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RE: Rediscovering what was stolen

in Worldmappin5 years ago

Man sorry youn couldn't rebut those books and present them yo your wife.

I've always wanted to go yo Amsterdam so i especially appreciate this post. I found myself studying the pictures one at a time like they were art. In someways almost themed art due to the colours of hold and black inherent through them.

Did you have a slow shutter speed because themwarmth of the lights really soften and give the pics an enchanting character to them. Or does Amsterdam at night always have this glow?

I agree with the pay for sex thing. I pity those that do and respect them less.

Also, i learned a neat fact about why the houses are all so narrow. I love posts that are full of factoids.

Thanks again for posting this


These are mostly unedited other than crop - as I only had my camera and phone with me and not a lot of time to do much. I would like to revisit them now for an edit.

Slow shutter and no tripod, so had to find things to rest on.

I agree with the pay for sex thing. I pity those that do and respect them less.

I can understand the women doing it (and in those windows are some very, very beautiful women), but I do not think they would do it if they could do something else for a decent salary. I don't think many women would choose drunk, sweaty strangers on buck's night parties, several times a night and would likely reject all of those men under normal social conditions.

Yeah i agree those poor women. Its really a shame they have to debase themselves that way. Everyone deserves dignity.

I like your shots with the slow shutter speed gives the photos a warm inviting feeling

I guess they do it by choice for the money, but I am not sure how "by choice" it is when there is economic repression.