
Hello. I tried to do what you say and put the link to my ecency as a web address on Facebook, but I don't know how to get my Hive identifier or where to put it on Facebook. I can't find any other way than to put it as a link to a web page. You can help? @lininguktaiwan

Your Facebook About page has this bio section,


Just add your Hive address like this from peakd or ecency or

It's okay like that? @livinguktaiwan

which website is this please? can you please add it here? thanks

I just updated my Facebook information. I added other photography websites that I have been a part of for years. I leave them here below in case you want to visit them.
Please tell me if I did the ecency related correctly. Thank you @livinguktaiwan

I know what was happening. The thing is that I have my facebook account ( and an associated page ( I was making the changes in the first and you were looking in the second, that's why you didn't see them. I already made them in both places to see if you can see them. Sorry for the confusion and thanks @livinguktaiwan.

Thanks so much for verifying your ID, I will make sure it is logged on the database. Happy Hive journey!