Raising Catfish in a Pond

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Hello friends of Hive, farming as started extensively in the eastern part of nigeria and i and my humbly self is thinking about going into fish farming especially the catfish. You can read more about catfish production in my previous post Catfish Farming in Nigeria

Raising catfish in a mould pond is a relatively straightforward process and also a tactical one. It is best to consider certain conditions when you want to start preparing for your catfish farm.

1. Choose a suitable location for your pond: A mould pond should be located in an area that has good soil drainage and is free from pollution.

2. Prepare the pond: Clear the area of any vegetation or debris, level the ground and dig the pond. The pond should be deep enough to hold enough water for your catfish to grow and thrive.

3. Fill the pond with water: Once the pond is ready, fill it with water. The water should be clean and free from pollutants or contaminants.

4. Add catfish to the pond: Purchase catfish fingerlings (young catfish) from a reputable supplier and introduce them to the pond. You can start with a small number of catfish and gradually increase the population as they grow. There are different variesties of catfish to choose from.

5. Feed the catfish: Catfish are omnivores and can be fed a variety of foods, including commercial catfish feed, worms, insects, and small fish. Feed them regularly and monitor their growth and health. Recently the price of fish feed as increased more than 80% due to increase in cost of materials use in producing the feeds.

6. Maintain water quality: Regularly monitor the water quality in the pond and make sure that the pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen levels are within the appropriate range for catfish. You may need to perform water changes or add water treatments to maintain good water quality.

7. Harvest the catfish: When the catfish reach a desirable size and weight, typically 1-2 years old, they can be harvested for consumption or sale. Make sure to follow proper handling and processing procedures to ensure food safety. The price of 1kg weight of catfish is between 800 Naira to 1000 Naira in local currency

Overall, raising catfish in a mould pond can be a rewarding and profitable venture if done correctly. Consult with local experts or experienced catfish farmers for additional guidance and advice from professionals


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