The Most Scenic Hike in San Diego, CA [EN/PT-BR]

in Worldmappin8 months ago


Lately me and my wife have been going out to do some hiking. We both love hiking.
One of the hikes we did this week was Torrey Pines. Is this the most scenic hike in San Diego? Hard to tell, as San Diego has a lot of beautiful places to go hiking, but this one is definitely one of the most beautiful ones. Maybe my pictures won't do justice, because of the very arid terrain, but when the views mix the bluffs with the ocean, it is breathtaking.
We parked our car in the paid parking lot inside the state park (there is a parking fee of $15), you can try to park your car along the beach for free, but it's harder to find parking spots, and since we didn't have much time, we decided to pay for parking.
When you park inside the state park, you have the option to drive up all the way to the top of the bluffs and park in front of the trail head, there is a small parking lot up there, but we decided to park at the big parking lot down at the beach and make a little more exercise.
The first part of the walk was going up along the road up to the trail head, and when you get up there, you have a few options to hike. Some of the trails connect with each other, so you can start on one and come back in another trail.
Here is the map showing our hike, we walked a total of 3.8 miles in 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Ultimamente, eu e minha esposa temos saído para fazer algumas caminhadas. Nós dois adoramos fazer caminhadas.
Uma das caminhadas que fizemos esta semana foi em Torrey Pines. Essa é a caminhada com visual mais bonito de San Diego? É difícil dizer, pois San Diego tem muitos lugares bonitos para fazer caminhadas, mas essa é definitivamente uma das mais bonitas. Talvez minhas fotos não façam justiça, devido ao terreno muito árido, mas quando o visual mistura os penhascos com o oceano, é de tirar o fôlego.
Estacionamos nosso carro no estacionamento pago dentro do parque estadual (há uma taxa de estacionamento de US$ 15), você pode tentar estacionar seu carro ao longo da praia gratuitamente, mas é mais difícil encontrar vagas e, como não tínhamos muito tempo, decidimos pagar pelo estacionamento.
Ao estacionar dentro do parque estadual, você tem a opção de subir até o topo dos penhascos e estacionar em frente ao início da trilha. Há um pequeno estacionamento lá em cima, mas decidimos estacionar no grande estacionamento na praia e fazer um pouco mais de exercício.
A primeira parte da caminhada foi ao longo da estrada até o início da trilha e, quando chegamos lá, temos algumas opções para caminhar. Algumas das trilhas se conectam umas com as outras, então você pode começar por uma e voltar por outra trilha.
Aqui está o mapa que mostra nossa caminhada, percorremos um total de 6.1Km em 1 hora e 30 minutos.


If you look closely on the map, you will see more trails that we didn't explore, but we were able to do 3 different trails, and one of them went all the way down to the ocean.
The day was amazing, the weather was perfect, very sunny with a cold breeze. It's starting to feel like spring time, but it's not hot yet. I can't imagine this trail in the summer, probably too hot to hike.
Now let's check out some pictures of the hike.

Se você observar atentamente o mapa, verá mais trilhas que não exploramos, mas conseguimos fazer três trilhas diferentes, e uma delas foi até o mar.
O dia foi incrível, o clima estava perfeito, muito sol e com uma brisa geladinha. Ja da pra sentir a primavera chegando, mas ainda não está quente. Não consigo imaginar essa trilha no verão, provavelmente muito quente para caminhar.
Agora vamos dar uma olhada em algumas fotos da caminhada.






























I hope you enjoyed the pictures, this is definitely a spot I would recommend for hiking. I saw a lot of people of all ages in the trail. There are some volunteers at the trail head answering questions about the trails or wildlife. Parking should be hard on weekends, specially if you want to try to park in the small parking lot at the trail head. So plan ahead, and bring water. There are restrooms and picnic tables down at the parking lot in state park entrance. You can finish up with a dive in the ocean.

Hey! By the way, I'm running a witness node. So if you are not using all your votes, or maybe you are voting for a witness that is not online anymore, please consider voting for my witness. You can use this link to vote:

Espero que você tenha gostado das fotos, esse é definitivamente um local que eu recomendaria para caminhadas. Vi muitas pessoas de todas as idades na trilha. Há alguns voluntários no início da trilha que respondem a perguntas sobre as trilhas ou a vida selvagem. O estacionamento deve ser difícil nos fins de semana, especialmente se você quiser tentar estacionar no pequeno estacionamento no início da trilha. Portanto, planeje com antecedência e leve água. Há banheiros e mesas de piquenique no estacionamento na entrada do parque estadual. Você pode terminar o passeio com um mergulho no mar.

Ahh! aproveitando, estou rodando um node de testemunha. Portanto, se não estiver usando todos os seus votos, ou se estiver votando em uma testemunha que não está mais on-line, considere votar na minha testemunha. Você pode usar este link para votar:


Congratulations @mengao, your post won 1st prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!

Hiking in this kind of place must be real fun. It looks very beautiful and a kind of place I’d love to hike in someday
Thank you for sharing

Amazing views on that hike! Thanks for sharing!

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Hey @brian.rrr, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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It's so nice having a partner with the same vibes and both loving nature and adventure 🥰

Hiking is definitely more fun with a partner. I'm glad my wife loves it too.

the view of the open sea and the hills there is very beautiful, I also really like climbing, besides being fun, climbing can also make our bodies fitter

working out with a view and having fun is the best! thanks for stopping by!

That place looks so chill and beautiful that spending a whole day just sitting and admiring the views would still not be enough! It feels nice to get a little bit of familiarity though due to the rock formations that are very similar to a place in my country :)


That looks very similar indeed! Where is that? looks beautiful! Spending the day in places like this is very rewarding, natures work of art! we are really blessed.

It's called Râpa Roșie and it's in Sebes, Romania. Nature is really beautiful and never hesitates surprising us with its treasures 😊

NICE!!! If I would go back to Cali, I will also try to do what you did. 😇

Glad you liked it, would love to hear if you ever make it!

WOW!!! I super like what I've seen in the photos! (Actually I've been zooming in and seeing the structures because I'm so curious!)
What beautiful nature you've wandered! I never knew San Diego have this kind of place. (I heard about San Diego from my partner who lived there before)

I know! Thats why I wasn't sure if the pictures would make justice, sometimes everything looks small in the pictures and those eroded cliffs are huge! I'm glad you like it, and San Diego has much more!! I'll post some more soon!

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