Cuando vemos la forma arquitectonica de la "Alcazaba" inmediatamente la relacionamos con algo "arabe" y si!! esta es una fortificacion que fue construida entre los siglos IX-XIII posteriormente se le hicieron algunas modificaciones hasta llegar a ser "Castillo medieval cristiano", la alcazaba cuya traduccion es "fortificacion urbana" es la mas grande de europa y vaya que caminar sobre las murallas puede llevarte mas de una hora, su objetivo era proteger la pequeña ciudad de badajoz!😲🏰
When we see the architectural form of the "Alcazaba" we immediately relate it to something "Arab" and yes! this is a fortification that was built between the 9th and 13th centuries, later some modifications were made to it until it became a "Christian medieval castle", the citadel whose translation is "urban fortification" is the largest in Europe and what a walk on the ramparts can take you more than an hour, its objective was to protect the small city of badajoz!🏯🏠
According to the researchers, when it was built, the walled fence could measure more than 6 kilometers and thus would be the largest in the world at that time! the city of Badajoz has some strange customs that make it very special! and that I will explain to you later for the moment let's focus on this tourist site that offers you a complete view of the city center!🧭👨🏫😳
Segun los investigadores la cerca amurallada cuando fue construida pudo llegar a medir mas de 6 kilometros y asi seria la mas grande del mundo en aquel entonces! la ciudad de Badajoz tiene algunas costumbres extrañas que la hacen muy especial! y que te explicare mas adelante por el momento centremonos en este sitio turistico que te ofrece una vista completa hacia el centro de la ciudad! 🏯🏰
After spending half an hour in our first place to visit, we will go to the next tourist site, the "Plaza Alta" and it is one or perhaps the most visited in the city! Badajoz is very small, it has less than 10 places to visit, therefore a vacation here does not make sense, it is one more city to make a stop and get to know that spending extended vacations unless you want to visit the border in Portugal!🛺🧭👨🏫
Luego de pasar media hora en nuestro primer local de visita nos dirigiremos al siguiente sitio turistico se trata de la "Plaza alta" y es una o quizas la mas visitada de la ciudad! Badajoz es muy pequeña tiene menos de 10 lugares para visitar por tanto unas vacaciones aqui no hacen sentido, es una ciudad mas para hacer una parada y conocer que pasar vacaciones prolongadas al menos que quieras visitar la frontera en Portugal!🏯🚙
We go to our second stop and it is the famous "high square", this is a must see in Badajoz, surely this square is one of the oldest in Spain, it was also built in the Muslim domain and was connected to "the citadel" no It was not until the 17th century that it was modified and became an independent space! It is small, it does not reach a kilometer, what stands out in it are its colorful buildings and the restaurant areas!🧭👨🏫🌎
Pasamos a nuestra segunda parada y es la famosa "plaza alta", esta es una visita obligada en Badajoz, seguramente esta plaza es una de las mas antiguas de España, tambien fue construida en el dominio musulmano y se conectaba con "la alcazaba" no fue hasta el siglo XVII que se modifico y paso a ser un espacio independiente! es pequeña no llega a un kilometro, lo que destaca en ella son sus edificios coloridos y las zonas de restaurantes!⛲⛲
This is a very short visit, knowing the whole square takes you about 15 minutes, until now everything is free you do not have to pay entrance in any place something that I liked about Badajoz! This beautiful square is close to the "Alcazaba" so you can also walk without using your vehicle! everything is very close, just leave your car in one place and you can visit everything without spending gasoline!😲🏰
Esta es una visita muy corta, conocer toda la plaza te lleva unos 15 minutos, hasta ahora todo es gratis no debes pagar entrada en ningun lugar algo que me gusto de Badajoz! esta linda plaza esta proxima de la "Alcazaba" por lo que tambien puedes caminar sin necesidad de usar tu vehiculo! todo es muy proximo basta con dejar tu carro en un estacionamiento y puedes visitar todo caminando sin gastar gasolina!🏯🏠

A lot of history🙇♂️🧭/ Mucha historia🚵♀️🚩

Badajoz was founded in "875", and many evidences have been found that not only the Muslims settled here, but also the Romans, and it is believed that in the Neolithic and Paleolithic some nomadic civilizations passed through these lands leaving archaeological traces! something that characterizes the city are its walls and its cities with medieval characteristics!😮🦾🏰
Badajoz fue fundada en el "875", y se han encontrado muchas evidencias que no solo los musulmanes se establecieron aqui, tambien lo hicieron los Romanos, y se cree que en el neolitico y paleolitico algunas civilizaciones nomadas pasaron por estas tierras dejando huellas arqueologicas! algo que caracteriza a la ciudad son sus murallas y sus ciudades con caracteristicas medievales!🤴👸🧔👳♂️
A ghost town??🙇♂️🧭/Una ciudad fantasma??🚵♀️🚩

This is the golden rule of badajoz, at noon all businesses close and people go to sleep, some businesses open later at 2:00 p.m. and others do not open anymore! During the week the city is desolate and you don't see people in the streets, strange, right? The truth is that visiting Badajoz is recommended to do it on the weekend when everything is open! Believe me it's an odyssey to find a place to have lunch xD, I've NEVER seen anything like it!😅😅
Esta es la regla de oro de badajoz, al llegar el medio dia todo los negocios cierran y las personas van a dormir, algunos negocios abre luego a las 14:00 y otros no abren mas! entre semana la ciudad esta desolada y no ves personas en las calles, extraño no?, lo cierto es que visitar Badajoz es recomendado hacerlo fin de semana que todo abre! creeme es una odisea conseguir un sitio para almorzar xD, NUNCA habia visto algo asi!😏⛔💯✅
"Ermita de la soledad"🙇♂️🧭/"Ermita de la soledad"🚵♀️🚩

This small church is close to the "Plaza Alta" and it is not very old, it was built in the 18th century, but it is worth visiting. Its exterior structure is beautiful, and inside, despite being small, you can take some good photos! although in 1470 a cofadria had been built, it is worth the visit!🚩💒
Esta pequeña iglesia esta proxima de la "Plaza alta" y no es muy antigua, fue construida en el siglo XVIII, pero vale la pena visitarla su estructura exterior es hermosa, y por dentro apesar de ser pequeña puedes tirar unas buenas fotos! se cree que en 1470 se habia construido una "cofadria", vale la pena la visita!🤩🤩
In the city center🙇♂️🧭/En el centro de la ciudad🚵♀️🚩

Do you see what I mean? there are very few tourists in the streets and that we are in summer! however, I like it because you walk calmly, it is not a dangerous place! the only annoying thing is the sun but you get used to it! the streets are narrow, colorful and full of many businesses!🤩🏰🏯
Ves a lo que me refiero? hay muy pocos turistas en las calles y eso que estamos en verano! sin embargo a mi me gusta porque caminas tranquilamente, no es un sitio peligroso! lo unico molesto es el sol pero te acostumbras! las calles son angostas, coloridas y llena de muchos negocios!🏠🏡🏣
The "puerta de palmas"🙇♂️🧭/la puerta de palmas🚵♀️🚩

Despite being a simple construction there are almost 500 years of history here, it was built in "1550", its function was "defensive", and it was raised as a tribute to the victories of Spanish kings. There is a certain combination between Roman and Renaissance style!
Apesar de ser una simple construccion hay casi 500 años de historia aqui, fue construida en "1550", su funcion era "defensiva", y fue alzada como homenaje a las victorias de reyes españoles. Hay cierta combinacion entre estilo "romano y renacentista!"

We decided to make a quick stop to hydrate ourselves and continue our visit that ends here in a park in the center of the city! It was time to go have lunch!🍋🍉🍈
Decidimos hacer una parada rapida para hidratarnos y continuar nuestra visita que acaba aqui en un parque en el centro de la ciudad! era momento de ir almorzar!🍻🍻
Lunch time🙇♂️🧭/Hora del almuerzo🚵♀️🚩

It was the only place that we managed to open for lunch, I spent about 35 euros for lunch, it seemed cheap to me! I recommend the meat in Peruvian sauce! If you want to know the site I visited was: "Casa Rosendo". Here we relaxed, had some beers and were ready to return to Portugal!🏯🍻
Fue el unico sitio que conseguimos abierto para almorzar, gaste unos 35 euros en almuerzo, me parecio economico!, les recomiendo la carne en salsa peruana! si deseas saber el sitio que visite fue: "Casa Rosendo". Aqui nos relajamos tomamos unas cervezas y estabamos listo para regresar a Portugal!🥘🧆🍝
my score🙇♂️🧭/Mi puntuacion🚵♀️🚩

I will give Badajoz 3 stars out of 5 because there are many limitations in the city, it is one of those places where you go once because there is not much to visit! getting businesses open like restaurants is hard on weekdays! I couldn't even buy a souvenir :(, however I recommend visiting it!😮💥💥💥
A Badajoz le dare 3 estrellas de 5 porque hay muchas limitaciones en la ciudad, es uno de aquellos sitios donde vas una vez porque no hay mucho que visitar! conseguir negocios abiertos como restaurantes es dificil entre semana! ni pude comprar un souvenir :(, sin embargo recomiendo visitarla!🥉

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Wow the places shared are beautiful and nice in badajoz, thanks for sharing @oscurity
Hermoso lugar 😊
Si 😊 gracias por comentar
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I'm happy to see a new side of Spain as most of the people when they hear about this country they instantly associate it with Sagrada Familia and a few more places forgetting that it has a lot more to offer. Great post!
Daily Travel Digest #1647.
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Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Top 3 in Your post has been manually curated by the @pinmapple team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!What a journey you had taken us through the photos. Thanks for sharing this. Most times I see reasons to read posts I have learned so much.
I don't just love the golden rule but I love the idea behind such rules and it would keep the center decent and always attractive and weekend for relaxation is noted.
With all indication you had a wonderful day at the center.
It's very beautiful city