[ESP] "Las mujeres deben ser fuertes y sanas, deben trabajar y ser financieramente independientes, y deben considerar a los hombres como sus amigos y compañeros, no como su propietario o enemigos." (Teresa de la Parra. Bogotá, 1930)
[ENG] "Women must be strong and healthy, they must work and be financially independent, and they must regard men as their friends and colleagues, not their owners or enemies." (Teresa de la Parra. Bogotá, 1930)
[ENG] Facade of the house Teresa de la Parra.
Photograph owned by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas, August 4, 2021.[ESP] Fachada de la Casa Teresa de la Parra.
Fotografía propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas, 04 de agosto de 2021.
Hello friends, I greet you with respect and affection from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, I hope you are in very good health, happy and with an excellent quality of life. On August 4 of this year 2021, my wife and I went for a walk through our capital city, Caracas, and on the way we passed near the house that, according to information found, belonged to the Surgeon
Eugenio Pignat de Bellard who, upon death, left it to the Venezuelan State.
They gave this house the name of Casa Teresa de la Parra in homage to this famous Venezuelan writer. Ana Teresa de la Parra Sanojo known in the world of literature as Teresa de la Parra, although in 1915, in her literary beginnings, she used the pseudonym Fru Fru.

[ESP] Teresa de la Parra. (Nace en París 5 de octubre de 1889 – Muere en Madrid 23 de abril de 1936) Imagen
[ENG] Teresa de la Parra. (Born in Paris, October 5, 1889 - Dies in Madrid, April 23, 1936) Source
Ana Teresa de la Parra Sanojo nació en París, 5 de octubre de 1889 y murió en Madrid, el 23 de abril de 1936, fue una insigne escritora venezolana, para muchos, la más destacadas de su época. Ella supo expresar en sus creaciones literarias el ambiente íntimo y familiar de la Venezuela de finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX. Se le considera defensora de la mujer como ente activo de la sociedad, algunos la llaman feminista por ir a la vanguardia de los derechos de la mujer. A ella se le reconoce, principalmente por sus novelas
Ifigenia y
Memorias de Mamá Blanca. Su novela más conocida, Ifigenia, planteó por primera vez en el país el drama de la mujer frente a una sociedad que no le permitía tener voz propia y cuya única opción de vida, según la sociedad, era el matrimonio legalmente constituido. Por ello, el título de Ifigenia remite al personaje griego y al sacrificio. La obra es un retrato de la sociedad caraqueña de principios del siglo XX. Referencia del Texto
Teresa de la Parra fue la primera escritora venezolana que obtuvo reconocimiento crítico fuera de su país. Sus dos novelas tuvieron una amplia difusión en Francia, España e Hispanoamérica inmediatamente después de su publicación en los años veinte, y la autora recibió el homenaje de Miguel de Unamuno y Juan Ramón Jiménez.
Ana Teresa de la Parra Sanojo was born in Paris, October 5, 1889 and died in Madrid, April 23, 1936, she was a distinguished Venezuelan writer, for many, the most outstanding of her time. She knew how to express in her literary creations the intimate and family atmosphere of Venezuela in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She is considered a defender of women as an active entity in society, some call her a feminist for being at the forefront of women's rights. She is recognized, mainly for her novels
Ifigenia and
Memories of Mamá Blanca. Her best-known novel, Ifigenia, raised for the first time in the country the drama of women in front of a society that did not allow her to have her own voice and whose only life option, according to the society, was the legally constituted marriage. For this reason, the title of Iphigenia refers to the Greek character and the sacrifice. The work is a portrait of Caracas society at the beginning of the 20th century. Text Reference
Teresa de la Parra was the first Venezuelan writer to gain critical recognition outside her country. Her two novels were widely distributed in France, Spain and Latin America immediately after their publication in the 1920s, and the author received the homage of Miguel de Unamuno and Juan Ramón Jiménez.

[ENG] View of the Teresa de la Parra House and the John Boulton Foundation House.
Photograph owned by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas, August 4, 2021.[ESP] Vista de la Casa Teresa de la Parra y la Casa de la Fundación John Boulton.
Fotografía propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas, 04 de agosto de 2021.

[ENG] Me, standing in front of the front door of the house.
Photograph owned by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas, August 4, 2021.[ESP] Yo, parado al frente de la puerta de la entrada principal de la casa.
Fotografía propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas, 04 de agosto de 2021.

[ENG] Windows fully restored. Main facade of the house.
Photograph owned by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas, August 4, 2021.[ESP] Ventanas totalmente restauradas. Fachada principal de la casa.
Fotografía propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas, 04 de agosto de 2021.

[ENG] Photograph owned by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas, August 4, 2021.[ESP] Fotografía propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas, 04 de agosto de 2021.

[ENG] Photograph owned by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas, August 4, 2021.[ESP] Fotografía propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas, 04 de agosto de 2021.
[ESP] Casa Teresa de la Parra, justo al lado del Pantéon Nacional, donde por cierto reposan los restos de tan ilustre escritora venezolana desde el año 1989, los cuales fueron trasladados allí con motivo de celebrarse el año centenario de su nacimiento. Fotografía propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas, 04 de agosto de 2021.
[ENG] Teresa de la Parra House, right next to the National Pantéon, where by the way the remains of such an illustrious Venezuelan writer rest since 1989 the which were transferred there to celebrate the centenary year of his birth. Photograph owned by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas, August 4, 2021

[ENG] View of the Teresa de la Parra House and the John Boulton Foundation House.
Photograph owned by the author @marcosmilano71 Caracas, August 4, 2021.[ESP] Vista de la Casa Teresa de la Parra y la Casa de la Fundación John Boulton.
Fotografía propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71 Caracas, 04 de agosto de 2021.
Author, Autor: Marcos Milano
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Nice Blog
Hello @ gianna795 Thank you very much for your comment. Receive a strong virtual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
How are you dear friend @ marcosmilano71 good afternoon
you are doing a good job letting us know historical and beautiful houses of your city belonging to illustrious people
I really appreciate the whole story and the beautiful pictures
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon
estas haciendo un buen trabajo dando nos a conocer casas históricas y hermosas de tu cuidad pertenecientes a persona ilustres
Aprecio mucho toda la historia y las hermosas imágenes
aprovecho para desearte una esplendida tardeComo estas querido amigo @marcosmilano71 buenas tardes
Hello respected friend @jlufer Thank you very much for your comment. Yes my friend, I like to show some historical sites of Venezuela, specifically Caracas and the metropolitan area. Receive a strong virtual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.
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Hello @sqube I greet you with respect from Venezuela. Thank you very much for your vote. Receive a strong virtual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.