podido llevar en mi maleta.

Entonces, es momento de apreciar, de agradecer y de enfocarnos en lo que sí tenemos y no en lo que no está o nos falta, siguiendo el sabio consejo de mi mentora.

English Version 🇬🇧

These images of Machu Picchu belong to a backpacking trip more than a decade ago, at a time when globalisation had not yet reached its peak, social networks were few and far between, and mobile phones, if they had cameras, offered rather poor image quality.

Versión en Español 🇪🇸

Estas imágenes de Machu Picchu, pertenecen a un viaje de mochileros hace más de una década, en una época en la que la globalización aún no había alcanzado su punto máximo, las redes sociales eran escasas y poco utilizadas, y los teléfonos móviles, si tenían cámaras, ofrecían una calidad de imagen bastante deficiente.

English Version 🇬🇧

Today, this place is considered a World Heritage Site and one of the 7 wonders of the world; it is made up of constructions made of huge stone joined together without the need for any kind of glue.

In its time, it was one of the most important religious, political and cultural centres in the Inca empire.

Versión en Español 🇪🇸

Hoy en día, este lugar es considerado Patrimonio de la Humanidad y una de las 7 maravillas del mundo; está conformado por construcciones hechas con enormes piedras unidas entre sí, sin necesidad de ningún tipo de pegamento.

En su época, fue uno de los centros más destacados en términos religiosos, políticos y culturales dentro del imperio incaico.

English Version 🇬🇧

It is said that most of its construction is underground or under the mountain. I couldn't check it...

Versión en Español 🇪🇸

Se dice que la mayor parte de su construcción está bajo la montaña. No lo pude comprobar...

English Version 🇬🇧

Located in Cusco, Peru, Machu Picchu is one of the most fascinating archaeological complexes in the world. Made up of plazas, temples, water fountains, monuments and residences, this impressive site combines history, mystery, mysticism and nature in a unique way.

Every year, thousands of visitors from all over the world come to explore its mysteries and marvel at its beauty. Machu Picchu not only offers a glimpse into the past of the Inca civilisation, but also provides an opportunity to connect with the majesty of those imposing mountains that surround it, belonging to the Peruvian Andes.

Versión en Español 🇪🇸

Situado en Cusco, Perú, Machu Picchu es uno de los complejos arqueológicos más fascinantes del mundo. Conformado por plazas, templos, fuentes y residencias, este impresionante sitio combina historia, misterio, misticismo y naturaleza de manera única.

Cada año, cientos o miles de visitantes de todo el mundo llegan para explorar sus misterios y maravillarse con su belleza. Machu Picchu no solo ofrece un vistazo al pasado de la civilización inca, sino que también brinda la oportunidad de conectarse con la majestuosidad de las imponentes montañas que le rodean, perteneciente a los Andes Peruanos.

English Version 🇬🇧

Without a doubt, a visit to Machu Picchu is an unforgettable experience that leaves an indelible mark on the hearts and memories of those who have the privilege of walking its ancient paths, marvelling at its history and energy and contemplating its breathtaking views.

If you made it this far and enjoyed my post or if you have any questions, I'll be happy to read your comments.

And for supporting my content... Always... Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Versión en Español 🇪🇸

Sin duda, una visita a Machu Picchu es una experiencia inolvidable que deja una huella imborrable en el corazón y en los recuerdos de quienes tienen el privilegio de recorrer sus antiguos caminos, maravillarse con su historia, su energía y contemplar sus impresionantes vistas.

Si llegaste hasta aquí y disfrutaste de mi post o si tienes alguna pregunta, estaré encantada de leer tus comentarios.

Y por apoyar mi contenido... Siempre... ¡Gracias, gracias, gracias!

🇬🇧 Photos and text are entirely my property and my authorship.

🇪🇸 Las fotos y los textos son enteramente de mi propiedad y de mi autoría.

Translated with (free version).


Damn that looks like a dream! You are so lucky that you could visit it before those places became so touristy! Your photographs look stunning!

Thank you very much for your time and comment.
Yes, the place is very amazing.

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Hermoso lugar, deseo conocerlo algun día. Muy buenas tus fotos saludos

Te envio las mejores vibras para que puedas materializar muy pronto tu viaje y tu deseo. De verdad que es un lugar que vale el esfuerzo visitar una vez en la vida.

¡Gracias por tu apoyo!

I miss details if you were there.

If it's all so impressive, what usually happens to you.

what a fantastic place!!! Thank you for sharing the photos of your trip with us. sometimes I really think this place was built by aliens

It's so mystical, mysterious and fascinating, it seems to have been devised and built by creatures from another galaxy, right?

Thank you for visiting and for your support! 🤗🫶

I only seem this place is history book, and I really wish to go in this place. Machu picchu is truly a great piece of old civilization and can lead us some clues back in the old days. 👍☺️

I hope you can make that dream come true soon, I will send you my best vibes for it to happen, because the truth is something that everyone (travellers and not so travellers) should experience once in a lifetime.

Infinitely grateful for your visit and support! 🤗🫶

Thank you Ma'am. ☺️

Wow one of the most stunning places 🤩 when I was in Brazil I was planning to go... but finally I went to Mexico 😅 and no more time and resources. Hope one day who knows but in the meantime thanks for the post and the photos! Really cool!

Now that we are on the same side of the pond we can visualise, plan and energise that possibility in a girls' visit. That would be fantastic, isn't it?

Thank you for your consistent and valuable support. 🤗🤗🫶

Yeah, that could be great! And it works really, it did in the past for me, sometime... let's bring back the magic again 🤗💖🤗


Ey @ecency more than 6 hours ago I exchanged my Ecency Points, to boost my content.

I often find that points are charged and nothing is ever promoted.

Check that there, please! 🙏