Sunrise at Turtle Beach

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Waking up to Paradise


(A top down view of Starfish Resort located on Turtle Beach)

On our second to last visit to Tobago for 2022, we stayed at Starfish resort located on Turtle Beach. Our room's porch was literally right on the sands of the shore and we slept away to the sounds of the waves each night. It is definitely an amazing experience. It was only during my stay there that I was informed that this beach was not just named as such but actually was a location that sea turtles returned to to nest! That is for another blog though as today I just wanted to share the awesome views during sunrise! If you look carefully at the photos, you can see the tracks left by the turtles during the night.


You can't not want to wake up early to take in the sights, sounds and smells here even though I am a late morning person more than anything else. There was just too much beauty to miss out on! Snooze you loose as they say. As soon as I walked outside, the scene grabbed me and I could not at all resist! The rising sun showered the sand with golden light and the emerald/ turquoise hues of the breathtaking waters seemed to glow in from the depths.


Being who I am and what I was, a photographer at heart, I just had to send up the drone! What I saw from my viewfinder was like a view from another dimension! At eye level, the water's colors were just okay but from the bird's eye view of the drone, the colors were stunning! This made my morning and by extension, my day. Golden hour during the morning times are starting to become my favorite even though it takes a little more effort to wake up.


I just loved the way the sand made those intricate patterns amidst the receding waves as you can see in the above picture. You can guess that I took way too many shots trying to capture the phenomenon. Way too many...


I was glad to take the time before even eating breakfast to enjoy and appreciate the natural beauty of the location. It is always nice to take in the characteristics of the place at different times of day as there can be so much you can potentially miss. Case in point, this was so beautiful in the morning but at night, there was another magical occurrence; nesting of the leatherback turtles! Stay tuned.


Oh ,love the beach looks so quite and peaceful.

Cheers! was definitely relaxing, much needed!

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