Please note Hive and the haveyoubeenhere community only welcomes original content. If your account is found with plagiarised content you will be banned.
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Please note Hive and the haveyoubeenhere community only welcomes original content. If your account is found with plagiarised content you will be banned.
For sure. I'm happy for the strict rules of the community, original and good content should be promoted, but before unvoting me you could've asked me about the purity of the content. These photos were taken by me. And the details given are also. Thank you @livinguktaiwan
Ask you about what? How you copied and spinned from the internet?
Also, please read the community rules before you post in a community.

No brother, I didn't spinned from internet. I just opened google to confirm its height. And few points came into my view. Sorry for this time. It won't happen again. I hope you accept my apologies.