¡Hola amigos viajeros!
Hello fellow travellers!
Una nueva aventura ha iniciado para mí y esta vez me encuentro en Turén, Portuguesa en mi bello país Venezuela, llegué justo al amanecer pero algunas nubes me impidieron ver los rayos del sol pero aún así la luz podía verse mientras la madrugada quedaba atrás.
A new adventure has started for me and this time I am in Turén, Portuguesa in my beautiful country Venezuela, I arrived just at dawn but some clouds prevented me from seeing the sun rays but still the light could be seen while the early morning was behind.
El recorrido inició en la Finca Arpe, un hermoso lugar, rodeado de belleza natural y diversas actividades para realizar, una gran laguna con peces se encuentra al entrar los árboles le rodean además de otros arbustos más pequeños, una tirolesa se encontraba lista para ser usada para quiénes querían lanzarse y darse un baño en la laguna, una piscina parece una buena opción quienes no prefieren la laguna, al igual que un restaurante con terraza para disfrutar de alguna comida.
The tour started at Finca Arpe, a beautiful place, surrounded by natural beauty and various activities to do, a large lagoon with fish is at the entrance, trees surround it and other smaller bushes, a zip line was ready to be used for those who wanted to jump in and have a swim in the lagoon, a swimming pool seems a good option for those who do not prefer the lagoon, as well as a restaurant with a terrace to enjoy some food.
Luego fuimos a ver a los Búfalos y son tan enormes son tan parecidos a otros mamíferos como las vacas, era bastante temprano así que nos dieron la oportunidad de poder ordeñar a una Búfalo, nos explicaron como se hacía, apretando suavemente su tetilla hacia abajo con la mano y salía un poco de su leche qué justo caía en un balde, yo pude ordeñar y fue una experiencia increíble pensé que requería de fuerza y realmente es una técnica bastante sencilla de aprender y que apretando con suavidad baja el líquido, estuve unos minutos ordeñando y me encantó.
Then we went to see the buffaloes and they are so huge they are so similar to other mammals like cows, it was quite early so they gave us the opportunity to milk a buffalo, they explained to us how it was done, gently squeezing her teat down with your hand and a little of her milk came out and just fell into a bucket, I was able to milk and it was an incredible experience, I thought it required strength and it really is a very simple technique to learn and by gently squeezing the liquid downwards, I spent a few minutes milking and I loved it.
Estuve explorando un poco la finca y vi que se encontraba una pequeña capilla en ella, pude entrar y observar un pequeño altar con manteles blancos y un enorme Jesucristo que guindaba del techo que me pareció bastante curioso que no tuviera rostro pero con muchos detalles en su cuerpo, algunos cristales en el fondo de su pared formaban una cruz.
I was exploring the estate a little and I saw that there was a small chapel there, I could enter and observe a small altar with white tablecloths and a huge Jesus Christ hanging from the ceiling that I found quite curious that it had no face but with many details on his body, some crystals at the bottom of his wall formed a cross.
Algunas flores se encontraban por toda la finca, eran tan sencillas pero coloridas su simplicidad era cautivante era imposible no ver su belleza, algunos columpios realizados con ruedas guindaban de algunos árboles para quienes quisieran sentarse a columpiarse un rato.
Some flowers were found all over the farm, they were so simple but colourful their simplicity was captivating it was impossible not to see their beauty, some swings made with wheels hung from some trees for those who wanted to sit and swing for a while.
Habían sillas metálicas para sentarse a contemplar los árboles, algunos caminos solo llevaban a conectarme más con la naturaleza y el sonido de los pájaros a mi alrededor.
There were metal chairs to sit and contemplate the trees, some paths just led me to connect more with nature and the sound of the birds around me.
Quise echar un vistazo más cerca de las terrazas que se encontraban en el lago y solo podía sentir una inmensa paz, cuando de repente me detuve a mirar a una tortuga que se encontraba nadando sin parar podía sentir lo feliz que se encontraba en su hábitat, un bote estaba listo para poder remar en la laguna y aunque quería dar un paseo recordé que no soy tan buena con los remos y que prefiero los botes con pedales.
I wanted to take a closer look at the terraces on the lake and could only feel an immense peace, when I suddenly stopped to look at a turtle that was swimming non-stop I could feel how happy it was in its habitat, a boat was ready to be rowed in the lagoon and although I wanted to take a walk I remembered that I am not so good at rowing and that I prefer boats with pedals.
Y aunque seguía nublado, podía sentirme tan alegre de estar ahí, estar en el llano Venezolano es una experiencia tan maravillosa que mi aventura no termina aquí, aun tengo más que mostrarles de este viaje en una próxima ocasión.
And even though it was still cloudy, I could feel so happy to be there, being in the Venezuelan plains is such a wonderful experience that my adventure doesn't end here, I still have more to show you of this trip in a future occasion.
Fotografías tomadas con un Samsung Galaxy A35.
Contenido de mi propiedad.
Traducción por: Deepl
Photographs taken with a Samsung Galaxy A35.
Content of my property.
Translation by Deepl
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Gracias amigos 🤗
Wow my friend I saw some really great pictures my friend
The place has incredible natural beauty and I had to photograph every detail.
The joy of seeing the morning light and the beautiful weather along with the beautiful feeling that comes with it is never possible to get. Seeing and visiting such a beautiful lake in the morning. I am getting a lot of experience from this place.
Every new day is a new opportunity to be happier and this place connects me a lot with nature and it is impossible not to feel joyful about it.
Thank you, enjoy it
Amazing place my friend
This farm is too beautiful.