What a unique and unforgettable experience this must have been to engage with these magnificent mammals -- especially when you consider they are descendants of wooly mammoths that once roamed on Earth. 🐘🐘🐘
I hope free ranging elephants never become extinct due to illegal poaching.
Excellent post and photographs!
It was! Definitely a must visit recommendation to anyone who might ask me of great places to visit in my country.
They indeed are! If the skin is so thick can you imagine how thick the hairy ones must have been😂😎
I know in my country they have somewhat got it in control, the problem now lies with Rhinos but that they are also winning nicely in that battle from what I hear on the news every now and then.. They capture a lot of poachers.
Awhile back I remember reading about conservationists who harmlessly dyed ivory tusks of animals pink or blue to make the ivory worthless in the black market
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