I had to slow down that part of the video so you could see the angel.... 😇
Thanks, Amonet! It took me a while to edit this and upload it... even though it's so small that video... because connectivity here today is so bad. I'm glad you liked the post. 🤗
It takes time to edit but it was worth it to see that white butterfly that crossed your path giving you a message.... now before going to sleep I tell you... that advice you give to remember the dreams is the best you can give when it is difficult to do it.... I have done it sometimes and it works! I don't need it now but I used to. Remember dreams are signals. Good night! 😘
Vuelve a ver la mariposa. 😂 Ve otra vez, dale.
SÃ, sé que lo son. Gracias, gracias.
jajajaja la veo y es blanca!!! Un ángel de alas blancas... cambio mezclado con luz, estas en el camino correcto!