Hi, @iamraincrystal! Apologies for the late reply! I had a busy weekend and I am only now catching up with all my online stuff...
Yes, I believe if you are scared of heights, that can be pretty scary. I am fortunate not to be scared of heights, but I do respect heights! I've seen people (especially mountaineers) who move around on spaces that make my hair stand up straight...lol. What I find with myself is tat I would be comfortable to stand at a certain spot and feel calm and in control, but the minute I see some close to me, such as my wife or one of my children, go there, I get uncomfortable and don't want them to go there. I think it is because I realize the danger, and I don't have any control if they move in or on those spaces...😅. Silly, I know, but that's just me...lol!
Yes, it was amazing to enjoy those views, especially for above the clouds.
Have a great week!