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RE: The Mining Town of Cullinan Gauteng - Where Old Oddities End Up Decorating the Streets

I absolutely love these place where along with their interesting arrangements and looking they have so much history to share and other stories that could change someone's perspective on the current times. Great article as always! ❤️


Thank you so much for the compliment and visit!

True right, history can change one's perspective on current times so easily. It can also make you appreciate what we have in our current era so much more as well. Even though we live in crazy times, I think we all will suffer greatly if we lose our current "luxuries" which are actually accepted as the norm! Think, for example, of life today without the internet. It can sound so nice and calm but the internet with all its chaos has brought our world much closer I would reckon.

Safe travels! And thanks again.

Indeed. It's just way too easy to forget about these aspects when you have a daily routine that keeps you busy and distracted from things that matter a lot more appreciation from us. That's sad!

Thanks, stay safe too! 🙌🏻

It is sad, but maybe also a coping mechanism! Not everyone is capable of philosophizing every day about the small things in life! But as Socrates said, the unexamined life is not always worth living!