You're Australian? Cool.
Yep, we had a really nice day yesterday. It was a nice spot and one I hadn't been to for a long time so was enjoyable to go back and wander about. I saw a few things I hadn't previously seen and gained a little more understanding which, for a history nut like me, means a lot.
Thanks for commenting. :)
Yep another Aussie living abroad on and off , i am originally from Sydney , Australia and not missing Sydney at all...haha 🙂
I use to work in Adelaide years ago out side of Whyalla a place called Iron Knob i was doing diesel mechanic work on them huge V16 motor trucks that carried them tons of iron ore out of the open cut mines great experience great times in Iron Knob 👍
Ah yeah, cool!
I've been to Iron Knob. My wife's uncle used to work there, in mining. He was ex-Roxby Downs, in fact him and his wife went to Roxby when the road there was still dirt! He also worked at Peculiar Knob and now works in Whyalla itself. I spend a bit of time around Whyalla because Faith's uncle and Aunt live there, a place to the west called Cowleds Landing. They live off-grid. It's cool.
I'm with you, I wouldn't miss Sydney either. My sister lives there and it's ok for a short visit, otherwise it doesn't suit me at all.
Good to meet a fellow Aussie, and one that knows where Iron Knob is...Double bonus!
I did about two years in Iron Knob and to tell you the truth didn't leave the town only for one time when we drove into Whyalla to go and see a Jimmy Barns concert and that was awesome so i didn't really get to see much of South Australia i was on a mission of making and saving money to go back to Sydney to start my own mechanical business which i did after doing another 2 years of underground mining in Tasmania a for EZ Roseberry mining company also doing diesel mechanic but underground on the smaller trucks and machinery that was a real buzz working underground.
Your own mechanical workshop seems like a good reason to have the focus required to do what you did. I'm glad it worked out.
Now you're overseas. Your own business sill, or did something else take you there?
Yep run my own mechanical shop for 20 years then turned it over to my son and i came to join a friend who was doing real estate in Thailand and i started doing mainly the photography work for him and now i am doing sales and rentals with him i had , had enough of been a grease monkey as they say 😅
That's a bit of a turn around for you, sounds like it's working out though. Well done, keep it up.
Was getting to old to be pulling out motors and gearboxes out of cars needed a easier life and found it here and loving it 🙂 👍