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RE: Copper Coast cruising

in Worldmappin4 years ago

En este momento, que nos amenaza ese virus, es necesario estar prevenido, cuidarse bastante, son muy bonitos las fotos que tomaste, hoy domingo disfrute de tu comentario, además conocí otros lugares sin salir de Venezuela, feliz domingo, gracias
Lo comparto en mi cuenta.


There seems little point in sitting around dejected about our inability to travel...It was a nice day so we headed off to Moonta and made the most of it. That's how we roll really, design and create our ideal life, rather than live it by default.

Thank you for reading and your comment. I hope you have a nice day.

I'm not a fan of Twitter to be honest and I don't have an account although by putting it on your account maybe someone might get some enjoyment from my post.

Tienes toda la razón, yo aplico todos los días el agradecimiento y vivir este momento que estamos sanos, estamos a la orden desde Venezuela.