Dude, The Hotel Main lobby entrance is something enough to make anyone convince to stay or check it out "who can afford ".
Perfect lavish and in all aspects as far I can say after seeing those pictures and your experience.
Well, what do you think about a comparison of this hotel with other hotels in village/town but not lavish You lived?
That's something I would like to know from you.
Well, anyway have fun and wonderful day ahead!
Lots of !LUV and !PIZZA
I like your question ~ because usually when i travel i always liked to do it with a friend and try to save as much as possible. When we find hostels together it may not be very private, however you get to greet and talk to people in the hostel. There is another type of beauty in something like that. Its that people are friendly and helpful.
I think a lot of media influenced us to thinking strangers are not good and I realize how wrong i actually was.
This actually gave me some idea to post some village/budget hostel stay.
The nice places its for my wife and kids. I always try to give the best. As for myself, I can sleep on the floor i don't really mind. its more fun too. Its how I keep the balance. I cant afford to do this everytime~ hehehe
Thanks man!!!!