Travel together to Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall

The highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls, is located in Canaima National Park in Venezuela


With a height of 979 meters, and 807 meters of uninterrupted fall, this waterfall is generated from the Auyantepuy River and its name means in Pemón "jump from the deepest place".


Canaima was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994 and has an area of more than 30,000 km2.

The name "Angel Falls" was given by a Venezuelan in honor of Jimmie Angel, an American aviator who discovered this waterfall in 1937 when he flew over it with his light aircraft.


This waterfall was one of the 28 finalists in the election of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

In spite of the fact that this waterfall is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country, it is difficult to visit, since the trip to the falls is not easy. As the area where it is located is surrounded by forest, the only way to get there is by plane from the capital of the country or from Ciudad Bolivar, to reach a Canaima camp.


As a curious fact, this waterfall was the inspiration for the fictional jungle in the Pixar movie "Up", where the main character tries to carry his house to the top of the "Paradise Falls", a clear allusion to Angel Falls.


Near Angel Falls there are places for tourists to stay during their visit to the region, the best known are El Pueblo de Canaima, Comunidad Kavak and Comunidad Uruyén, in Venezuela. There are tour operators that offer a variety of tourist packages for those who wish to visit this destination with the safety and comfort required, offering adequate guidance and conditions.

El Pueblo de Canaima es quizá el más visitado dentro del Parque Nacional Canaima, constituye algo así como un complejo turístico de extraordinaria belleza, posee el único aeropuerto con pista asfaltada de 3.000 metros de toda la región, se encuentra aquí la laguna de Canaima rodeada de blancas arenas y desde donde se puede apreciar y disfrutar de un espectacular escenario con hermosas cascadas que invitan a un refrescante baño y en el cual viven personas alegres, sencillas y hospitalarias que harán mucho más agradable la estadía en el lugar por la calidez humana que ofrecen. Las comunidades Kavak y Uruyén son comunidades indígenas de la etnia Pemón.

En el lugar se pueden realizar excursiones a ríos y cuevas cercanas, además de la obligada y ansiada visita al Auyantepuy y disfrutar de vistas maravillosas e inolvidables, contando con guías especializados.


my god is too beautiful. I didn't know this place in Venezuela. I'm in awe. Do you live nearby?