Walking around lake Ritzensee, Leogang, Austria

in Worldmappin3 months ago


In my post last week, I already told you a little bit about our winter trip 2 years ago, when we drove to Leogang, Austria to have some peace and quiet... and of course adventure 😎

As you can imagine hiking up that mountain left its mark. We had a lot of sore muscles for the next few days and even after sauna and massages it didn´t get much better - so we decided to do an easy walk for the next adventure. - We drove from Leogang about 20 minutes to the lake Ritzensee to walk around it.


The weather was perfect, sunny and fresh with an awesome view towards the mountains. Of course, the lake itself was frozen, so sadly no chance to swim in it 😅 - Some people enjoyed the weather as well and walked around it, others went cross-country skiing as there was a cross-country ski run made for them there.

we parked the car and started walking enjoying the view. As you may know, I am not really a fan of winter because of the cold and all that cloth, I prefer to walk barefoot in the sand... but I have to admit that the sound of walking through the snow has something tranquil.






It looked warmer than the other day but it was really cold as the wind was blowing. Still, the calmness was in the air. Walking with this view, moving forward, breathing this fresh air, and spending some quality time with my wife was just perfect. - I enjoyed it very much. The first part of the trail runs along the lake.

Of course, here we found some more signs. It said that we shouldn't walk on the lake as it can break down and is dangerous. Also, swans are living there protecting their kids, so it's dangerous to come close to them.



We were pretty surprised when all of a sudden we saw a guy driving a bike... on ice - even though it's soooo dangerous!! I guess he needed the kick :D It was hard not to watch, to be honest.






After that, we had to walk a little bit up - away from the lake.

At first, I was a little bit sad that the trail went away from it and for some time it was just going through the woods and along houses, but after reaching the higher points going around a curve, we saw that it was so worth it. From there we had the best view of the lake and the mountains.

And of course - another panorama picture sign describing which mountains we were looking at 😁









That was the highlight of the trail. I can only imagine how beautiful that view must be in summer, swimming in that lake. I read that there is a castle right next to it, but didn´t see it.

A few meters further down we arrived at the village, walked along the houses, and then back to the starting point next to the street. Good thing that there weren't many cars on the road, I can only imagine that in summer it would be way more crowded.

After about another 20 minutes we were back at the car, ready to head back to the hotel.





After that nice walk, we went back to the hotel. Right behind it we had a little hill where Elena could try out snowboarding. - It was a lot of fun walking up and sliding down over and over again. - After another hour we were tired and enjoyed the sunset in the Alps.

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Back at the hotel we enjoyed the well-deserved wellness and nice food with a great view of the mountains. So again the perfect finish for that adventure day.



Oh, stop provoking with having fun! ;)

 3 months ago  

Hahaha, it will get even better next post. You´ll see @godfish. I have planned to write about one of my favorite trips 😎



 3 months ago  


The winter has always been my favourite

 3 months ago  

How come @damseth9898?

All over we can see the sparkling snow a peaceful ambience a cold breeze all around @lizanomadsoul

 3 months ago  

That is so true @damseth9898. Glad you like it ❤️

Nice report - if you need an snowboardinstructor tell me :) I am doing it since '91
And you have an one more Abo on youtube.

 3 months ago  

haha I am doing fine thanks @schmidi. Maybe my wife wants to learn it though. Are you in any special area? Would be fun to do a session together one day! - What is a one more Abo?

Ein neuer Abonnement auf YouTube :) Wir können ja deutsch schreiben. Vielleicht gehen wir mal zusammen boarden ...

 3 months ago  

Ah ja. Ich war es satt immer WErbung zu haben :D Mal schaun was der Urlaub hergibt. Im Moment sind wir noch mitten im Weihnachtsgeschäft. Sie ist Selbstständig als Caterer.

Oh, Leogang ❤️ We were there a few years ago, and it is a wonderful place. We were also there in summer one time…I was impressed. Just why, oh why, do my friends have so much fun hiking and I do not, but I still survived 😂 We were planning to go skiing in Schladming, which is also great place…but with so much stuff going on, I'm not sure when will this happen 😂

 3 months ago  

haha I hated hiking for a long time, especially being a kid when my parents made me hike all the mountains and I didnt enjoy it at all. Until I went to Cuba for 4 weeks doing lots of hikes and bike tours. There I found it interesting and started to like it. Now I am discovering German Alps once again with another perspective actually enjoying it - especially taking the dog. Maybe you have to try it out in different surroundings as well to like it 😆😆
Such a pleasure to see you here though! Hope you and your husband are fine ❤️

Really? That is nice to hear. I would love to see it in summer, as summer is always better than winter @tinabrezpike 😎😎☀️☀️😜

I cannot imagine ever liking hiking 😂 ok, maybe if I ever go to Cuba for sure…so I believe you because of this, you want it now :) Madeira was also every day only hiking 😂 but, still, I wouldn't say I like it 😏 biking is something else…of course, only down the hill, never up…maybe in the future, when we buy an electro bike, it will finally come this moment that I can ride up 😂 we are fine, working non-stop and we are moving to another apartment, so it's a lot to do this month:) I hope you're okay ❤️

 3 months ago  

hahaha I get what you mean.. why do so much effort if you can make it easy and enjoy the view anyways 😎😅☀️ - Here also still Christmas stress, but slowly getting less. Greetings ❤️

I see the photos and I feel the cold but at the same time it seems to me a very spectacular passage, I hope at some point to appreciate something like touching snow.

 3 months ago  

You have never touched snow before @wilfredocav? Oh it is very nice! once in a life time you should definitely try it out. But for 1-2 weeks max. after that you will wish to be back in the warm :D

I miss so much to see such a winter atmosphere, unfortunately here in western Romania where I live I haven't had such a winter for a long time.
I remember when I was a kid how we used to go sledding on the hills next to us, but that was a while ago, instead I bought a sledge (actually I have it for almost two years, hehe) and when I miss the snow I put the sledge in the car and head for the mountains closest to me (after 3 hours of driving and a ride with the cable car you are faced with a white immensity).
Have a wonderful week ahead.

 3 months ago  

Oh no. Yes, its the same here. When I was a kid we had lots of snow and where outside all winter building iglus, houses, snowmans etc. or riding down the hills in sledge. Now here we have almost none snow or at least not for much time... also have to drive at least 1-2 hrs to get some more snow @triplug. It is nice for a while, but in general i am more a summer person :D

I can't say that I like one season in particular, and yes, I like winter strictly for the fairytale landscapes it offers us (I don't practice winter sports, only occasionally I use my sled) at the same time I like summer (I can't swim, hehe), I like fall, aww what landscapes this season can have, and spring doesn't really offer me good moments.

 3 months ago  

for me its definitely summer - so much you can do outside!! love having long days! and autumn because of the colors ❤️❤️

In recent years I discovered something sensational about these seasons, namely if it's winter here in Romania but I want to sunbathe, everything is solved, in a few hours I can be somewhere on a beach sitting on a deckchair, if it's summer and very hot in Romania I can solve this case, hehe.
Maybe I'm more complicated, but at the end of the day, if we have an average budget, I think we can afford to do what we like😉

 3 months ago  

Exactly @triplug! You can always leave for an adgenture.. And even without the budget, it is just a question of imagination skills 😎

saludos!Hola @lizanomadsoul, bonito lugar!...nunca conocí la nieve todavía. Espero poder hacerlo en algún momento.

 3 months ago  

En serio?! En donde vives? Pues si, una vez en la vida por 2-3 dias seria bien haha. Despues te mueres del frio 😅😅😅

Snow everywhere!

 3 months ago  

Eeeeeverywhere @ybanezkim26 😜 - Have you ever been in a place like that before?

Sadly no. It's in the top of my bucket list. Imagine living in a place where it's sunny everyday. The only time the weather changes is when there's a typhoon. 😆

 3 months ago  

Well I lived like that for 5 years in Mexican Caribbean :D - Was fun also!

Hay amiga amo todo lo que subes relacionado con tu día en la nieve, como nunca la he visto, disfruto mucho de tus Post @lizanomadsoul 😊👏🤩. Montando ⛷ ski, debe ser muy lindo todo. Gracias por compartir 🙏🏻 . Feliz Inicio de Semana

 3 months ago  

Gracias @ibarra95! Es muy bonito pero solo por un tiempo. Despues deseo estar en un pais como el tuyo con mas calor hahaha. Me encantó Cuba. He ido 2 veces ya. - Pero ya no encuentro mis fotos de mi viaje de 4 semanas... sigo buscando, a ver si algun dia te puedo contar de mis aventuras dentro de tu pais lindo @ibarra95❤️❤️ Era hace mucho tiempo en 2011... seguro que ha cambiado un monton.

Estas igual que la amiga @sofathana, que presente aveces contenido de su viaje a cuba 🇨🇺.

Yo ando ya de calor cansado jjjjj, vamos ver si puedo ver el frío en los próximos años.Pues a seguir buscando @lizanomadsoul así me presentas tu recorrido en la isla que estoy seguro que tus tomas fotográficas son mejores que las mías, eres experta 😁👏.

Saludos amiga 😊🙏🏻🇨🇺👏

Jajajaja, es que tengo mucho material de viajes pasados sin postear @ibarra95, Cuba está entre ellos. ¡Espero que encuentres todas esas fotos @lizanomadsoul! Y por cierto, qué hermosos paisajes nevados, ese nivel de frío lo aguanto por unos días nada más, también prefiero el clima amigable 😄, ¡saludos!

 3 months ago  

Uyyy siii seria buenissimo encontrarlos.. no se donde quedaron.. creo que los perdí durante otro viaje, porque mi compu ya no funcionó de un dia al otro 😱😞 - Extraño la playa ya.. ese invierno me pone depressiva😞! ☀️☀️

¡Ojalá aparezcan! 🍀

Te entiendo, el clima determina la vida jeje 🌊🌴🌞

 3 months ago  

Siii, te aviso en cuando las encuentro @sofathana🐝🐝 - Ay si, normalmente ya estaria en el otro lado del muno.. pero maduré y ya tengo responsabilidades 😂, ya no puedo salir asi de facil..

 3 months ago  

Haha ojala que encuentre esas fotos. Era un viaje super especial! Me encantó. Un abrazo

Nice to see a landscape filled with snow. Feels so light and exhilarating !BBH !LOLZ

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 3 months ago  

It was really a nice day. I love walking in the snow with blue sky and sun. Its the best days in winter really.

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That place looks perfect if you want to take a rest from busy big cities...

 3 months ago  

Oh yes. I am not a fan of big cities @irisworld. Being remote out in nature is always my favorite 🐝🐝

The same here!❤️

 3 months ago  


So nice snowing landscapes!!

 3 months ago  

Yes, a looot of snow. Really nice especially with the sun shining on it @noemilunastorta. Glad you like it.

That bike guy reminds me to my country, many boys (of course always boys) do that when it is cold enough to take a shortcut to school.

However, those freezing days are rare in the Netherlands, that's why we love Coming to Austria

 3 months ago  

ahhaa - it is getting very rare in Germany as well. Thats why we go closer to the Alps as well @xsasj👍

Hear the silence from here! The only think I hate about the winter sun is when driving it is so low and dazzling, great for cool snaps though

 3 months ago  

True @grindle. Thanks for stopping by ❤️😎

This is what I want to try! Ice skating on a real ice...
Love the pristine view of white snow..

 3 months ago  

hahaha yeah there it would be possible but dangerous @jane1289

Really this is a beautiful place, i really appreciate your effort in taking this beautiful pictures. I wonder of you'll be spending your Christmas holiday in such a beautiful place.

 3 months ago  

You are welcome @moondial. Glad you like it. not sure I will have Christmas holidays. - For now I will probably just stay in Germany and enjoy the area here if I get some time off work 😎

Really that will be cool, i pray you get some time of work to enjoy in this Christmas holiday.

 3 months ago  

Thanks @moondial. Maybe spontaneously go for a trip 😎 Until then I will tell you all about old trips I made and travel through my memories. There are some real good ones. 🐝🐝

Really impressive, I loved the video and all the photos are beautiful. I live in a tropical country, so I don't know snow 🤭 to see it gives me cold ☺️ best regards 🤗

 3 months ago  

Great I could cool you off a bit @mayramalu. Where do you live? Well, this is how snow looks like on a beautiful day.. the good side of it. When its raining on it or its cloudy, doesn't seem that nice :D

Haha yes! I'm from Cuba, we need a little bit of cold here. I wish you a beautiful day 🤗

 3 months ago  

I´ll send you some over then @mayramalu👍🐝 You too have a beautiful day ❤️

I saw some very nice pictures my friend I am very interested

 3 months ago  

Glad you liked it @arieswilly🐝

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 3 months ago  

Thanks @worldmappin🐝🐝

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 3 months ago  


I also often experience muscle pain after climbing mountains, but some people say it is a normal thing to happen.

You captured this moment very well, so I can imagine just by reading this post, it's really amazing

Have a nice day

 3 months ago  

Haha of course its normal - if you are not that trained, as me :D Thanks for stopping by @riyat

Hehe, you are absolutely right, I haven't climbed for a long time, and if I do it now it will probably cause unbearable pain lol

You're welcome, keep up the good work 🤗

 3 months ago  

😅 I´ll do my very best @riyat

I would enjoy a sled with the kids there. XD

 3 months ago  

Very nice @itravelrox! We sadly didn´t bring it that time. I love going down the mountains with a sled as well.

I can imagine that you both needed an easier walk now with sore muscles.
This looks perfect. I like the snow capped mountains 🏔️ in the background. Stunning!
The guy on the bike, he stayed safely next to the waters edge… the ice is the thickest there. So he was safe. I would have watched him too haha
Thanks for sharing your walk with us.
Have a nice evening 😊😘

 3 months ago  

Thanks for coming by @littlebee4🐝🐝 Yes, the view was amazing! You too have a nice evening ❤️

You are welcome 🤗
Thanks a lot!

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