I think that this is one thing that mankind got right, as we are supposed to be managers and not destroyers of the earth.
I totally agree with your statement above. We should not only benefit from nature with all its offerings to us. But we also have to care for and manage it for future generations after us.
It's nice to know the history of this plantation goes back 340 years. It is very well managed. The neatness is also very amazing.
I also really liked your first paragraph. You take us to imagine hundreds of years ago seeing the wilderness there. Scouts were early pioneers, and finally turning it into a lush plantation there.
Have a nice trip
Thank you and yes, you are correct as it is our duty to nourish nature. But as long as mankind chases profits, nature will continue to suffer. Just the same as the poor people that we are working with.
They call them generational farms, passed down from each family owner to the son and so forth. Some of the historical farms have also been taken over by big international companies, so money is not a problem to keep things neat and tidy.
Those scouts were tough guys and they crossed many mountains on horseback that had no roads. Later on the families started moving out and they hoisted their ox-wagons over the mountains with ropes.
Imagine pulling a stripped oc wagon over a mountain and assembling it again on the other side. Even the live oxen were pulled over with rope slings.
Fascinating stories.
Thank you and have some !PIZZA