My 2024 travel recap

in Worldmappin2 months ago (edited)

Happy new year to all of you!!! Hopefully this year will bring all the best for everyone!

work hard, play hard' kind of person. That means when I am not on the road I take a lot of stupid shifts in hours that others are not working. But that is how we roll and it works perfect for me.Inspired by the post of @livinguktaiwan I actually thought this was an awesome idea to do myself as I had a bunch of nice trips over the year. You know me, I am a '

So let's have a look back on the year and see what nice stuff world has us to offer!! Yeah I know I am too late for the #winterchallenge, but does suit it right?

January | Austria

I headed out to the Austrian Alps for some snow seaching. The Gastein region is one of the more tranquil regions in Austria where not so many Dutchies head out to (we are annoying people while travelling).

It was fun, the snow was way better than expected and this was just an awesome getaway of being outside in the neverending winter. The mountains never seem to bore be and it just feels really healthy to the mind to head outdoors.

Febuary | Belgium

Ow damn this was fun as well. Heading out to Belgium and the city of Gent this was the most random weekender in a long time.

Gent was a lot more of a fun city than I had expected and the vibe was good over here. It felt like everyone was hanging outside. There were so many beers to find in the city and so many locations to hang out here. There was even an 'official' #beer walk, where you were directed to different bars and pubs to hang out with.

May | Greece

Ahhhh, the first bigger sailing trip without any instructors in Greece. Ow how nervous I was and there was so much to learn. Yeah, nervous because you really didn't know what to expect of yourself in terms on what you do when things get a little bit more gnarly out of the ocean.

I loved Greece because the vibe there is so damn chill. Nobody seems to worry about anything and I guess that is why everything feels so laid back. The food is awesome, the climate is fantastic...I really love Greece!

August | Croatia

I was so siked about how the sailing went in May that I decided to head out on the water again. Croatia was the destination this time and that had everything to do with how short term we decided to head out there. High season, availability, prices....You have to be sharp to manouvre to get a decent deal and also not to head out to a spot that is super busy.

But I really like the waters of Croatia. For sailing this is literally an awesome sot with so many island and around every corner is something new and fun. The weather there though I would call it volatile because of the local storms coming from land. We had to dodge a couple of storms with the boat but also that as a great learning experience. I like the sailing life, but not what all can break on the boat.

September | France

No Hive fest for me this year as it didn't really fit in everything. Instead I headed out to the Northern coast of France which was totally new to me and I loved it!! The weather was kind of changing per hour so the far sights were very different but the vibe was good, and the landscapes were something else! The sea food bonanza was lovely the eat there and the roads were perfect to roam around with.

The experience of heading out with a camper was born on the sailing boat as it is a bit of the same idea. Not about the destination but about the journey towards in and enjoying that. That was a really cool thing to do woth doggo together as well, although he didn't enjoy the driving so much.

December | Vietnam

And last up for the year was heading to Vietnam which is just a fantastic friendly country to visit. I am still not done with all my stories over there, and the contrast per region is just so big.

Wow, that is a decent score for this year when I look at it like this. Like I said earlier, there was also a lot of effort put in there to make this all happen. But hey....I like exploring the world and seeing so many different things out of it.

And coming to look at it like this, it seems like I just love water a lot haha.

But uhhh...that Worldmappin hoodie ..That is still one thing that is missing on all of my travels @lizanomadsoul ;)))))

Excited for what this year will have in store!


Happy 2025 Karin!

Same to you there Tony!!

SourceHere is your Proof of Brian. I think you meant #ProofOfBrain

 2 months ago  

We are already looking forward to reading about your adventures.

Hahaha we will see on the weekend who will win it @karinxxl. So many travels! What a great year. Whats on your list for 2025?

I saw this post the other day and was going to comment later then forgot 🥴

You went to Croatia in August! Would have been great if the timing was right, we had a cracking time.

All your holidays looks so fun packed with stuff to do, a big contrast to my lazy ones where I just walk around town. Look forward to your travels this year!

You actually beated me in the number of countries visited in 2024, well done! Crossing fingers for another year full of travels, in homeland and abroad! ;)