mrmantgx1980 cross-posted this post in Worldmappin 3 years ago

Svet muzičke kulture 🇷🇸 - The world of music culture 🇬🇧

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)
Uvod 🇷🇸Introduction 🇬🇧
Pozdrav, Hiveri!

Pre svega želim svima da čestitam Novu 2022. godinu i sve Novogodišnje i Božićne praznike.

Bavio sam se muzikom profesionalno nekih dvadesetak godina i ista ta muzika je bila moj život u svakom smislu i pogledu. Veoma sam ponosan na taj period života,pre nego sam počeo da se bavim medjunarodnim transportom. Još sam ponosniji danas jer su moja deca isto u svetu muzike. Genetika je učinila svoje i sa mene prenela taj muzički talenat na njih. Imam četvoro dece iz dva braka,dve ćerke iz prvog braka nisu krenule tim putem ali dvoje dece iz sadašnjeg drugog braka (sin 11 i ćerka 9 godina)se bave muzikom i školuju se u muzičkoj školi "Josif Marinković" u Vršcu. Moj sin Aleksa je treći razred pomenute muzičke škole,na smeru klavirna harmonika a ćerka Jovana drugi razred na smeru violina. Odlični su učenici, vredni i veoma talentovani.
Akcenat bih u ovom postu dao na Aleksu jer je za tri godine školovanja ostavio traga i zabeležio odlične rezultate u svojoj nazovimo "školskoj karijeri". Jovana je odlična i napredna na violini za dve godine muzičke škole ali osim odličnog uspeha i proseka od 5,00 nema drugih zapisanih rezultata.
Aleksa je dete koje je pretalentovano za muziku a zavoleo ju je uz mene. Jednostavno, rastao je uz mene i u kući u kojoj je muzika dan i noć prisutna. Imao je kao mali dodir sa muzičkim instrumentima i zavoleo klavijature kao njemu interesantan instrument. Ja sam završio nižu i srednju muzičku školu, smer klavir a profesionalno svirao klavijature,medjutim svoje dete sam usmerio na harmoniku.Smatrao sam da je to najbolje i najpametnije za njega i nisam pogrešio. Harmonika je instrument koji datira iz davnih vremena približno klaviru i veoma je rasprostranjen i aktuelan svuda u svetu. Konkretno za Balkan i uopšte našu zemlju Srbiju, harmonika predstavlja simbol muzike našeg podneblja.Naš narod je veoma muzikalan i veseo i ovaj instrument je najviše poštovan i više se izdvaja od drugih. Srpska narodna ili folk muzika se najviše sluša i svira na našim prostorima,gde je harmonika vodeći instrument.
Aleksa voli generalno muziku, nebitno koji žanr i sluša sve što je kvalitetno u svakom pravcu muzike. Najviše voli stariju narodnu muziku ili kako bi bolje objasnio tradicionalnu folk muziku.Muzičku školu "Josif Marinković" u Vršcu je počeo da pohadja 2019.godine kada je krenuo u prvi razred.Od prvog momenta i prvog dana je bio oduševljen i veoma srećan kako školom tako i nastavnicom harmonike koja mu predaje u školi.Od samog starta su se vezali i što bi se reklo uklopili. Nastavnica harmonike Miljana Djurović je mlada i perspektivna žena i veoma predana svom poslu. U Aleksi je prepoznala nešto posebno u odnosu na drugu decu koja pohadjaju muzičku školu i posvetila se njemu sa posebnim stavom i trudom u predavanju. Velika mu je podrška pored nas roditelja i trudi se da zajedno sa Aleksom postiže što bolji uspeh kako u osnovnom obrazovanju tako i na takmičenjima.
Aleksa je za tri godine imao ukupno tri značajna takmičenja. U Srbiji, dva republička takmičenja na kojima je uzeo prvo mesto i jedno medjunarodno takmičenje u Republici Srpskoj sa rezultatom prvog mesta u svojoj kategoriji.
Hello, Hivers!

First of all, I want to congratulate everyone on the New Year 2022 and all the New Year and Christmas holidays.

I have been playing music professionally for about twenty years and the same music has been my life in every sense and respect. I am very proud of that period of my life, before I started working in international transport. I am even more proud today because my children are also in the world of music. Genetics did its thing and passed that musical talent on to me. I have four children from two marriages, two daughters from the first marriage did not go that way, but two children from the current second marriage (son 11 and daughter 9 years old) play music and study at the music school "Josif Marinković" in Vršac. My son Alexa is in the third grade of the mentioned music school, in the direction of piano accordion, and my daughter Jovana is in the second grade in the direction of violin. They are excellent students, hardworking and very talented.
I would like to emphasize Alex in this post because he left a mark in three years of schooling and recorded excellent results in his so-called "school career". Jovana is excellent and advanced on the violin for two years of music school, but apart from great success and an average of 5.00, there are no other recorded results.
Aleksa is a child who is talented for music and fell in love with her. He simply grew up with me in a house where music is present day and night. He had a small touch with musical instruments and fell in love with keyboards as an interesting instrument. I finished primary and secondary music school, majoring in piano and played keyboards professionally, but I directed my child to the accordion. I thought it was the best and smartest for him and I was right. The accordion is an instrument that dates back to ancient times, approximately to the piano, and is very widespread and current all over the world. Specifically for the Balkans and our country in general, Serbia, the accordion is a symbol of the music of our region. Our people are very musical and cheerful and this instrument is the most respected and stands out more than others. Serbian folk or folk music is mostly listened to and played in our region, where the accordion is the leading instrument.
Aleksa loves music in general, no matter what genre and listens to everything that is good in every direction of music. He likes older folk music the most or to better explain traditional folk music. He started attending the music school "Josif Marinković" in Vršac in 2019 when he started first grade. From the first moment and the first day he was delighted and very happy as a school so did the accordion teacher who teaches him at school. From the very beginning, they became attached and what could be said to fit. Accordion teacher Miljana Djurović is a young and promising woman and very dedicated to her work. In Alexa, she recognized something special in relation to other children who attend music school and dedicated herself to him with a special attitude and effort in lecturing. and in competitions.
Aleksa had a total of three significant competitions in three years. In Serbia, two national competitions in which he took first place and one international competition in Republika Srpska with the result of first place in its category.

Aleksa Jovanović-Republičko takmičenje i osvojeno I.mesto ~ Aleksa Jovanović-Republic competition and won 1st place

XIII Medjunarodni festival "Dani harmonike",Ugljevik,Republika Srpska-Osvojeno I.mesto u kategoriji ~ XIII International Festival "Accordion Days", Ugljevik, Republika Srpska-Won 1st place in the category

Fotografija sa profesorkom harmonike,Miljanom Djurović ~ Photo with accordion teacher, Miljana Djurović


Fotografija sa medjunarodnog festivala harmonike zajedno sa čuvenim Ruskim umetnikom na harmonici,Jurijem Vasiljevičem Šiškinom ~ Photo from the International Accordion Festival together with the famous Russian accordion artist Yuri Vasilyevich Shishkin

Pozdrav drugari, od Vlade 🇷🇸

Greetings my friends, from Vlada 🇬🇧