Ulazak u Tursku 🇷🇸 | Entering Turkey 🇬🇧 |
Merhaba Hiveri! Evo nas u nastavku putešestvija. Dobro došli u moj novi post. Verovatno da možda nekoga ne zanima tema o kojoj pišem a pretpostavljam da ima i onih koji su željno iščekivali nastavak priče. Bilo kako bilo, ja se držim toga i ostaću originalan i dosledan svoje teme "Život na točkovima". Da počnemo sa nastavkom priče.U prošlom blogu "Život na točkovima 3", sam otprilike opisao i objasnio prolazak kroz Bugarsku,prikazao proceduru istovara i napomenuo šta nas čeka dalje na ulazu u Tursku i kroz ovu zemlju. Da se podsetimo ukratko jedne stvari.Pred Bugarsko-Turskom graničnom prelazu boravili smo na TIR parkingu "Kapetan Andreevo" i čekali zvono pejdžera da nas obavesti o daljem polasku na Carinu. Bilo nas je dvojica iz iste firme i moram da pomenem tog kolegu i dobrog prijatelja u dobru i zlu, Ernes Ćućević. Momak rodom iz mesta Sjenica u Srbiji, iz patrijarhalne porodice, čovek predobre duše. Na Bugarskom pejdžer parkingu smo imali čekanje od neki 15 sati,ali nam je to naravno u društvu brzo prošlo uz kafu, gledanju filmova na lap topu, u razgovoru raznih tema, šetnji, planiranju za nastavak rute, itd. U jutarnjim časovima posle dobrog noćnog odmora krenuli na granicu pa ćemo put Tuzle (TR 🇹🇷) na utovar. | Merhaba Hivers! Here we are in the continuation of the journey. Welcome to my new post. Probably someone is not interested in the topic I am writing about and I guess there are those who eagerly awaited the continuation of the story. Either way, I stick to it and I will remain original and consistent with my topic "Life on Wheels". Let's start with the continuation of the story. At the entrance to Turkey and through this country. Let's remind ourselves briefly of one thing. The same company and I have to mention that colleague and good friend in good and bad, Ernes Ćućević. A young man from Sjenica in Serbia, from a patriarchal family, a man of too good a soul. that of course in The company quickly passed with coffee, watching movies on a laptop, talking about various topics, walking, planning to continue the route, etc. In the morning after a good night's rest we went to the border and we will travel to Tuzla (TR 🇹🇷) for loading. |
Granični prelaz,Kapikule 🇹🇷
Border crossing, Kapikule 🇹🇷
Dobrodošli u Tursku 🇷🇸 | Welcome to Turkey 🇬🇧 |
Konačno,Turska 🇹🇷! E tako, prošli smo kompletnu proceduru Bugarske i Turske carine, konačno smo ušli u Tursku. Kamione smo parkirali na TIR parking "Londra" i ručali u obližnjem restoranu "Evropa". Posle ručka odradili još par obaveza i priprema, dopunili kredit za Tursku sim karticu, napazarili malo namirnica za frižider i vodu obavezno. Sada smo spremni za dalji put a čeka nas još nekih 370 km do krajnje destinacije, odnosno do mesta utovara. Pošto nismo žurili a utovar je najavljen za sutrašnji dan, usput smo pravili kratku pauzu od 1h i posetili poznati Turski restoran na auto-putu "Yusuf Köfteci". Ovo ime je u stvari čuveni lanac restorana u celoj Turskoj a posećenost je velika jer su poznati po tradicionalnim ćuftama. To jelo je u stvari i moja preporuka ko, jer ko poseti Tursku a ne proba Jusufove ćufte, kao da nije ni bio u ovoj zemlji. Turska kuhinja je mnogobrojna, zdrava i kvalitetna ali ovo jelo o kome vam govorim je stvarno ukusno i pravi se od mešanog,sitno mlevenog junećeg i telećeg mesa.Izrada i priprema podseća na naše Srpske pljeskavice ali je ukus malo različit zbog načina spremanja i verovatno nekih posebnih začina. Uglavnom, Yusuf Köfteci je u stvari nešto kao Turski Mc'Donalds. Eto, tu smo svratili na jednu dobru večeru, pa nastavili dalje ka našem cilju do kog nam je ostalo nekih 30km. | Finally, Turkey 🇹🇷! Well, we went through the complete procedure of the Bulgarian and Turkish customs, we finally entered Turkey. We parked the trucks at the TIR parking lot "Londra" and had lunch at the nearby restaurant "Evropa". After lunch we did a couple more obligation and preparation, replenished the loan for the Turkish SIM card, bought some groceries for the refrigerator and water required. Now we are ready for the next journey and we have some 370 km to the final destination, ie the place of loading. tomorrow, along the way we took a short break of 1h and visited the famous Turkish restaurant on the highway "Yusuf Köfteci". things and my recommendation who, because who visits Turkey and does not try Yusuf's meatballs, as if he had not been in this country. Turkish cuisine is numerous, healthy and high quality, but this dish I am talking about is really tasty and is made of mixed, small ground beef and veal The making and preparation is reminiscent of our Serbian burgers, but the taste is a little different due to the way it is prepared and probably some special spices. In general, Yusuf Köfteci is actually something like Turkish Mc'Donalds.Here, we stopped for a good dinner, and continued on to our destination, which we have about 30km left. |
Restoran, Yusuf Köfteci 🇹🇷
Restaurant, Yusuf Köfteci 🇹🇷
Tuzla,mesto utovara 🇷🇸 | Tuzla,place of loading 🇬🇧 |
Ulazimo na teritoriju grada Tuzla gde se razdvajamo kolega i ja jer su utovari u različitim fabrikama a udaljenost mog i njegovog mesta utovara je nekih 3km. Po dolasku u fabriku po nazivu "Mutlu Aku",procedura je da se izvrši prijava kod obezbedjenja da je vozilo stiglo na utovar,što znači ostavljaju se lični podatci, odnosno podatci vozača i podatci o vozilu. Kada se to obavi, obezbedjenje vozilo upućuje na obezbedjen parking ispred fabrike gde se čeka telefonski poziv za ulazak u fabriku.Na tom parkingu noćim i čekam sutrašnji dan kada se spremam za utovar robe. U 07h izjutra, alarm sa mobilnog telefona me budi, ustajem i naravno kao i svi ljubitelji dobrog Nesscafe odmah spremam jutarnju kaficu. Posle kafe, naravno jutarnja higijena i uklapam vreme do 08h kada fabrika počinje sa radom. Dobijam telefonski poziv da mogu da krenem, ulazim u krug fabrike i idem na merenje mase praznog vozila koje se obavlja na specijalizovanoj vagi za teretna vozila.To merenje se u fabrici vrši i pre i posle utovara.Znači prvo se meri prazan kamion pre utovara a nakon toga sledi merenje sa tovarom posle utovara, tako da se dobije zapis bruto i neto težine vozila. Ko nije upućen u ovu tematiku, objasniću. Uzmimo za primer merenje sa teretom gde bi "BRUTO" masa bila ukupna težina kamiona i prikolice u kojoj se nalazi natovarena roba. Nakon toga se od ukupne težine odbija masa merena kada je vozilo bilo prazno pre utovara i dobijamo cifru koja predstavlja "NETO" masu, koja je u stvari težina natovarene robe. To je veoma bitno zbog daljeg procesa izrade prateće dokumentacije. Kada se obavi merenje vozilo se upućuje na označeno mesto utovara, takozvana utovarna rampa. Vozilo se parkira na rampu zadnjim delom prikolice ili žargonski rečeno u rikverc tako da se vrši zadnji utovar a ne bočni. U slučaju zadnjeg utovara na rampi, na prikolici se samo otvaraju zadnja vrata prikolice, dok kod bočnog utovara je potrebno otvarati ceradu koja se kreće sistemom pomeranja zavese.Roba koja se tovari su akumulatori ili kako neki kažu baterije za odredjeni tip mornih vozila. Mutlu Aku je fabrika koja proizvodi razne vrste baterija i izvozi širom Balkana i Evrope. Ova roba koju ja tovarim konkretno se izvozi za Srbiju i uvoznik je firma "EXXOL DOO" iz Niša. | We enter the territory of the city of Tuzla where my colleague and I separate because the loads are in different factories and the distance between me and his place of loading is about 3 km. Upon arrival at the factory called "Mutlu Aku", the arrived at the loading, which means personal data are left, ie driver data and vehicle data. When this is done, the security of the vehicle points to the secured parking lot in front of the factory where a phone call is waiting to enter the factory. when I'm getting ready to load the goods. At 7 am, the alarm from my mobile phone wakes me up, I get up and of course like all fans of good Nesscafe I immediately prepare the morning coffee. After coffee, of course morning hygiene and I fit the time until 08:00 a phone call so that I can go, enter the factory circle and go to the measurement of the weight of an empty vehicle, which is performed on a specialized scale for trucks. This measurement is performed in the factory before and after So, first the empty truck is measured before loading and then the measurement with the load is followed after loading, so that a record of gross and net weight of the vehicle is obtained. The mass was the total weight of the truck and the trailer in which the loaded goods are located. It is very important for the further process of preparing the accompanying documentation. When the measurement is performed, the vehicle is directed to the marked place of loading, the so-called loading ramp. In the case of the last loading on the ramp, only the rear door of the trailer opens on the trailer, while in the case of lateral loading it is necessary to open the tarpaulin which moves by the curtain movement system. if some say batteries for a certain type of marine vehicles. Mutlu Aku is a factory that produces various types of batteries and exports throughout the Balkans and Europe. These goods that I load are specifically exported to Serbia, and the importer is the company "EXXOL DOO" from Nis. |
Fabrika akumulatora, Mutlu Aku 🇹🇷
Accumulators factory, Mutlu Aku 🇹🇷
Utovarna rampa 🇹🇷
Izvozna carina robe 🇷🇸 | Export duty on goods 🇬🇧 |
Verovatno ćete povezati sled dogadjaja, da posle utovara robe dolazi merenje sada punog vozila. Znači,odlazim sa utovarne rampe na vagu i nakon merenja stajem stajem na parking da sačekam dokumentaciju, odnosno fakturu. Sa tom fakturom odlazim na carinski terminal "Çatalca" nedaleko od Istanbula, gde će odredjena špedicija pripremiti dokumentaciju koja se predaje carini za izvoz robe. Carina pregleda robu i stavlja carinsku blombu. Kada se ta procedura završi, spremni smo za povratak u Srbiju, konkretno grad Niš gde ce roba biti isporučena uvozniku. Što se tiče carinskog terminala "Çatalca", opremljen je sa dosta sadržaja kao i većina terminala. Vozači čekaju po nekoliko sati obradu Export-Import dokumentacije i zato moraju imati neke osnovne uslove obezbedjene. Terminali obično posesuju prvenstveno osiguran asvaltni parking za veliki broj kamiona, wc i tuš kabine, market, restoran itd. To su neke osnovne stvari koje vozač treba imati u svom okruženju da bi mu olakšalo vreme provedeno čekajući na terminalu. | You will probably connect the sequence of events, that after loading the goods comes the measurement of the now full vehicle. Istanbul, where a certain forwarding company will prepare documentation to be handed over to the customs for the export of goods. Customs examines the goods and puts a customs seal. Drivers wait for several hours for processing Export-Import documentation and therefore must have some basic conditions provided. Terminals usually have primarily secured asphalt parking for a large number of trucks, toilets and showers. cabins, market, restaurant, etc. These are some basic things that a driver should have in his environment to make it easier for him to spend time waiting at the spa nalu. |
Auto-put,Tuzla-Çatalca 🇹🇷
Highway, Tuzla-Çatalca 🇹🇷
Most,Yavuz Aultan Selim,prelazi preko Bosforskog moreuza.
The bridge, Yavuz Sultan Selim, crosses the Bosphorus.
Povratak prema Srbiji 🇷🇸 | Return to Serbia 🇬🇧 |
Po završetku izvozne carine na Čatalci,dobijam urednu dokumentaciju, plaćam boravak na terminalu od nekih par sati i krećem nazad ka granici Turska-Bugarska. U pitanju je granični prelaz "Kapikule" koji sam već pomenuo u početku posta kada sam ulazio u Tursku. Izlaz iz Turske ima malo složenu proceduru, ujedno je i čekanje duže nego na drugim granicama. Otprilike na nekih 3 km pre granice postoji carinska nazovimo barijera, gde Turska żandarmerija vrši kontrolu i laki pregled svih vozila upućenih ka granici. Putnička vozila posle bqrijere nastqvljaju dalje kretanje ka granici a sva tererna vozila se isključuju na desnu stranu puta gde je postavljena kućica koja pripada carinskoj upravi pod nazivom GTI,sto je skraćenica uopšte Turske carine. Kamion prilazi do kućice i službeniku daje T1 dokument (transportni papir) koji služi kao propratnica kroz sve zemlje koje vozilo prolazi i koji je pripremila Turska špedicija.Na dokumentu T1 postoji bar kod koji službenik GTI skenira i unosi automatski podatke u carinski sistem.Time se na neki način registruje dolazak i pravi redosled kada će koji kamiom da predje granicu. Uz ovaj dokument se prilaže broj mobilnog telefona vozača i on je uvek u sistemu uz ostale podatke o vozilu.Tog momenta kada je skeniran T1 automatski GTI sistem šalje sms poruku vozaču kao obaveštenje o vremenu i datumu unosa u sistem GTI.Nakon ove procedure, kamion može da krene dalje i upućuje se na jedan od nekoliko TIR parkinga na pograničnoj teritoriji. Neću sve da ih imenujem ali ću pomenuti TIR parking "Londra" o kom sam već možda ranije pisao i to je parking koji ja i većina vozača najviše koriste jer je najbezbedniji i najbolje opremljen. Kamion dolazi na rampu parkinga i uzima isečak iz automata sa osnovnim podatcima koji kasnije služi za izlaz i plaćanje parkinga. Kada se kamion parkira, sledi odmor i razonoda vozaču sve do momenta dobijanja druge po redu sms poruke od GTI sistema koja obaveštava da vozilo može da krene sa trenutnog mesta na carinski parking GTI koji je bukvalno na samom graničnom prelazu, takoreći u sklopu carine. To je u stvari sličan parking kao i na izlazu iz Bugarske gde se po ulasku dobija pejdžer i čeka se da on svojim zvonom obavesti kada je red odredjenog kamiona za prelazak granice. Doćiću i do opisa GTI parkinga ali prvo da se vratimo još malo na parking "Londra". Ono što je specifično je čekanje druge sms poruke GTI i to može da traje dosta dugo,minimalno od 20h pa čak i do 90h čekanja. To vreme čekanje može biti razarajuće psihički ali sve to zavisi od vozača kako se organizuje i koliko je strpljiv. Vremenom čovek sve navikne i to udje u rutinu nekako,sve u svemu može biti i interesantno. Celokupna ta granična teritorija broji doata parkinga i samim time puno kamiona je na jednom mestu. Znači, poznato društvo medju kolegama se uvek može naći, razvijaju se i nova poznanstva.Postoje tu i nekoliko hotela, doata marketa, benzinskih pumpi sa caffe barovima, restorani, prodavnice mobilnih telefona i opreme,bukvalno sve što vam treba od osnovnih stvari za boravak može se naći. Ako to nekome nije dovoljno,najbliži grad odatle je Turski grad Edirne ili kod nas poznat kao Jedrene,koji je udaljen 15km od granice.Do njega možete stići mini-busevima koji non-stop saobraćaju na toj relaciji i to za nisku cenu prevoza od nekih 7tl turskih lira. Edirne je prelep Turski grad sa bogatom istorijom i tu itekako ima šta da se vidi i obidje kroz laganu šetnju.Inače je i jedan od najvećoh trgovačkih centara u Turskoj,posle Istanbula.Mnogo ljudi dolazi u šoping čak i iz okolnih zemalja, Bugarske, Grčke, Srbije, Rumunije itd. Arhitektura u ovom gradu je za mene prelepa i pored Otomanskog ima i drugih stilova gradnje. Poznate velike Turske pijace su baš ovde smeštene,kako otvorene tako i zatvorene. Postoji zatvorena pijaca u samom centru tik do šetališta koja je praktično u tunelu.Još uvek u samom centru postoje male uske uličice sa Turskom kaldrmom i mnoštvom malih zanatskih radnji.Prelepo za videti i obići,što bih i preporučio ko je u mogućnosti da sebi to priušti.Poznato mi je da se mnoge takozvane šoping ekskurzije organizuju autobusima iz raznih zemalja koje sam već naveo,verovatno u organizaciji nekihturiatičkih agencija. Što se tiče cena dosta je pristupačno ne samo za šoping, već i za smeštaj i hranu. Ja sam često u ovom gradu,posećujem ga kad god imam slobodno vreme dok čekam na granici.Uvek vidim i doživim nešto novo svakog narednog puta kada posetim Edirne i nikad nije monotono.Toliko za sada od mene dragi moji prijatelji Hiveri,a u sledećem postu vam obećavam čvrsto malo opširnije opis grada Edirne sa dosta fotografija. Ostanite uz mene, pratite moje objave jer tek sledi ono najzanimljivije. Pozdrav-Güle Güle (na Turskom)! | After the end of the export customs on Chatalca, I get the proper documentation, pay for the stay at the terminal for a few hours and head back to the Turkey-Bulgaria border. from Turkey has a slightly complicated procedure, and the wait is longer than at other borders. Approximately 3 km before the border there is a customs barrier, where the Turkish gendarmerie controls and easily inspects all vehicles sent to the border. towards the border q all off-road vehicles are turned off on the right side of the road where a house belonging to the customs administration called GTI is placed, which is an abbreviation of Turkish customs. The truck approaches the house and gives the officer a T1 document of the country the vehicle is passing through and prepared by the Turkish Freight Forwarder. There is a bar code on the T1 document that the GTI officer scans and enters automatically under atke into the customs system.This in a way registers the arrival and makes the order when which truck will cross the border. This document is accompanied by the driver's mobile phone number and it is always in the system with other information about the vehicle. message to the driver as a notification of the time and date of entry into the GTI system. After this procedure, the truck can move on and head to one of several TIR car parks in the border area. I may have written before, and it is the parking lot that I and most drivers use the most because it is the safest and best equipped, followed by rest and entertainment for the driver until the moment of receiving the second SMS message from the GTI system informing that the vehicle can start from the current place to the GTI customs parking lot, which is literally on my border crossing, so to speak, as part of customs. It is in fact a similar parking lot as at the exit from Bulgaria, where you get a pager and wait for it to announce with its bell when it is the turn of a certain truck to cross the border. Londra ". What is specific is waiting for the second GTI text message and it can take quite a long time, at least 20 hours and even up to 90 hours of waiting. That time of waiting can be devastating mentally, but it all depends on the driver how he organizes and how patient he is. The border area has a doata parking lot and therefore a lot of trucks in one place. So, a well-known company can always be found among colleagues, new acquaintances are developing. mobile phones and equipment, literally everything you need from the basic things to stay can be found. mini-buses that run non-stop on that route for a low price of transport of some 7tl Turkish lira.Edirne is a beautiful Turkish city with a rich history and there is a lot to see and get around through an easy walk. one of the largest shopping centers in Turkey, after Istanbul. Many people come shopping even from the surrounding countries, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Romania, etc.The architecture in this city is beautiful to me and besides the Ottoman there are other styles of construction. The famous great Turkish markets are located here, both open and closed. There is a closed market in the center near the promenade which is practically in the tunnel. In the center there are small narrow streets with Turkish cobblestones and many small craft shops. Beautiful to see and visit, which I would recommend who is able to afford it. I know that many so-called shopping tours are organized by buses from various countries. I have already mentioned, probably organized by some travel agencies. As for the prices, it is quite affordable not only for shopping, but also for accommodation and food. I am often in this city, I visit it whenever I have free time while waiting at the border.I experience something new every next time I visit Edirne and it is never monotonous. So much for now, my dear friends Hiveri, and in the next post I promise you a firm more detailed description of the city of Edirne with a lot of photos. Stay with me, follow my posts because the most interesting is yet to come. Greetings-Güle Güle (in Turkish)! |
Pozdrav od Vlade - Greetings from Vlada
Have a safe trip in Turkey! Greetings from Bulgaria!
Thank you very much! Greetings to Bulgaria! 😉
Thank you!
Au brate pa ovo je polu roman baš si ga zadužio za sve pare. Veliki pozdrav.👍👍👍🖐🖐🖐
Preko 3000 reci 🤣🤣🤣🤣
E drug, ma Vlada je car, nema sta, rastura. Bas ono, extra.
On ga daje po gasu, ne samo kamionu, vec i ovim postovima.
Svaka cast.
Cekaj da vidis sledeci post 5 deo...razvalici ga
Druze moj, ti ces postati masina ovde, ako tako nastavis. svaka cast.
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