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RE: Chateau Šimák in Pezinok

in Worldmappinlast year

We love it and it's often much cheaper than staying at some hotel chains.

It would have been nice to see how their room looked. If it is as nice as the furnishings in the restaurants, then I don't even know why anyone would go to a boring hotel that costs more.

The place looks simple, yet elegant from the outside, and it gets more beautiful at night. The interior looks very classy, although the chairs with wool on them looked funny. But what really stole the show for me were the peacocks roaming around. They're not that common in the Philippines, and one usually has to go to a zoo to see one.


Oh, I didn't take any photos of the room as we made mess before I realized that I should have taken some photos 😁 But you can find them online.

They're not common in Slovakia either, so it was a special treat for us too 😊

Thank you for stopping by!