Aliança Underground Museum🌏🚩🧭📚 /En-Es/

in Worldmappin2 years ago
Hello adventurous friends! Today we are going to immerse ourselves in a mysterious and cultural world, we will visit the Museum: "Aliança Underground Museum" which is the ONLY UNDERGROUND MUSEUM OF PORTUGAL and for that reason its name, it is a private collection of the businessman Bernardo one of the richest Portuguese in the country! This gentleman has an admiration for African art and over the years he has created several museums in Portugal with more than 200,000 pieces, but the visit becomes more interesting when we do a tasting of his most commercial wines! ACCOMPANY ME!!🌏💁‍♂️🚩

Hola amigos aventureros! hoy vamos a sumergirnos en un mundo misterioso y cultural, visitaremos el Museo: "Aliança Underground Museum" que es el UNICO MUSEO DE PORTUGAL SUBTERRANEO y por eso su nombre, es una coleccion privada del empresario Bernardo uno de los Portugueses mas ricos del pais! este señor tiene una admiracion por el arte africano y con el pasar de los años ha creado varios museos en Portugal con mas de 200.000 piezas, pero la visita se torna mas interesante cuando realizamos una cata de sus vinos mas comerciales! ACOMPAÑAME!!🍇🥤🚙🕋

Immerse yourself in African culture🙇‍♂️🧭/Sumergete en la cultura africana🚩🎨💎🍍

The "Aliança Underground Museum" museum is an exhibition space that unfolds along the underground passageways of the "Alianza Vinhos Portugal" a powerful Portuguese wine production company, here we can see seven different types of collections along with tools of archeology, among the exhibits we can see a section of: ethnology, mineralogy, paleontology, ceramics among others! You can take a trip to more than 8 million years in the past! a unique place in the world!🎨📚😱
El museo "Aliança Underground Museum" es un espacio expositivo que se desenvuelve a lo largo de los pasadizos subterraneos de la "Alianza Vinhos Portugal" una poderosa empresa de produccion de vino de Portugal, aqui podemos contemplar siete tipo de colecciones distintos junto con herramientas de arqueologia, entre las exhibiciones podremos ver una seccion de: etnologia, minerologia, paleontologia, ceramica entre otras! podras realizar un viaje hacia mas de 8millones de años en el pasado! un sitio unico del mundo!🕋🧠🌍

How to get to the museum?🙇‍♂️🧭/Como llegar al museo??🚩🎨💎🍍

Crafts with spiritual powers🌏🧭

I would like to tell you that if you want to visit the museum you must mark a day of visit, just call! the price varies but normally you pay 8 euros per person! Here you can choose if you want the wine tasting with some small things to eat, the museum is located in the parish of Sangalhos in the center of Portugal, let's say about 40 minutes from the city of Porto.🧠🌍💎💎

Me gustaria decirte que si quieres visitar el museo deberas realizar marcar un dia de visita, basta con llamar! el precio varia pero normalmente pagas 8euros por persona! aqui puedes escoger si quieres la cata de vino con algunas cosas pequeñas para comer, el museo se ubica en la freguesia de Sangalhos al centro de Portugal, digamos que a unos 40minutos de la ciudad de Porto.🎨🖼

Don't you want to go to the museum? then buy a wine!!🙇‍♂️🧭/No quieres ir al museo? entonces compra un vino!!🚩🎨💎🍍

Let's say you have no interest in any museum! Well, it's still worth visiting the place because you can buy high quality wines, also in December it's very beautiful because of the Christmas decorations! We could not leave here without buying a: "Bacalhoa" a wine recognized in Portugal for its good quality, it was also recognized with a gold medal for excellence and quality.🍇🥤
Digamos que no tienes interes en ningun museo! pues igual vale la pena visitar el local porque podras comprar vinos de alta calidad, ademas en diciembre es muy bonito por la decoracion navideña! no nos podiamos ir de aqui sin comprar un: "Bacalhoa" un vino reconocido en Portugal por su buena calidad, ademas fue reconocido con una medalla de oro en excelencia y calidad.🏆🥇

Best preserved cemetery in the world🙇‍♂️🧭/Cementerio mejor conservado del mundo🚩🎨💎🍍

The owner managed to acquire at auction this set of pieces that were part of an African culture, as you can see the pieces are well preserved despite the fact that they are 1500 years old, they were part of a Nigerian tribe and the pieces have a very interesting history. of terracotta have a design depending on the social position and the gender of the person within the tribe! therefore those that have the shape of "penis" were for men and the round ones for women, the more power the man had within the tribe, his design was more elaborate and ornate!😱
El propietario logro adquirir en una subasta este conjunto de piezas que formaban parte de una cultura africana, como puedes ver las piezas estan bien conservadas apesar que tienen 1500 años de antiguedad, formaban parte de una tribu de Nigeria y tiene una historia muy interesante las piezas de terracota tienen un diseño dependiendo a la posicion social y el genero de la persona dentro de la tribu! por tanto las que tienen forma de "pene" eran de los hombres y las redondas de las mujeres, mientras mas poder tenia el hombre dentro de la tribu su diseño era mas elaborado y adornado!👴🤴👱‍♂️

African ethnography🙇‍♂️🧭/Etnografia africana🚩🎨💎🍍

There is a lot of history in all these pieces, because they belong to many different cultures, for example many of them represent virility, sexuality, pregnancy, sex! some of them were used for black magic such as a Budu doll, there are also crowns and canes that belonged to the leader of some tribes with a historical value that is difficult to calculate!🧠📚🕋
Hay mucha historia en todas estas piezas, porque pertenecen a muchas culturas diferentes, por ejemplo muchas de ellas representan la virilidad, la sexualidad, el embarazo, el sexo! algunas de ellas eran utilizadas para magia negra como un muñeco de Budu, tambien hay coronas y bastones que pertenecieron al lider de algunas tribus con un valor historico dificil de calcular!😮😮

chair of a king🤴🌏🧭

In this section we can see a collection made up of various ethnographic objects that include statues, weapons, masks, some prestigious objects, jewelry, everyday items, here we can see the level of creativity and genius of the human being!🧠🌍💎💎

En esta seccion podremos ver una coleccion compuesta por varios objetos etnograficos que contemplan estatudas, armas, mascaras, algunos objetos de prestigio, joyeria, articulos cotidianos, aqui podemos ver el nivel de creatividad y genialidad del ser humano! 🎨🖼

Room for events🙇‍♂️🧭/Sala para eventos🚩🎨💎🍍

The Aliança Underground Museum has at your disposal an area to have lunch or dinner with family or friends, as you can see it was made of various recyclable materials from the production of wines! If you are interested in renting the room you have to pay 60 euros per person and there must be a minimum of 15.🤑😜
El Aliança Underground Museum tiene a tu disposición un area para poder almorzar o cenar en familia o amigos, como puedes ver fue realizada por varios materiales reciclables producto de la elaboracion de los vinos! si te interesa alquilar la sala tienes que pagar 60euros por persona y tienen que ser un minimo de 15.🤩🍰🎂🥘

Zimbabwean contemporary sculpture🙇‍♂️🧭/Escultura contemporanea de Zimbabue🚩🎨💎🍍

This is a very interesting and modern section where you can see many sculptures made of stones from Zimbabwe, it is a modern technique that just began to be commercialized in the 60s, here there are pieces dating from 1966, let's say the first generation of these artists. ! and currently they are in a third generation!😮💎🗿
Esta es una seccion bastante interesante y moderna donde podras ver muchas esculturas realizadas en piedras provenientes de Zimbabwe, es una tecnica moderna que apenas comenzo a comercializarse en la decada de los 60, aqui hay piezas que datan de 1966 digamos la primera generacion de estos artistas! y actualmente ya van en una tercera generacion!🗿🗿

Ceramic art🙇‍♂️🧭/Arte en ceramica🚩🎨💎🍍

These are the so-called "Azulejos" that are original from Portugal and France! and it is the best art that represents our Portuguese country! we can see pieces that are more than 500 years old! some date from the 18th century, it was also acquired from a private collection!📚🗿💎
Estos son los llamados "Azulejos" que son originales de Portugal y Francia! y es el mejor arte que representa nuestro pais luso! podemos ver piezas que tienen mas de 500 años! algunas datan del siglo XVIII, fue tambien adquirida de una coleccion privada!🎨🎨

Many of these pieces were created by the best ceramic artists in the world! several of them Portuguese, this collection is called: "Ceramica das caldas" dating from the XVX.🥇📚
Muchas de estas piezas fueron creadas por los mejores artistas en ceramica del mundo! varios de ellos Portugueses, esta coleccion se llama: "Ceramica das caldas" datan del XVX.🌏🤑

Visit to see the barrels🙇‍♂️🧭/Visita para ver los barriles 🚩🎨💎🍍

Here we are about 25 meters deep from the surface and we have a huge warehouse with more than 500 barrels from the Alliance Group, we do not have access to the "private" site where the most expensive wines from this winery are!🍇🥤
Aqui estamos a unos 25 metros de profundidad de la superficie y tenemos un enorme almacen con mas de 500 barriles de la Aliance Group, no tenemos acceso al sitio "privado" donde estan los vinos mas caros de esta vinheira!😨😨

Indian culture🙇‍♂️🧭/Cultura india🚩🎨💎🍍

Wine tasting🙇‍♂️🧭/Cata de vino🚩🎨💎🍍

We finished our guided tour of all the sections and we couldn't end it in the best way if it wasn't with a small tasting of various house wines! starting with some sangrias and a red and white! and of course we left the place buying their products!🚩🥤📚
Acabamos nuestro recorrido guiado por todas las secciones y no podriamos terminar de la mejor forma si no era con una pequeña cata de varios vinos de la casa! comenzando por algunas sangrias y un tinto y blanco! y por supuesto nos fuimos del lugar comprando sus productos!😲😎


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The description of the places visited were extracted from the cited pages.


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Que interesante un museo subterraneo, hay piezaa muy cooles

Nice museum


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Estupenda publicación

Estoy sorprendida por la gran variedad de piezas que existen en ese lugar. Debe ser increíble conocer esos espacios.