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RE: Ending 2024 on a High Note... On Table Mountain (Part 3)

in Worldmappin3 days ago

Yes, that is absolutely true. And the scene in the video you shared is a common site on a daily basis. I spoke to a lady last week when she told me how her father saw a guy on his security tv doing exactly the same as in your video. When he confronted the guy, he got threatened with a knife.

I have been stabbed in the face in my own home while fighting off three guys when they came into our house at 3 am in the morning.

Although I study every place, and scan for safety wherever we go, I specifically look for these places to prove to myself that we still have beautiful places in our country, even though you have to be vigilant when you go there. And I love sharing these experiences with the world to show the positive side of our country as well.

I have to say, although you are always aware of what is going on around you (a habit by now), we felt quite safe and relaxed during our visit to Table Mountain. There is a lot of activity, security was good and everything is well organized.

Thank you for your response and for sharing your thoughts! I do appreciate it!


It is quite shocking what's happening in South Africa and it's only getting worse as once they steal and destroy everything, what will be left for them to vandalize and steal?

I will never be able to understand these people honestly and would not feel comfortable there 🙁

I'm really sorry to hear about what you've gone through, it's shocking.

It is shocking indeed. We consider leaving this country because as you say, it's only getting worse. But being on the wrong side of 60, it's not that easy. But our children had enough and they are taking action as they feel there is no future for their children in this country. They did their research and apparently it is possible for them to go, get settled over seas and after a while to then bring us over too. So for now, that is what we are seriously considering as a family.

Like yourself, I do not understand these people either, so I have no answers for you. I mean, we have shocking statistics of farm murders here, and then our president have the edacity to go to America and try to tell your government it's all lies...we have no farm murders here...

I was left speechless when I heard that. But it seems like he is not going to get any support from Mr. Trump.

Hi Jaco. We are also looking at leaving as one big family unit. Luckily we have the passports to do so and why I was in the Algarve a few weeks ago checking the place out for opportunities. Sad to leave, but there is no other choice as I am thinking of grand kids etc for the future. I am a few years younger ,not by much though and will help set my kids up.

Hi @cryptoandcoffee. Yes, I agree, it is sad to leave, but as you say, thinking of the kids and grandkids there is no other choice. I always said I was born in this country and I will die in this country, but these days I ask my self..."what country?"

I'm glad to hear you are still young enough and that you can help to set up your kids!

My son-in-law is in the IT industry and with the help of an agency they are already looking for employment for him in New Zealand. Once they are there, I believe after three years they will qualify for residency and they can bring us over. Once we are there, my oldest daughter will follow too. She is in finances. The kids don't want to hear anything about leaving us here without one of them being here as a support network for us.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing with me.

Trump has dropped the hammer on many countries, some justified, some unjustified, but in case of South Africa, it was fully justified. Looks like most of them only care about themselves, no education, no morals and it's all about what they can grab for themselves, no matter the costs.

I can't blame your children and good thing there's a way out, before things get worse. I hope things are going to turn out well and wish you all good lock. I mean it!

Thank you, @erikah! Everything you say is so accurate. I am amazed! Most people from other countries I speak, don't always understand and don't realize what is going on here.

I appreciate your words of encouragement and support more than you can imagine!

I know a lot from @cryptoandcoffee, so I know how difficult life is for you all. Most people only see and think of the nice tourist destinations you see in TV, but that's just 5% of reality. They have no clue about the torture you have to go through on a daily bases.

That makes sense to me if you have been talking to @cryptoandcoffee. Now it makes sense to me why you are so well informed. Well, in all honesty, I am glad, because is nice to talk to someone from overseas who actually knows and understands what's going on here...! So once again, you are absolutely right!