Walking around the National Mall in DC

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Hola amigos, ¡Feliz Jueves!

Estoy de nuevo por acá para seguir mostrandoles un poco de lo que se ha convertido una de mis partes favoritas acá porque me da mucha paz, y además me queda cerca.

Luego de mi accidente del pie no he salido a muchos lugares porque no puedo caminar demasiado tiempo pero sin duda DC ha sido el lugar a donde más he ido y aun me queda mucho por recorrer.

Hello friends, Happy Thursday!

I'm here again to continue showing you a little bit of what has become one of my favorite places here because it gives me a lot of peace, and also it's close to me.

After my foot accident I haven't been out to many places because I can't walk for too long but without a doubt DC has been the place where I've been the most and I still have a lot to go.

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Se ha convertido en uno de mis lugares favoritos quizás por toda la historia que ha sido tan importante para los estadounidenses y de alguno u otra manera para el mundo y su historia, cuando estaba en el liceo mi materia favorita era historia general, asi que algunos de los nombres y batallas importantes las he escuchado, quien diría que hoy estoy en la cuna de esos heroes.

It has become one of my favorite places perhaps because of all the history that has been so important to Americans and in some way or another to the world and its history, when I was in high school my favorite subject was general history, so some of the important names and battles I have heard, who would think that today I am in the cradle of those heroes.

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Lo mas asombrosos es ver como se cuenta el pasado, y el presente.

The most amazing thing is to see how the past is told, and the present.

Lo monumentos son imponentes con una gran arquitectura y esa es una de las cosas que mas me gusta, sin duda tendras fotos muy bonitas.

La verdad yo siento que no tuve fotos tan bonitas porque tenia mucho frio, no estaba acostumbrada al clima y además llevar tanta ropa arriba me hacia sentir pesada, pero igual se las comparto.

The monuments are imposing with great architecture and that is one of the things I like the most, no doubt you will have very nice pictures.

The truth is that I feel that I didn't have very nice pictures because I was very cold, I wasn't used to the weather and also wearing so many clothes on top made me feel heavy, but I'll share them with you anyway.

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Cuando yo vi la Casa Blanca por primera vez fue una de las cosas que alteró la química de mi cerebro porque es una de las cosas que mas siempre veia en pelis y quería conocer, no se si era lo que esperaba pero estuve muy feliz de poder estar en ese lugar, realmente hasta quería llorar jajjajaja. Ver todo con ojos de turista es lo mejor porque todo te parece increíble, me encantaría seguir viviendo la vida asi

When I saw the White House for the first time it was one of the things that altered my brain chemistry because it is one of the things I always saw in movies and I wanted to know, I don't know if it was what I expected but I was very happy to be in that place, I really wanted to cry hahahahaha. Seeing everything with the eyes of a tourist is the best because everything seems incredible, I would love to continue living life like that.

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El National Mall está situado en el centro de Washington, DC, y se extiende más de 3 km desde el Monumento a Lincoln, en el extremo oeste, hasta el Capitolio de Estados Unidos.

Para mi es un lugar bastante lindo, puedes caminar en familia, o solo si asi lo prefieres. Tomar aire relajarte y disfrutar.

The National Mall is located in downtown Washington, DC, and stretches over 2 miles from the Lincoln Memorial on the west end to the U.S. Capitol.

For me it's quite a nice place, you can walk with the family, or alone if you prefer. Take a breath of air, relax and enjoy.

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Y aun me queda mucho por conocer, una vez esté mejor y al 100 espero visitar los monumentos y mostrarles.

Nos vemos en un próximo post

And I still have a lot to know, once I'm better and at 100 I hope to visit the monuments and show you.

See you in a future post

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All photos belong to me


I will actually feel the same vibe as yours if been given the chance to visit that place dear. Surely, I will enjoy the time being in the beautiful and historical cite.

i was there in 2019 and i hope to go back soon