🇬🇧 # Hello, Hive friends,
Once upon there was a time when I used to travel the world and I used to take in every experience. Now, the time for sharing has come.
One of my all-time favourite destinations- is Uganda. Now, I'm going to spare you the geography lesson, but I do hope that if you are not sure about it you will look it up. Uganda has not only lush nature and beautiful weather but everything that comes with it. Exotic fruits (some I saw for the first time), exotic birds, trees, and most of all warm-hearted people. People who have very little, yet are so happy.
In this post, I'd like to share a place called Itanda falls. Located about 100 km from Kampala (the capital city of Uganda) on the Nile river, these waterfalls are the hidden treasure of the country. This is where one can experience authentic Uganda and the river in its full roaring force.
Visiting the falls is both stunning and a little unnerving at the same time.
Enjoy the photos and don't forget to check my other post, where I'm going to share some more exciting stories about Uganda.
🇧🇬 # Здравейте, приятели от Hive,
Имало едно време, време когато пътувах по света, когато грабех с пълни шепи от всички места и преживявания! А ето, че сега настана време за споделяне.
Една от любимите ми дестинации на всички времена е Уганда. Ще ви спестя урока по география, но се надявам, че ако не сте сигурни къде се намира това местенце, ще го потърсите. Уганда има не само буйна природа и прекрасен тропически климат (имайки на в предвид локацията), но и всичко, което идва с това. Екзотични плодове (някои видях за първи път), екзотични птици, дървета и най-вече сърдечни хора. Хора, които имат много малко, но са толкова щастливи.
В тази публикация бих искала да споделя място, наречено Itanda Falls. Разположени на около 100 км от Кампала (столицата на Уганда) на река Нил, тези водопади са скритото съкровище. Това е мястото, където можете да изживеете автентична Уганда и реката в пълната й буйна сила.
Посещението на водопада е едновременно зашеметяващо и малко стряскащо.
Насладете се на снимките и не забравяйте да разгледате другия ми пост, където ще споделя още няколко вълнуващи истории за Уганда.
For the best experience view this post on Liketu
Lovely place😍the soil in that place looks unique.
There are so many wonderful countries and so little known that thanks to people like you we can see a little bit of them. Africa is wonderful and people only know the bad part but it is the most precious continent for my taste.
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I'd love to hear more about how and why you traveled to Uganda!
Did you see the gorrilas?
I love Africa, since my husband is African. Having Ugandan friends helped deciding on visiting the country. Didn’t see the gorillas, but I’m hoping next trip.
Awesome :D
It looks magnificent over there. I'm from South Africa and we tend to head to Europe or the States and miss out on our closer by or neighbouring countries a lot. :(
You're lucky you get to travel and see so much of the world. I'll be you have some really interesting stories to share.
My husband is from SA :)
Ah... :) But Uganda originally?
You get the best of both worlds then!
I don't see the waterfall. I only saw a big river like an estuary.
The falls are not high, but very rapid. If you look at photo #6 you will see one of them. Thanks for your comment
Uganda looks beautiful 😍
And the shots you shared are as beautiful as the place itself.
I hope you got to speak with the locals and make a few acquaintances.
Thanks for sharing
a large and beautiful river