That's what I read somewhere a while back anyway. There are some homes in the town that start moving outward immediately from the ground and jut out into the sidewalks a good 20cm or so.
Yeah I wouldn't have guessed it had I not been informed. It reminds me of the window tax that was in Europe as well and how people took measures to reduce the size and amount of windows and all that.
That's what I read somewhere a while back anyway. There are some homes in the town that start moving outward immediately from the ground and jut out into the sidewalks a good 20cm or so.
Those ones always look so cool. I have seen similar. Originally I thought it was shoddy building practice but that didn't quite add up
Yeah I wouldn't have guessed it had I not been informed. It reminds me of the window tax that was in Europe as well and how people took measures to reduce the size and amount of windows and all that.
Some crazy times and crazy solutions/workaround to issues!
People can be quite inventive