🥊MizuoÂŽs Travel Blog🥊No.19 - Feeding moss to reindeer at Sami village, Sweden - Dec. 2020

in Worldmappin • 3 years ago (edited)

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It's been a few days since my last blog, but I'd like to continue with my blog. Looking at the photos and reminiscing about the past is one of the best parts of traveling, isn't it?

少し先に曞いたブログから日にちが経っおしたったのですが、ブログの続きを曞きたいなず思いたす。 写真を芋ながら、懐かしいなぁず回想するのっお旅行の醍醐味でもありたすよね。

👇If you have not read any of my previous blog, check them out! 👇

🥊Travel Blog No.17 🥊 - Hudiksvall to Kiruna

🥊Travel Blog No.18 🥊 - Kiruna Church 

Our travel continued...

As I wrote in my previous blog, I decided to go on a trip to Kiruna for several reasons.

1. I want to see how the Sami live.

2. I want to visit the Ice Hotel. 🥶😁

3. I want to ride a dog sled. 🐕

4. I want to see the Northern Lights if possible. 🔊






Sami village aka Sami Museum in Kiruna サヌミ村で出䌚ったトナカむ

First, I will attach a picture again to show you where Kiruna is located. It is located so far north that it is almost within the Arctic Circle, and when we went there in December, the temperature was -20 degrees Celsius. It was so cold!

たずは、Kirunaがどこに䜍眮しおいるのか、再床、写真を添付しおおきたす。 北極圏にほが含たれる皋、北に䜍眮しおいお、わたしたちが旅行ぞ行った時は月で、気枩は床でした。 やばいほど、寒かった

Kiruna, Sweden - スりェヌデン北郚に䜍眮する町、キルナ
Kiruna, Sweden  - スりェヌデン北郚に䜍眮する町、キルナ

If I was going to Kiruna, I wanted to see how the Sami people lived. The Sami people are the indigenous people who originally live in this area, and I felt that they are similar to the Ainu people in Japan. Although the number of Sami people seems to be decreasing, there are still some Sami people who make a living by herding reindeer.

キルナに行くのなら、必ずSamiの人の生掻颚景を芋おみたいず思っおいたした。 Sami の人々は、もずもずこの地域に䜏んでいる先䜏民族で、日本でいうずAinuの人々に䌌おいる感じがしたした。 珟圚では少なくなったようですが、䞀郚の人は珟圚でもトナカむの攟牧を生業にしおいるサヌミの方もいるようです。

Sami people in northern Norway - ノルりェヌに䜏むサヌミの方々
Sami people in northern Norway - ノルりェヌに䜏むサヌミの方々

●写真は参考です● https://nordnorge.com/en/tema/the-sami-are-the-indigenous-people-of-the-north/

We took a cab from Kiruna city to Sami village (museum). We took the train to Kiruna, so we used cabs for all our transportation in Kiruna. We took the train to Kiruna, so we used taxis to get around Kiruna.)

Kiruna垂内からSami村博物通ぞはタクシヌで行きたした。 わたしたちは電車でKirunaたでいったので、Kiruna垂内の移動はすべおタクシヌを䜿甚したした。タクシヌ代は結構高くなるので、今思えばもっず安くなる手段をお勧めしたす。

At last, we have arrived at Sami village!  いざサヌミ村ぞ

Website of Sami Village - Inutti Sami Museum


Entrance of Sami Museum サヌミ村の入り口
Entrance of Sami Museum サヌミ村の入り口

We got in to the shop to buy tickets to enter the museum. たずはショップぞ行っおミュヌゞアムの入堎刞を賌入
We got in to the shop to buy tickets to enter the museum. たずはショップぞ行っおミュヌゞアムの入堎刞を賌入

Sami flag サヌミの旗
Sami flag サヌミの旗

I bought admission tickets at the store and headed for the museum. The Sami Museum was an open-air exhibition, showing how the Sami people herd their reindeer, explaining the religion they used to follow, the tents they use for herding, their traditional costumes, and the rooms where they store their food. There were a lot of things to see, and it took about 30 minutes to an hour to see it all.

ショップで入堎刞を賌入し、ミュヌゞアムぞ向かいたした。 Samimuseumは野倖展瀺を行っおいお、Samiの人々がどのようにトナカむを攟牧するのかや、Samiの人々がか぀お信仰しおいた独自の宗教の説明、攟牧で䜿甚するテント、民族衣装、食料品などを貯蔵する宀などを展瀺しおいたした。 結構芋どころがたくさんあっお、分から時間ぐらいはゆっくりず芋れる皋床の広さでした。

Open field museum - 野倖展瀺寒いのでしっかり防寒しおください
Open field museum - 野倖展瀺寒いのでしっかり防寒しおください

Feeding moss to reindeer🊌🊌     トナカむぞコケをあげる

There was an interesting attraction at the back of the outdoor exhibit, where they had reindeer and you could feed moss directly to the reindeer.


We received the moss at the point where we purchased our entrance tickets, where we were told that the moss should not be given directly to the reindeer, but rather the moss should be dropped on the ground. If you give it directly to the reindeer, they might bite you.

コケは入堎刞を賌入したずころで受け取るのですが、そこでコケはトナカむに盎接䞎えるのではなく、コケを地面に萜ずしおくださいず䌝えられたした。 盎接䞎えるず、トナカむにかたれる恐れがあるようです。

Moss for reindeer トナカむあげるコケ
Moss for reindeer トナカむあげるコケ

Cute reindeer かわいいトナカむちゃん、でも結構力が぀よい
Cute reindeer かわいいトナカむちゃん、でも結構力が぀よい

If you're from the Kansai region like me, you've probably been to Nara Park at least once. In Nara Park, you can feed the deer, but I never thought I would be able to have a similar experience in Sweden!

わたしのように関西出身者は䞀床は行ったこずがあるず思われる、奈良公園。 奈良公園ではそこで鹿に逌を䞎えるこずが出来るのですが、たさかスりェヌデンで䌌たような経隓ができるずは思いたせんでした


I was enjoying interacting with the reindeer by giving them moss, little by little, but they were like, "Come on, give me that moss! But the reindeer were just like the deer in Nara Park, and they were just as eager to eat the crackers! LOL!

コケをちょっずず぀、ちょっずず぀䞎えお、トナカむずのふれあいを楜しんでいたのですが、トナカむは「はよ、そのコケよこせよ」っお感じでがんがんきたした そこは、やっぱり奈良公園の鹿ず䞀緒で、鹿せんべいにむらがる鹿たちず同じでしたこれは本圓に良い思い出になっお、キルナに来たずきはぜひ蚪れおみおください

Warm up at the restaurant


After all, it's -20 degrees outside, so you'll soon get cold. After 30 to 45 minutes of being outside, you will start to feel your hands and toes getting a little chilly, and you will want to go indoors to warm up. Sami Museum also has a restaurant next to the store, so we decided to have a bite to eat there. There was a big fire in the middle of the restaurant, and I could feel my body warming up little by little. As I listened to the sound of the wood burning and my body warmed up little by little, I felt so relaxed that I suddenly felt sleepy.

やっぱり倖は床の䞖界なので、すぐに䜓が冷えおきたす。 倖に分から分ぐらいいるず、手や足の指先が少しづ぀寒くなっおくるのを感じお、そろそろ屋内で䜓をあたためたいなず思うず思いたす。 SamiMuseumもショップの隣にレストランが隣接されおいお、そこでちょっず食事をずるこずにしたした。 レストランの䞭倮には倧きな焚火があっお、䜓が少しづ぀暖たっおいくのを感じたした。 薪が燃える音を聞き、少しづ぀䜓が枩たっおいくず、急に眠気を感じるほど、リラックスできたした。


It is a loo, well, a loo looks beautiful in snow, isn’t it?! LOL!
It is a loo, well, a loo looks beautiful in snow, isn't it?! LOL! 

This reindeer followed me all the way to the exit. 😉 ちょっずな぀いた可愛いトナカむちゃん
This reindeer followed me all the way to the exit. 😉 ちょっずな぀いた可愛いトナカむちゃん

I wanted to visit Sami Village and Sami Museum when I went to Kiruna. I'm so glad I did! I was able to experience the culture of Sami and touch the reindeer, making memories that will last a lifetime.

Kirunaに行くからにはいっおみたかった、Sami Village, Sami Museum. やっぱり行っお本圓に良かったです Samiの文化にも觊れるこずが出来たし、トナカむにも觊れあえお、䞀生に残る思い出が出来たした。 雪が降り続ける雪の䞭のKirunaは本圓に矎しかったです。

🥊Ha det sÃ¥ bra!🥊

🥊See you again!🥊




😍 #luvshares 😍 #luv 😍

by @doze 🍯🐝https://linktr.ee/_Hive.io🍯🐝

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Very nice trip. The reindeer look adorable in the snow-covered surroundings 😀

Yeah! It was such a wonderful trip! It was like a once-in-a-lifetime experience 😉 The reindeer are so cute!
🥊 !LUV 🥊

Wow what a nice trip. I hope I can experience having a great time with snow plus reindeers.😂
Maybe in my dreams only.
Thanks for sharing. Stay safe.

🥊 !LUV 🥊I hope that you will be able to have this fun experience with the reindeer! You are more than welcome here in #Sweden Well, get ready and bring lots of clothes when you decide to come here tho! 😉

Wow Thank you you @mizuosemla.☺

Those reindeer have such sweet, friendly faces!

I really love the one in the last pic. S/he followed us to the exit and was very friendly. They are adorable when some snow is converted on their nose haha 😆
🥊 !LUV 🥊

They look like big puppy deer in the gifs!

Yeah, they are cute and kind, but they are bigger than I expected, especially they are so eager to eat the moss from my hand! Big puppies! LOL! 😆
🥊 !LOL 🥊

How do trees get on the internet?
They log in.

Credit: dksart
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)@corvidae, I sent you an on behalf of @mizuosemla

 3 years ago (edited) 


サヌミの民族衣装、カラフルで玠敵ですよね。特に、あの垜子のデザむンは独創的で、倧奜きです サヌミの蚀語はりラル語族に属しおお、民族や蚀語的には北欧系ゲルマン人よりアむヌや、東アゞア人に系統ずしおはちかいようですすべお、りィキ情報ですが。スりェヌデン人による抑圧や同化の歎史も経隓しおおり、アむヌずダマト系民族俗にいう、日本人ずの軋蜢に䌌た歎史もあったようで、共感の䞊での合同コンサヌトみたいなのがあったのかもしれたせんねぇ。ずおも、興味深い旅になりたしたヌ。実は、ただ北海道に螏み入れたこずがないので、い぀かアむヌ文化を肌で感じたいものです。熊の圫刻買うしかないですね🀩👇サヌミの垜子デザむンがパリコレレベル👇



Gracias por llevarme a ese paseo tan bonito.

Yo creo que no resistiría tanta nieve je,je,je... Así que la experiencia vale el congelamiento je,je.



I haven’t seen this in person. It looks so cute

They are such cute animals 😆😆🥊🥊

i bet they are. Hopefully I can see them in person

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Thank you for this heads up @livinguktaiwan 😆👏🥊

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
 3 years ago (edited) 

Yeah, it was such a memorable trip I had! The Sami people have such a unique culture! Plus, the view in Kiruwa was incredibly beautiful!! Thanks for the comment. Cheers! 🥊 !BEER 🥊😉

BEERHey @kosta34, here is a little bit of from @mizuosemla for you. Enjoy it!

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