I loved your post, even, I re-read a couple of times some things of everything you told us, to make sure I didn't forget 🙈 lately I forget things very fast.
On the other hand, it is well interesting all the information. You tell us things that I really didn't know, and I'm very interested in archaeology and history.
The fact of thinking that they buried the dead in the same house where they lived and there were relatives still present, causes me a little fear just imagining it. I feel that in that way, the deceased people did not rest in peace.
I also saw no sense in burying someone with gold. Maybe they were very, very rich people and they didn't care about burying someone with someone else in their grave. 👀🙈
The sarcophagi are really impressive as you tell us. I too doubt they were built in a short time, they are so big, and the details are incredible too.
I really loved the story, the pictures you managed to capture are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and these photographs with us. I started following you to keep an eye out for your other posts telling us more about your experience at the Museum.
Best regards!
Thank you very much for your kind words and wonderful comment. I am also very forgetful these days so I can understand you.
Maybe they were really that rich, who knows haha.
I followed you back and look forward to checking out your posts.
Thank you so much! ☺️