ENG= how exciting and amazing it must be to visit those parks where you were, it really looks like ant from very high when you parachute jumped, it must be very rewarding those moments, especially when you are accompanied with good friends, the gif you posted showing the river really looks very relaxing, I can imagine how calm you must have been in those moments
ESP= que emocionante y asombroso debe ser visitar esos parques donde estuviste, realmente parece hormigas desde muy alto cuando saltaste en paracaidas, debe ser muy gratificante esos momentos, sobre todo cuando estas acompañado con buenos amigos, el gif que posteaste mostrando el rio realmente se ve muy relajante, me imagino lo tranquilo que debes haber estado en esos momentos.
yes, it is always good to escape from the city routine and breathe fresh air.