Hello to all friends in the hive. I hope you are well. I want to share with you about an incredibly beautiful place high in the mountains. A place I have mentioned in my previous posts. Здравейте на всички приятели в кошера. Надявам се да сте добре. Искам да споделя с вас за едно невероятно красиво място високо в планината. Място за което съм споменавал в мои предишни постове.
Manadthita can be reached in two ways. On foot or by car. In our case, we were in a car because of our young daughter. The road there is paved and a very good comparison with our roads. The other option is to go on foot, but the trek can take up to several hours. You must be in good physical condition and with appropriate equipment to go through the eco-trail. The beginning of which starts from the end of my town Veliko Tarnovo or more precisely the old part where my grandmother lives "Samovodska bazaar"
До манадтита може да се стигне по два начина. Пеша или с кола. В нашия случай ние бяхме с кола заради малката ни дъщеря. Пътят до там е асфалтиран и много добър сравнение с пътищата ни. Другият вариант е да се отиде пеша като обаче преходът може да отнеме до няколко часа. Трябва да сте в добро физическо състояние и с подходяща екипировка за да минете през еко патеката. Началото на която започва от края на моя град Велико Търново или по-точно старата част където живее моята баба "Самоводската чаршия "
Манастирът може да бъде посещаван целогодишно само да няма сняг защото тогава пътят става непроходим и хората които живеят там често остават изолирани.
The monastery is the largest in the vicinity of the city and one of the largest in Bulgaria. There you can see icon paintings on all the walls of the monastery by the famous Bulgarian artist Zahari Zograf, who for a long time was depicted on a 100 Bulgarian lev banknote. His most famous work is the mural the wheel of life which can be seen there and which I will show you
Манастирът е най-големия в оклолието на градът и един от най-големите в България. Там могат да бъдат видени иконописи по всички стени на манастира дело на известен български художник Захари Зограф който дълго време беше изобразен на банкнота от 100 български лева. Най-известната му творба е стенописа колелото на живота който може да бъде видян там.
The monastery is most often visited during church and Christian holidays. Solemn liturgies for health and prosperity are celebrated there. People from all over the country gather to express their gratitude to God and seek salvation for their souls.
Манастирът е най- често посещаван по време на църковни и християнски празници. Там се отслужват тържествени литургии за здраве и благоденствие. Хора от цялата страна се събират да изкажат своята бладарност към Бог и да търсят спасение на душата си.
A very beautiful tourist destination that I highly recommend. Also a highly spiritual one
. Thank you for stopping by my post today I hope you like it. 🤍💚❤️🤗 Link to registrate to Hive Network end bulgarian community https://ecency.com/hive-172868/@ecency-bulgaria/wzzwwzyk
Много красива туристическа дестинация която аз силно препоръчвам. Също и силно духовна такава. Линк за повече информация за платформата и как да се регистрирам стъпка по стъпка в българската група https://ecency.com/hive-172868/@ecency-bulgaria/wzzwwzyk
//:# (!pinmapple 43.11764 lat 25.60616 long Preobrazhenski Monastery d3scr)
Thanks for sharing this... It looks really beautiful. From the reflections on the halos, it looks as if the artist used real gold leaf - a practice which is unfortunately waning in popularity.
Thank you so much for your support of my @v4vapp proposals in the past, my previous one expired this week.
I'd be really happy if you would continue supporting my work by voting on this proposal for the next 6 months:
Additionally you can also help this work with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner
If you have used v4v.app I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.
My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services but I may have to increase the 0.8% fee to 2.0% if I continue to be unfunded.
Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #244 or consider unvoting the HBD stabilizer explained below.
For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I will also redraft this proposal with more details (coming soon). I'm also looking for other funding sources.
Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner
If you have used v4v.app I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.
Seems like a nice place and not so crowded which is very nice! Your daughter surely enjoyed.
Yes. Really quiet and peaceful place. The little one liked very much 🤗🙏
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Terrific post 😘❤️😊
Very nice photos 👌🤍💚❤️
Thanks baby 😘🤍💚❤️🙏
Awesome place 🤩🤍💚❤️🙏 @tipu curate
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Браво Веско, много красиво място и жестоки снимки.Задобрял си 👏👏👏
Хахах благодаря братле 🤗🤍💚❤️🙏