From the heart of Europe to the Sahara desert: A thrilling motorcycle odyssey

in Worldmappinlast year (edited)

I worked in Germany a while ago and you know, you make money but life gets boring and monotonous and it's cold outside. One day I'm sitting with a friend at lunch, we're talking about motorbikes and suddenly I got an idea.

" Let's quit the jobs and go to Africa on motorbikes"

my dream

My friend laughed at the idea for a while, but after a while he said:
"Okay, let's do it."

So we quit our jobs, got our bikes checked and started getting ready for the trip.

Our bikes:

  1. Motto Guzzi V65C 500cc: an old school Italian bike from the 90s, known for its trouble-free engine and cardan driveshaft.
  2. Kawasaki KLE500: a proven lightweight enduro with a good quality engine.


  1. food for a few days
  2. summer and winter clothing
  3. GPS and cameras
  4. money and full petrol tanks
  5. guitar

As soon as we were ready, we met up in Prague, Czech Republic.

We didn't have an exact itinerary, basically we agreed on three things.

  1. Avoid highways and tolls
  2. Avoid big cities if possible
  3. Head south for warmth as quickly as possible.

So off we went.

We left the rainy capital and headed straight south to the Austrian border. The Czech countryside is very picturesque, especially if you drive on smaller roads, and the journey went by beautifully.
Not far from the border we stopped for a nice bath in the river and to sleep.

refreshing bath in the river


Austria is a very beautiful country full of green meadows and snow-capped mountains. We saw that pretty soon up close, because we didn't have any rule that said: avoid the mountains.
And Austria has the highest mountains in Europe called the Alps.

in sight of the Alps

With these beautiful views we found a place to sleep and left the rest for the next day. In the morning it was getting noticeably colder, but as there were quite a few cars driving by we just thought we'd go for it.

entering the Alps

But as you can probably imagine, the road was getting higher and higher and had no end and there was more and more snow around us. We put on another layer of clothes and continued our journey upwards.

It didn't take long and we found ourselves completely trapped in snow, but it is worth noting that the Austrian roads are perfectly maintained even at such high altitudes.

trapped in the snow

After many turns and I don't know how many kilometers we finally found ourselves on top of a mountain pass, where we were rewarded with beautiful panoramas of the Austrian Alps. Even though we were freezing to the bone, we had to admit that our little Alpine detour was worth it.

on the top

After a short stop to freshen up, we headed down south, towards Italy. Later on we found out that we had just passed the Grossglockner High Alpine Road, one of the highest drivable roads in Europe.

farewell to the Alps


Northern Italy is perfect for motorcycling, lots of twists and turns, beautiful views and a more pleasant climate to enjoy. The journey passed quickly, we were almost always going downhill to the south.

I have already said that rule 2 is to avoid big cities, but we have made some exceptions. Here we visited Venice.


Venice is hard to describe. On the one hand a very old town with a great history, on the other a lot of tourists and shops. You just have to experience it for yourself.

the famous Venice

We quickly cross the "Italian shoe" towards the west. Italian traffic is worth a mention, especially if you are on a motorbike, in one word: chaos.

The Mediterranean coast with its already very pleasant weather has made us forget the cold of the Alps, and we are now riding quite lightly and enjoying the journey.


The French Mediterranean coast is beautiful and worth a visit. We quickly stop in Monaco, which seems to me terribly small and crowded, and not very interesting, and Saint Tropez, which still looks like in a famous movie about French gendarmes.

But we don't delay too much and continue now to the southwest towards the Pyrenees mountains.

approaching the Pyrenees

Since we'll be up in the snow again, we thought we'd take it through Andorra while we're here. So suit up and up we go.


Andorra is a relatively small area high in the Pyrenees mountains. Probably the most outstanding thing about Andorra is that it's a duty-free zone, so a lot of people come here to buy everything from petrol to Rolex watches.

Principality of Andorra

There's not much for us to see here so at least we fill up the gas tanks and head south again towards the Spanish border.

with the Pyrenees behind


On arrival on Spanish soil, we immediately feel a big change in temperature. It is much warmer here and I must say that after the snow of Andorra we are very happy.

We continue through the Spanish hinterland back to the Mediterranean. We will have a bit of a drive, but the seaside climate is very pleasant.

And it is here that we meet the first great inconvenience. Sudden rain at night and lots of mosquitoes in the morning. We build a quick shelter out of ponchos and motorbikes and, packed on the machines, we spend the night.

DIY shelter

zillion of mosquitoes

After reaching the south coast we turn west. It is already evident that we have arrived in an almost subtropical zone, there are olives and citrus trees everywhere, the amount of water in the environment is visibly decreasing.

southern Spain

Before we try to cross the Mediterranean to Africa, we have one small quirk. We're going to visit Gibraltar.


Gibraltar is a British territory in Spain with a very interesting history and location. You'll also find the only monkey colony in Europe here, though they're more ice cream thieves than monkeys.

Gibraltar, in the background is Africa. (No, don't try to swim across.)

Gibraltar is another duty-free zone in Europe and a major trading hub where plenty of ships unload their cargo.

Gibraltar port

Now, as our ferry arrives, we're leaving Europe heading towards the African continent. The ferry is quite modern, the journey only takes 45 minutes.

ferry to Africa


After arriving in the city of Ceuta, a Spanish territory in Africa due to historical circumstances, we head east along the Mediterranean coast. The plan is to avoid big cities and continue south towards less populated areas.

the first African soil

After crossing the mountains to the inland of Morocco, we are very surprised by the landscape we encounter. The Ketama region is incredibly green, and we pass through many beautiful valleys a hidden villages.

Ketama area

Ketama mountains

We continue south and visit Fes, probably the largest city in this part of Morocco. After walking through the old town and spending a night on the roof of a local hotel, we continue further south. If there's something exceptional about Fes, it's the number of satellite dishes per capita.

leaving Fes

Ahead of us now is the Atlas Mountains, which entice us to visit its snovy peaks, but this time we resist. We pass through the Legionnaires' Tunnel, saving a lot of time.

Atlas mountains

On the southern side of the Atlas Mountains, a noticeable change in the landscape becomes prominent. We're getting closer to the desert.

towards desert

We talk a lot about the harsh conditions of the local people and how tough it is in these areas. Almost all life happens in oases deep in the valleys, where they have their homes and practice agriculture.

oasis in the valley

another oasis

As we get closer to the desert, the conditions for our motorcycles are becoming more challenging. Sharp rocks on the ground and the beginning of sand – we often have to pull the bikes out of sandy pockets.

tough times for machines

We're fortunate that Italian and Japanese engineers did their job well, and the machines keep going. Finding a repair shop around here might not be easy. In the distance, the first dunes of the Sahara Desert are already emerging.

the first dunes

We notice that vegetation has almost entirely disappeared; there's only sand and a few palm trees. The architecture of the local houses is also noteworthy.

welcome to the desert

Now it's time to dismount from the bikes (I would like to keep riding, but I don't have desert tires) and continue on foot. We're about to tackle a few small dunes where the Bedouins have their camp.

Bedouin's camp

We continue on foot further away from the Bedouins, away from the camels, a few more dunes, and here is where we finally stop. Finally, we've reached the Sahara Desert. Nothing but sand, heat, and complete tranquility.


Here, I'll end my story and add just one sentence:

If you can, fulfill your dreams; you only have one life.


Here you had like 7 posts because I think every place you visited was SPECTACULAR.

In Latin America, I have met several bikers who do the southern route, starting in Argentina and riding through all our countries. Many years ago the borders were closed to Venezuela, but now that they reopened them, many have come, on instagram they have their stories.

A good motorbike is essential because it will be your companion and it must be suitable for all the kilometres you will travel. The camping, cold, rain, are small things, it's worth living it. I look forward to seeing more of your motorbike experience and all those wonderful places.

Cheers and thanks for sharing.

Hola florecitamejias,
my idea was to keep it written together as a journey description.
I hope, one day, I will be able to visit south America and recreate for myself the Motorcycle Diaries.
One day....

Feel like putting all experince at one place.

🎯 Awesome travels, guys! Great blog and pictures. !LUV

Tak věřím, že tenhle poctivý post si tu svých padesát dolarů najde ;)

Nějak málo lidí si Tě všimlo... Nechci poučovat, ale zadala jsi souřadnice do ? Ono je těžké, jaké souřadnice... Asi něčeho v Maroku jako cíle cesty...

ani ne, ja jsem tady novej )

Myslel jsem, že jsi ženského rodu... Asi podle fotky. Vyzkoušej si ten odkaz, který jsem Ti poslal. Dá Ti to souřadnice, které vložíš do svého článku. Po zveřejnění svého článku uvidíš hlášky od Pinmapple hned pod textem. Podívej se třeba sem. Kdybys měl jakýkoliv problém, tak se ptej. Já tu jsem teda vyhlášený technický antitalent, ale něco vím i já. Jinak Ti poradí ve všem líp třeba @godfish ...

zkousim vlozit do clanku ten kod z Pinmapple, ale nezobrazuje se nic

Asi se to musí už při jeho prvním zveřejnění.

Ten kód se ani nezobrazí, není určený pro čtenáře. Ale je strojově čitelný, takže se článek dostane na zmiňovanou mapu.

aha, dik za vysvetleni. Ted mi napsali, ze jsem pridal ten bod do mapy

Jop, to je ten robot, který si toho obvykle pár minut po publikaci všimne.

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What a journey you had. I like how everything started and also your resilience for the challenges you encounter. This post deserves much more appreciation than it currently gets... I hope some whales will notice it.

Hi, our challenges were nothing compared to what the local people, who live in such difficult conditions, are experiencing.
I am working now on project to help them a little. I will write about it in one of the future posts.

Ahoj, vítej na Hive. Vidím, že ses neuvedl zrovna nejlépe, ale to se občas nováčkům stává a když budeš dál postovat už jen originální a zajímavé články jako je třeba tenhle, reputaci si rychle napravíš a časem získáš i podporu místní komunity. Btw parádní trip, smekám :)

Rád ti trochu vylepším payout, za tenhle post si určitě zasloužíš víc...

@tipu curate 7

Zdar, jo to je pravda, trochu jsem to nepochopil. Ale pracuju na tom, aby se vse srovnalo. Zdravim

V pohodě, každý na začátku dělal nějaké chyby. Důležité je, že se máš koho zeptat, když něco nebudeš vědět ;) Jo a na Ecency se klidně vykašli, já to nepoužívám vůbec, furt jen někde čtu, jak si na to lidi stěžují. Já píšu články i komenty na noťasu a to vždy přes, což je nejstarší a nejjednodušší front end na chainu, ale dost lidí používá i PeakD, kde je více funkcí. Mrkni a vyzkoušej, co ti bude víc vyhovovat... Btw ty teda žiješ ve Španělsku, jo? Kde přesně a jak dlouho?

Zdar, dík za rady, mrknu na to.

Tady na jihu (region Axarquia) až asi 15 let (asi jsem se zasekl, přišla rodina a tak).
Předtím také v horách Sierra Nevada, které doporučuji, pokud by někdo chtěl navštívit.

Už tak dlouho? Wow, tak to je paráda :) Tak to už jsi napůl Španěl :) Nemáš v plánu sepsat nějaké intro? V tom postu o bike tripu do Afriky jsi psal, že jsi žil v Německu, tak jsem myslel, že jsi na jihu jen krátce. Já jsem taky většinu z posledních zhruba 13 let strávil mimo ČR, ale spíš jsme se tak toulali světem, nejdýl jsme byli v Mexiku, asi dva roky, jinak většinou na jednom místě tak půl rok až rok a zase o dům dál :)

To Německo byl jen taková pracovní návštěva. V tom Německu jsem byl jen na čas pracovně).
O tom intru mi už říkali, ale když já na to moc nejsem.
V Mexiku byla přítelkyně a prý super, až na tu bezpečnost na některých místech.

Byl by to ráj na zemi, pokud by lidi přestali blbnout.

No, to by bylo na delší povídání... Nám osobně se za tam ty dva roky nestalo vůbec nic, stejně jako drtivé dalších gringos, ať už turistům nebo expatům. Ale ty kartely se mezi sebou řežou fest. Jednu dobu jsme měli v našem městě (Playa del Carmen) tak 2-3 vraždy denně... To třeba taková Kolumbie, Ekvádor nebo Brazílie, tam je to je jiná písnička. Tam jdou i po gringos. V Kolumbii jsme byli jen na chvilku, ale tam jsme se párkrát regulérně báli...

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Hey there, what an epic post. I agree with some of the others, this post deserves more support, but sadly the way rewards work on Hive, it discourages upvotes after 24 hours. If you had pinned this onto Pinmapple earlier, we would have been able to curate it and dropped it more support.

I hope this doesn't deter you, and that you continue to produce high quality content on Hive.

I also want to reiterate my previous comment, which you never responded by the way. Writing a self introduction post will really help the community to get to know you better. You can stay anonymous if you want, many people do. Every comment and advice you get here is sincere as we want to help genuine users do well on Hive.

Wow, what a trip.

Longest trip i made was about 2 weeks from England to south of France and back on a Honda Shadow. Also a trip along Turkish south coast on a Suzuki V-strom (with girl & dog!).

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