The Top 9 Viewpoints in Tenerife

in Worldmappin2 years ago (edited)

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Hello Hivers! It's been long time no see from my part, I've been doing a lot of personal/professional stuff and collecting new pictures and memories that I'm going to introduce to you soon!

Now I'm back with the presentation of the best viewpoints in Tenerife. I just need to point out that there are very likely some that could be considered even prettier but I didn't visit them, or some that I did visit but didn't manage to get a proper idea (it was clouded) so the choice is very personal and bound to my experience.

Okay, ready to dive in? Let's go!


1. Mirador Altos de Baracán

Visiting Masca? Or just driving through the Northwest of Tenerife? Then you definitely shouldn’t miss Mirador Altos de Baracán! It is located on a mountain ridge and offers beautiful views of the Teno mountains, the Teide volcano in the distance, and the island of La Gomera.


2. Mirador de Aguaide

You have to walk a little to reach this beautiful place in Chinamada, a small village in the Anaga mountains. This viewpoint is located at the top of a cliff and offers views of the northeastern shore and the Punta de Hidalgo. But if you want even better views, I suggest hiking down to Punta de Hidalgo.

Approximately in the middle between Chinamada and the final destination, there is a viewpoint that doesn’t even have a name (or at least I couldn’t find it anywhere - that's the one you can see in the picture above). You find yourself walking on the top of a cliff, looking down on even higher cliffs and the ocean waves hitting them with force. Must be one of the most breathtaking places on the island, one that makes you feel like you’ve discovered the very real essence of what this island is.


3. Pico del Inglés

One of the more popular viewpoints in the North of the island, but absolutely worth the hype. It is located in the mountain range of Anaga, close to the most famous tourist hotspot Cruz del Carmen. What you see here – if you’re lucky and the sky is clear – is the northeastern part of the island, the beautiful, steep mountains, the Teide volcano, and sometimes even the island of Gran Canaria.


4. Mirador de Jardina

Green & blooming: that’s the first viewpoint that you come upon when driving towards the mountains of Anaga. It is very often full of people and locals selling some homemade products, but so worth the stop here. You can see the city of La Laguna and, again, if the weather is good, the Teide volcano and the whole Corona Forestal mountain ridge.


5. Mirador de Chipeque

This one is located on the top of the Corona Forestal mountain ridge, overlooking part of the northern shore, the Teide volcano, and sometimes, when the visibility is good, even the island of La Palma (although it is 120 kilometers away from this place!) It is also an amazing spot to watch the sunset from.


6. Mirador de la Crucita

This place is perfect to stop at when you’re driving through Corona Forestal towards the National Park. You get amazing views of the southeastern part of Tenerife, down the wild Guimar valley, and the island of Gran Canaria.


7. Mirador de la Ruleta

This viewpoint is located in the National park itself, right at the most popular attraction (except for the volcano itself): the Roques de García rock formations. There are more viewpoints around the 4 km trail, but for this one, you don’t have to climb anywhere.


8. Casa Hamilton (also known as Elevador de agua de Gordejuela)

Now, this is not your typical viewpoint; in fact, I’m not even sure if to call it a viewpoint. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop there! Casa Hamilton is an old water pump that was supposedly built to pump seawater to banana plantations around (but honestly: salty water???) and now is just a ruin – but a very picturesque ruin. I suggest you visit this place together with Playa de Castro nearby.


9. Mirador de Playa de las Teresitas

Last but not least, the viewpoint of the most beautiful beach in Tenerife. The official viewpoint is closed for some reason, but that doesn’t have to stop you from indulging in beautiful views! Just stop by the road and then snap some pictures of the beautiful beach below you, the mountains surrounding it, and the top of the Teide volcano in the distance.

So which of these would you like to visit the most? Let me know!


An impressive way to let us know Tenerife from the top!.... Great photos, great article!!!.... Thanks for sharing @itsmikyhere friend!

!discovery 40


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I meant:


Where the hell did I get that from POZZA?..... Good heavens!... I'm getting old!... :))

Have anice day!!!... ;-)

Hahahaha made me laugh :D have a nice day yourself!

Jéé tak to se mi dnes hodí, neb opět nestíhám a rád bych někam vysypal své dnešní Tipáky :) Takže zatím tak a s komentářem se stavím později :D ;)

@tipu curate 4

hahaha tak tedy děkuji za vysypání :D

Tak už jsem tady :) No jsou to všechno parádní místečka. Jeden z našich bytů v Puertu byl trochu mimo město (La Romantica se ta část jmenovala mám pocit...) a z tama to bylo k té vyhlídce nad tou opuštěnou vodárnou jen kousek pěšky, tak jsme tam chodívali velmi často :) Hledám taky nějakou fotku, ale nenacházím... :D :/

Je to fakt kouzelné místo :) byla jsem třikrát a vždycky jsem si to potřebovala vyfotit :D

Love all views, especially the Mirador de Jardina 😊.. !PIZZA

Thank you for your comment (and the pizza!) :)

what beautiful beaches, it is a destination that I definitely want to visit since I am in love with the sea.

I highly recommend that! Plus points: it's not that expensive of a destination ;)

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Thank you very much! Made my day!

Oh! 😻 I liked Chipeque, Crucita, Gordejuelas and most of all, Playa de las Teresitas, thanks for sharing 😺🤘🤗

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 2 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment