The Trip of the Turnips and Lesbians

in Worldmappinlast month

So, during the Chinese New Year, our first wedding anniversary happened to occur on the same day as the celebratory fireworks going down in Hong Kong, which was just a hop, skp and jump away from where we were staying with my in-laws in Shenzhen.

Naturally, we had to make this a couple thing, NOT a family thing, so we fecked off the Hong Kong for a couple of days, had a meal overlooking the fireworks, and enjoyed ourselves as much as anyone could in Hong Kong.

Which to be honest, in my experience, isn't that much.

There's not much at all to do in Hong Kong. People say it's declined since the thing that happened or just more generally. But I was there over 10 years ago multiple times and I always felt it kinda sucked, and honestly being there now feels 100% exactly the same as it did back then.

As I said in my previous post, incredible for people new to that kinda vibe, but I've been in that kinda vibe my whole adult life so it has nothing to offer me other than stress. And we were stressed. We wanted to get out for a day.

So, we did what any good HK local might do, and got a ferry to Lantau Island to a little known area called Mui Wo.

Mui Wo

On the far side of this island lay the airport, but it's fairly big so it's not like you even see or hear any aircraft. In fact, this side was extraordinarily peaceful.

There were people buzzing around, but only at the level of a town. And this is a beach town! Where are all the tourists??

Getting stressed in Kowloon, apparently.

So, on a warm, sunny day, we had the beach practically to ourselves with a few dog walkers and a couple of kids in the distance. That was it.

We lay there for a while messing with the roses our Shangri-la hotel offered us for our anniversary, and just... breathed, for a while. We actually wanted to to have some beers on the beach but nowhere accepted Chinese payment methods, cash or HK methods only, so we just sat/laid.


We hardly set out early, so it wasn't long before it was late afternoon, and our dinner arrangements with the aunt-uncle-in-laws was looming back in Kowloon. But we still had time to explore a bit.


We took an easy walk up a mountain path to check out a rather pathetic waterfall that's not even worth a photo, and a bat cave which was even less worth seeing - but they were worth visiting, because the walk there was beautiful. The scents of flowers pierced our noses every step as we gawked at various posh homes, one with a celebrity-looking French family living there of all places, their kids jumping around on a trampoline. It looked like perfection.

Best of all, there was nobody. If this was mainland China, the path we walked would have had an escalator with a ticket booth you'd be queueing at least 10 minutes for if you didn't book online first. Honestly nothing is sacred on the mainland when it comes to tourists.

Here in Hong Kong, these things can slip through unnoticed, while not even being 'hidden gems'. They're right there, one of about 9 ferry options. I suppose because there's nothing there that the internet hasn't insisted is 'The Best Thing To Do On Lantau Island', nobody bats an eye in its direction. A whole beach! A big, pretty one!


The Luo of the Land

On our way back, we realised the next ferry was not too far out, and it would make perfect timing to head back as the sun started to fade. 6:20pm I think.

We paused for thought at a quaint farm we saw on the way, which had some signs - in English - suggesting we speak to Mr Tan and buy some veggies from him. And so my wife decided... why not?


We saw the farmer, an old, kindly man, bent over tending to some cabbages near a homemade scarecrow, and asked for some turnips - Luo Bo (the luo being pronounced 'lwor', hence the silly title above).

The man happily obliged and we watched as he pulled out two pretty big ones fresh out the ground. We bagged 'em, thanked him and said goodbye to him and his barking dogs.


After that palaver, we realised the ferry was 12 minutes from departure, while our distance was a 13 minute walk. We figured we could beat those odds by walking quickly.

Wrecking my ankles in a pointless speed walk - significantly harder work than just doing a light jog - we burst into a sprint as we panicked we would miss it, only to realise the departure time was actually 20 minutes later. Oh well.

The Lesbians

The ferry ride is nothing to write home about, except the two lesbians in the seats in front of us decided to very intimately - and I mean very - make out and grope each other. For the entire trip, sowhere between 30 minutes and 7 hours.

I couldn't look away. Not for any perverted reasons, but the gap in the seat was significant and looking left was just the reflection of them making out and groping. Looking right was my only escape but then I was just freakishly staring at the people over there.

I had to inform my wife, who was napping, so I didn't have to deal with this trauma by myself. I guess I'm just not used to these liberal places with freedom of expression and all that nonsense, but I could only laugh.

I mean, every new couple has to go through that phase, where they don't give a damn who can see or what they think. Passion rules all!

I looked down at my two large turnips, laughed at the contrast, and endured the trip in silence until we could get off and gossip about it together. (Me and the wife, not the lesbians and I).

Photos aren't the best I know, wasn't really thinking about it at the time!

[//]:# ([//]:# (!worldmappin 22.26606 lat 113.99474 long d3scr))


That was quite a day you had, very entertaining, if not in the way you would have chosen. That's a nice little allotment that the farmer has.

What I wouldn't do to be an old man with his own little farm on a tropical island...

hehe sounds memorable all round

Hmmm,Some couples don't mind others' thoughts;if they're happy and then they go for it. I appreciate how you handle such situations.

I had my own times in years long by when I was just as bad... or worse XD

So I can only return the favour and accept it

Wow , what a nice attitude you have🙂 hope others would do same as yours.

@mobbs ohh thank you so much for the vote.

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It's so amazing ❤️

You captured this beautiful moment so well

I'm old enough to forget it if I didn't write it down =)

You are absolutely right my brother 🙏♥️