Hola amigos del hive como han estado? Espero se encuentren bien en esta ocasión les quiero mostrar un poco del viaje que hice este fin de semana que pasó.
Hello hive friends, how have you been? I hope you are well on this occasion I want to show you a little of the trip I took this past weekend.
Este mini viaje lo estábamos planeando hace mucho pero siempre los posponemos hasta que de verdad nos pusimos de acuerdo y en una semana cuadramos todo fue algo sencillo pero nuestro plan era tomarnos dos días para descansar.
We had been planning this mini trip for a long time but we always postponed it until we really agreed and in a week we figured everything out. It was something simple but our plan was to take two days to rest.
Nos levantamos a eso de las 5 de la mañana para arreglar todas nuestras cosas, hicimos café y rellenamos varios panes para el camino con jamón y queso.
We got up around 5 in the morning to get all our things ready, made coffee and filled several breads for the road with ham and cheese.
Luego comenzamos a cargar los carros y revisar que no se nos haya quedado nada, salimos a las 6:30 escuchando buena música, y yo me quede dormida hasta llegar a morón no les conté jajaj ibamos hacia la playa que está situada en la Falcón en Venezuela!
Then we started loading the cars and checking that we hadn't left anything, we left at 6:30 listening to good music, and I fell asleep until we got to Morón, I didn't tell you hahaha we were going towards the beach which is located in Falcón in Venezuela!
Cuando llegamos a morón me desperté y ya estaba frente a mi la playa y yo super emocionada, luego pasamos por el conocido camino a la felicidad y se le dice asi por que estamos llegando a la playa jaja se encuentran varias palmeras de lado y lado y nos tomamos varias fotos.
When we arrived in Morón I woke up and the beach was already in front of me and I was super excited, then we went through the well-known path to happiness and it is called that because we are arriving at the beach haha there are several palm trees on both sides and We took several photos.
Luego de ahí manejamos como 1 kilómetro y llegamos a boca de aroa donde queda el lugar donde nos quedamos este se llama Palmera suites, lo primero que hicimos fue subir a ver el apartamento, era un apartamento pequeño pero a nosotros no nos afectaba eso jajaja estaba demasiado bonito tenía dos camas grandes y dos sofá cama, como éramos 6 más una bebe nos quedaba genial, contaba con baño, cocina toda equipada, agua, nevera, wifi, de verdad para mi estaba espectacular además de que este complejo se encontraba frente a la playa.
After there we drove about 1 kilometer and arrived at Boca de Aroa where the place where we stayed is called Palmera Suites, the first thing we did was go up to see the apartment, it was a small apartment but that didn't affect us hahaha it was It was very nice, it had two large beds and two sofa beds, since there were 6 of us plus a baby, it was great for us, it had a bathroom, a fully equipped kitchen, water, refrigerator, Wi-Fi, it was truly spectacular for me, plus this complex was located in front of the beach.
Luego de ver el lugar nos cambiamos y de una nos metimos a bañarnos y ver esa vista tan hermosa, nosotros no quisimos ir a ningún cayó por que primero andábamos con una niña pequeña y segundo queríamos relajarnos y no andar de un lado a otro.
After seeing the place we changed and at once we went to bathe and see that beautiful view, we did not want to go to any falls because firstly we were with a little girl and secondly we wanted to relax and not walk from one place to another.
Aprovechamos mucho la piscina y el jacuzzi estaba demasiado sabroso, colocamos caciones y ahí pasamos la tarde más que nada este post es para recomendarles el lugar, todo muy espectacular nosotros fuimos 6 adultos y aproximadamente nos salió entre todo 140$ entre comidas, hospedaje, la gasolina.
We took great advantage of the pool and the jacuzzi was very tasty, we placed meals and there we spent the afternoon more than anything this post is to recommend the place, everything was very spectacular we were 6 adults and it cost us approximately $140 between meals, lodging, the gasoline.
EL dia domingo nos paramos hicimos arepa con diablito y nos fuimos nuevamente a la playa a pasar el rato, como a las 3 subimos al departamento para bañarnos hacer unos tequeños y limpiar el apartamento, nos despedimos de la playa y arrancamos nuevamente para nuestra ciudad barquisimeto.
On Sunday we stopped, we made arepa with little devil and we went to the beach again to hang out, around 3 we went up to the apartment to take a bath, make some tequeños and clean the apartment, we said goodbye to the beach and started again for our city of Barquisimeto
Duramos como 2 horas y media para llegar, cuando llegamos fuimos a comer arepas a un lugar que se encuentra en la Avenida Venezuela con 19 y 20, ahí venden unas arepas demasiado buenas por casi 3$ full rellenos, comimos y nos fuimos a descansar.
It took us about 2 and a half hours to get there, when we arrived we went to eat arepas at a place located on Avenida Venezuela with 19 and 20, there they sell some very good arepas for almost $3 full stuff, we ate and went to rest.
Y Bueno amigos espero ustedes también puedan conocer las hermosas playas que tiene Venezuela y puedar ir a disfrutar de nuestros hermosos paisajes, les mando un fuerte abrazo desde la distancia.
And well friends, I hope you can also get to know the beautiful beaches that Venezuela has and can go enjoy our beautiful landscapes, I send you a big hug from a distance.
Guapa pes