HELADERÍA OLYMPIA - Mi Ruta del Helado N° 6

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ICE CREAM OLYMPIA: "Founded in 1958 by the popular Concetto Di Tommasi" 💕

Walking down Av. Bolívar in Valencia can be a somewhat overwhelming task: cars, motorcycles, public transport and street vendors appear everywhere.

It is then that, right in front of the Valencia Art Museum (former Athenaeum of Valencia), we find an oasis in the shape of an ice cream parlor.

It is about the "Olympia Ice Cream Shop" and its more than 70 years delighting Valencians and their visitors with deliciously secret creations, brought from Italy with all the weight of tradition and loving work.

When we arrive at the Olympia Ice Cream Parlor, countless photographs invite us to remember together with Concetto and his nephew Giorgio all the adventures that show the prestige and antiquity of this space has entailed.

It is almost tradition that passersby stop in their routine to order their basket of the most varied flavors.

You can order them from natural fruits, with very particular flavors (like Candy or Nougat) and also from classics like chocolate.

If you are in Valencia, if you go to Av. Bolívar, you cannot stop enjoying this traditional and charming ice cream parlor.

For this Ice Cream Route this was my choice 💟

Basket of 2 flavors: • Nougat: Delicious cream with pieces of candied fruit and peanuts.

• Chocolate: Creamy, intense and with the perfect touch of sugar.

Enjoy the creation of the popular Concetto Di Tommasi! 👇🏽👇🏽

Olympia ice cream parlor

📌IG: @heladeriaolympia

⌚ Hours:

Monday to Sunday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

📍Address: Valencia, edo. Carabobo. AV. Bolívar Norte, Nro. 108-47. Diagonal to the Valencia Art Museum (MUVA).

📞 Phone: (+58) 241-859-4746

📲 WhatsApp: (+58) 424-335-1335

📧 Email [email protected]

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💡 Production: @wahpoeta

🎥 Edit: @legens_studio

🎙️ Host: @mariangeloutten

💅🏻 @maribelquirospa

#mirutadelhelado #icecream #helados #heladerias #icecream #heladeriasenvenezuela #heladeriasvenezuela #heladosvenezuela #mariangeloutten #HeladeriaOlympia #heladosencarabobo #valencia #carabobo #heladeriavalencia #Olympia #AvBimasolcetto #DonomTonomTonom


Damas y caballeros 🍦💕 ¡Bienvenidos a bordo! Hoy aterrizamos en Mi Ruta del Helado N° 6: Heladería Olympia, la popular de Concetto Di Tommasi desde el año 1958.

Sinónimo de tradición, calidad y dedicación en pleno centro de Valencia ¡No se lo pierdan! ✨

Mi nombre es Mariangel Outten, soy Tripulante de Cabina 👩🏽‍✈️ y desde ahora su guía para conocer, disfrutar y probar los mejores helados de Venezuela y el mundo 🇻🇪🌎

¡Disfruta de la creación del popular Concetto Di Tomasi! 👇🏽👇🏽

Heladería Olympia

📌IG: @heladeriaolympia


Lunes a domingo 10:00 a 20:00 hrs

📍Dirección: Valencia, edo. Carabobo. Av. Bolívar Norte, Nro. 108-47. Diagonal al Museo de Arte Valencia (MUVA).

📞 Teléfono: (+58) 241-859-4746

📲 WhatsApp: (+58) 424-335-1335

📧 Correo [email protected]

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