🥊Mizuo's Travel Blog🥊No.28 - Gustavsberg, Lisa Larsson - Aug. 2022

in Worldmappin • 2 years ago

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A collection of potteries’ work by Lisa Larsson, Sweden
A collection of potteries' work by Lisa Larsson, Sweden 

Gustavsberg, Sweden, town of pottery

Lisa Larson and Gustavsberg
Lisa Larson and Gustavsberg

A friend of mine came to visit from Berlin, and among the things he wanted to do in Stockholm, he wanted to go to Gustavsberg, a pottery town.

🥊Mizuo's Travel Blog🥊No.27 - Flea market, Kayaking, and eating in Stockholm with friend, Aug. 2022


Lisa Larson's ceramics are very popular in Japan, and the ceramics company where Lisa Larson used to work is located in Gustavsberg. Gustavsberg is a company that still produces ceramics, and in addition to producing pottery, they also produce toilet seats, bathroom sinks, and various other ceramics related products.

Gustavsberg, Pottery shop
Gustavsberg, Pottery shop 

You may remember the name Gustavsberg when you hear the name Gustavsberg. One of Gustavsberg's former art directors was Stig Lindberg, one of Sweden's most famous designers.


A set of tea cup designed by Stig Lindberg
A set of tea cup designed by Stig Lindberg

Even if you have never heard of Stig Lindberg, you have probably seen his designs. His works, which incorporate the natural scenery of Sweden's Scandinavian region into their designs, are still loved by people of all generations.

Who is Stig Lindberg?


The company that Sitg Lindberg employed was Lisa Larson. It was Stig Lindberg who discovered the talent of Lisa Larson, who was a newcomer at the time. Lisa Larson went on to produce many masterpieces after working at Gustavsverg.

I bought this cute ceramic work of Inuit boy who looks like me. Haha! This artwork is also designed by Lisa Larson 😀👏😀👏
I bought this cute ceramic work of Inuit boy who looks like me. Haha! This artwork is also designed by Lisa Larson 😀👏😀👏

Inside the Gustavsberg store, sales focused mainly on works by Stig Lindberg and Lisa Larson. Of course, the original designs are restored versions, but they seem to be very popular, and there were quite a few customers there.

Scandinavian design is very popular in Japan, and Gustavsberg is a very popular brand representing Scandinavian design. Many of my acquaintances and family members love Scandinavian design, and there are many Japanese who love its simple yet functional design.

Lisa Larson's ceramic works

They were producing some ceramic works for coming Christmas season already 😀
They were producing some ceramic works for coming Christmas season already 😀

There were two artists who were painting these ceramic works when we visited there. What a cool work place!!!
There were two artists who were painting these ceramic works when we visited there. What a cool work place!!! 

I knew Lisa Larson's name, but I did not own any of her works. After visiting Gustavsberg and hearing about Scandinavian design and its designers from my friends, I decided to buy one of Lisa Larson's Inuit figurines. I bought Lisa Larson's Inuit figurine, which is very cute and has an Asian look to it, just like me.

Let's take a break! Beer time!


A little tired from shopping and touring, we went into a restaurant called Bistro Gustavsberg. I took a short break with a light meal and a beer.

Beer makes me happy 🍻😆
Beer makes me happy 🍻😆

A little walking around town of Gustavsberg

The town of Gustavsberg has a beautiful lake, and we visited on a warm summer day when there were many yachts and boats moored on the lake. As we strolled along the lake, we noticed that the children of the town gathered along the lake to talk, and the locals gathered to talk about something. It is a very stylish town with beautiful and quiet residential areas.

It's time to feel some Japanese!! Then, we chose to eat Ramen!!

Love it love it love it!! Ramen!
Love it love it love it!! Ramen! 

Kimama Ramen in Stockholm



After returning to Stockholm city, we decided to eat something Japanese, as we were getting a little hungry. Since we had been eating Swedish food for the past few days, we wanted to try some Asian food, so we decided to go eat some Japanese ramen.


For Japanese people, ramen is a very familiar food. We have even an emoji for ramen, it shows how the Japanese love #ramen . And, there are many ramen shops in Japan.


However, I have only eaten ramen once in a restaurant since I came to Sweden. The reason is very simple: it is very expensive! In Japan, the price of ramen is usually 600JPY to 800JPY. (4.5EURO to 6EURO)

In comparison, a bowl of ramen in Stockholm costs 140 SEK. 140 SEK is roughly equivalent to 13 EURO, which is two to three times the price of ramen in Japan. For us Japanese, Ramen is the (one of the) cheapest and tastiest foods in Japan, but in Stockholm, it has turned into a luxury food.

Very expensive ramen LOL! スりェヌデンでは䞀杯が円ぐらいしたす
Very expensive ramen LOL! スりェヌデンでは䞀杯が円ぐらいしたす

Sure it's really expensive ramen, but it tasted really good! This ramen restaurant in Stockholm, called Kimama Ramen, is probably run by a Thai guy, but the taste is really authentic Japanese ramen, and I have come to love this restaurant even though this is my first visit. Inside the restaurant, there were many Japanese manga and magazines we could read while we waited, and goldfish on display. I felt very nostalgic seeing the goldfish swimming happily in the large aquarium tank, just like in Japan.

For a few days, I played with friends and talked about many old times and recalled many good memories when we were in Tokyo. And now that he has come to visit us in Stockholm, we have made many new good memories. I hope to visit Berlin someday and make many memories. 

I always feel that friends are irreplaceable, doubling our joys and halving our sorrows.



日本ではLisa Larsonさんの陶芞䜜品はずおも人気があっお、Lisa Larsonさんがか぀お勀務しおいた陶芞の䌚瀟がGustavsbergにありたす。 Gustavsbergは今でも陶芞を生産しおいる䌚瀟で、陶噚の補造以倖にはトむレなどの䟿座、掗面所の掗面台をはじめ色々陶磁噚に関する䜜品を発衚しおいたす。 日本ではTOTOず蚀ったずころでしょうか。 このグスタフスベリは愛知県の垞滑垂にどこずなく雰囲気が䌌おいる気がしたす。

Gustavsberg ずいう名前を聞いお思い出すデザむナヌの名前がるのではないでしょうか Gustavsbergにか぀おアヌトディレクタヌずしお勀務したのが、スりェヌデンを代衚するデザむナヌである Stig Lindbergです。

Stig Lindbergの名前を聞いたこずがない人でも、圌のデザむンは芋たこずがあるのではないでしょうか。 スりェヌデンの北欧にある自然の颚景をデザむンにいかした䜜品は䞖代を超えお今でも愛されおいる䜜品です。 わたしのサンボの実家にもStig Lindbergの食噚䞀匏がガラス付きの食噚棚にきれいに食られおいるのを芋たこずがありたす。 䞀幎に数回、ずおも思い出深い特別なむベントの時に䜿う食噚ず蚀った䜍眮づけでしょうか。 䞖代を超えお愛されおいたす。

そのSitg Lindbergが採甚したのがLisa Larsonです。 その圓時新人で䌚ったLisa Larsonの才胜を芋出したのが、あのStig Lindbergです。 Lisa LarsonはGustavsvergに勀務埌はたくさんの代衚䜜を発衚しおいきたす。

Gustavsbergのショップの䞭は䞻にStig Lindbergさんの䜜品、および Lisa Larsonさんの䜜品を䞭心に販売がありたした。 もちろん、オリゞナルデザむンの埩興版なのですが、ずおも人気があるようでお客さんも結構入っおいたした。

日本では北欧デザむンがずおも人気なのですが、Gustavsbergは北欧デザむンを代衚するブランドでもあり、ずおも人気がありたす。 わたしの知り合いや家族の北欧デザむンが倧奜きで、シンプルなデザむンの䞭にも機胜性があるそのデザむンを愛する日本人はたくさんいたす。䞻芳ですが

わたしもLisa Larsonさんの名前は知っおいたのですが、䞀぀も圌女の䜜品は持っおいたせんでした。 Gustavsbergにせっかく来お、そしお色々ず友人から北欧デザむンはそのデザむナヌの話を聞いおいるうちにわたしも䜕か䜜品が欲しくなり、Lisa Larsonさんのむヌむットの眮物の䜜品を賌入するこずにしたした。 ずおもかわいくお、そのアゞア人っぜい顔立ちがたさにわたし芋たいでずおも気に入りたした。 これっおわたしじゃないず䞀目惚れでした。

買い物ず芋孊に少し疲れたので、Bistro Gustavsbergず蚀うレストランに入りたした。 ちょっずした軜食ずビヌルを飲んでひず䌑憩したした。




ストックホルム垂内に垰っおから、少しお腹もすいおきたこずもあり、䜕か日本食を食べようずいうこずになりたした。 ここ数日、スりェヌデン料理を食べおいたので、䜕かアゞア料理が食べたくなり、それだったら日本のラヌメンを食べに行こうずいうこずになりたした。

日本人にずっおラヌメンず蚀う食べ物はずおも身近な食べ物です。 絵文字にもあるように、ずおも人気の食べおもので、日本にはたくさんのラヌメン屋さんが存圚したす。

しかし、わたしはスりェヌデンに来おから床しかラヌメンをレストランで食べたこずがありたせん。 その理由はずおも単玔で、すごく高いのです 日本ではラヌメンの䟡栌は、倧䜓JPYからJPYで食べるこずが出来たす。EUROEURO

それに比べ、ストックホルムで食べるラヌメンは䞀杯なんず、SEKしたす。 140SEKは倧䜓、EUROになるため、日本で食べるラヌメンの倍から倍の䟡栌になるずいう蚈算になりたす。 わたしたち日本人にずっおラヌメンは日本で食べれる䞀番安くお矎味しい食べ物なのですが、ストックホルムでは高玚料理ず倉身しおいたす。

確かに本圓に高いラヌメンなのですが、味は本圓においしかったです この、Kimama Ramenず蚀うストックホルムにあるラヌメン屋さんは倚分、タむ人によっお経営されおいるのですが、味は本圓に本栌的な日本ラヌメンで、今回わたしは初めお来たのですがこのレストランが倧奜きになりたした。 店内は日本のマンガや雑誌がたくさんあり、そしお金魚を展瀺しおいたした。 倧きな氎槜の䞭に楜しそうに泳ぐ金魚の姿を芋おいるずずおも日本の様で懐かしいなず感じたした。

数日間、友達ず遊び色々ず昔話をしながらたくさんの良い思い出を思い出したした。 そしお、今回、ストックホルムに遊びに来おくれお、新しいたくさんの良い思い出を䜜るこずが出来たした。 今床はい぀かベルリンに遊びに行っお、たくさんの思い出を぀くれたらなぁず思っおいたす。 良い友人関係をこれからも築けおいければよいなず感じたす。

🥊 ᚚᛚᚢ 🥊

🥊 Ha det sÃ¥ bra!🥊

🥊See you again!🥊



🍣🥊 Cross Culture - https://ecency.com/created/hive-181017 🍣🥊


By http://www.slimjimstudios.com/

💚 Don't get carried away by the Eight Winds 💚

🌬1) Prosperity - 利

🌬2) Decline - 衰

🌬3) Disgrace - 毀

🌬4) Honor - 誉

🌬5) Praise - 称

🌬6) Censure - 譏

🌬7) Suffering - è‹Š

🌬8) Pleasure - 楜


by @stickupboys

by @doze 🍯🐝https://linktr.ee/_Hive.io🍯🐝


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